@inproceedings{CTT100925754, author = {SHIN-ICHI OKUYAMA and Eduard Hauska and Gao and Ayumi Katsuki and Koshiro Ogura}, title = {Conceptions of Complexity in Architecture through Contemporary Architects’ Design Theories (1), Comparison between Architects’ Design Theories and Thoughts on R.Venturi’s Discourse}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of AIJ in Kyoto 2023、F-2}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925755, author = {SHIN-ICHI OKUYAMA and Eduard Hauska and Gao and Ayumi Katsuki and Koshiro Ogura}, title = {Conceptions of Complexity in Architecture through Contemporary Architects’ Design Theories (2), Transition in Architectural Thought since 1966}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of AIJ in Kyoto 2023 F-2,}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925760, author = {SHIN-ICHI OKUYAMA and Gao and Eduard Hauska and Yifei Niu and Ayumi Katsuki and Nalan Gulbahce}, title = {City Image of Developed Station Areas in Tokyo through Foreign Visitors’ Reviews on Google Maps (1), Examining Station Areas through Photo and Analysis}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of AIJ in Kyoto 2023 F-2,}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925761, author = {SHIN-ICHI OKUYAMA and Gao and Nalan Gulbahce and Eduard Hauska and Yifei Niu and Ayumi Katsuki}, title = {City Image of Developed Station Areas in Tokyo through Foreign Visitors’ Reviews on Google Maps (2), A Comprehensive Evalution of City Image at Major Stations}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of AIJ in Kyoto 2023 F-2}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925762, author = {奥山信一 and 香月歩 and 張紫微 and HAUSKAEduard and GAOXiaohan and NIUYifei}, title = {中国の伝統的民居の増改築における建築家の時間に関する思考(1)、庭院式民居の増改築の設計主題}, booktitle = {2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集F-2}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925763, author = {奥山信一 and 香月歩 and 張紫微 and GAOXiaohan and HAUSKAEduard and NIUYifei}, title = {中国の伝統的民居の増改築における建築家の時間に関する思考(2)、庭院式民居の増改築の設計主題と実現手法からみる時間認識}, booktitle = {2023年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集F-2}, year = 2023, }