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A}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100471377, author = {佐伯淳}, title = {セラミックス薄膜の高温格子変化における基板及びバッファー層の影響}, journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100452099, author = {Takaya Akashi and Yuka Mizuno and Makoto Nanko and Toshio Maruyama and Atsushi Saiki and Kaori Tsukui and Jun Tanabe}, title = {Determination of Diffusion Coefficient of Nd3+ in NdCrO3 Based on Solid State Reaction}, journal = {Materials Transactions}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100471371, author = {Chun-Hua Chen and Naoki Wakiya and Astushi Saiki and Takanori Kiguchi and Kazuo Shinozaki and Nobuyasu Mizutan}, title = {Defects in heteroepitaxial CeO2/YSZ/Si(001) films by precise X-ray rocking curve distribution fitness}, journal = {Physica B}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458739, author = {Takayuki Watanabe and Atsushi Saiki and Keisuke Saito and Hiroshi Funakubo}, title = {Film thickness dependence of ferroelectric properties of c-axis-oriented epitaxial Bi4Ti3O12 thin films prepared by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition}, journal = { J. Applied Physics,}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458738, author = {Atsushi Saiki and Naoki Wakiya and Kazuo Shinozaki and Nobuyasu Mizutani}, title = {Improved Measurement Method for Spatial Orientation of Thin Film Distorted by the Substrate}, journal = {Abstract of the 4th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458737, author = {Chun-Hua Chen and Naoki Wakiya and Atsushi Saiki and Kazuo Shinozaki and Nobuyasu Mizutani}, title = {Effects of residual stress on mosaic dispersion of nano-heteroepitaxial CeO2/YSZ/Si(001) films by high resolution Xray diffraction}, journal = {日本セラミック協会2001年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100452100, author = {佐伯 淳 and 篠崎和夫 and 水谷惟恭}, title = {薄膜の基盤による配向方位微細変動の理解のための空間的配向方位測定法}, journal = {日本セラミックス協会 2001年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100444722, author = {Chun-Hua Chen and Atsushi Saiki and Naoki Wakiya and Kazuo Shinozaki and Nobuyasu Mizutani}, title = {Influence of ultra-thin YSZ layer on heteroepitaxial CeO2/YSZ/Si(001) films analyzed by X-ray reciprocal space map}, journal = {J.of Crystal Growth}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100431926, author = {Hiroshi UCHIDA and Atsushi SAIKI and Naoki WAKIYA and Kazuo SHINOZAKI and Nobuyasu MIZUTANI}, title = {Effect of the resideal stress induced by external stress application on dielectric properoties of epitaxial lead titanate film}, journal = { J.Ceram.Soc.Japan}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445088, author = {Kazuo Shinozaki and Ayanori Endo and Akinori Iwasaki and Atsushi Saiki and Naoki Wakiya and Nobuyasu Mizutani}, title = {Controlling the Residual Stress in PZT Thin Film by Introducing Differernt Buffer Layers}, journal = {Extended Abstracts of The 1st Asian Meeting on Electroceramics and The 20th Electronics Division Meeting}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444732, author = {陳 軍華 and 脇谷尚樹 and 佐伯 淳 and 篠崎和夫 and 水谷惟恭}, title = {Relationship between YSZ Thicness and Dislocation Densities of both YSZ and CeO2 Layers in Heteroepitaxial CeO2/YSZ/Si(001) Films Determined by X-ray Rocking Curves Fitness}, journal = {日本セラミック協会第16回関東支部研究発表会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444731, author = {佐伯 淳 and 篠崎和夫 and 水谷惟恭}, title = {応力を印加して成膜したジルコニア薄膜における配向方位分布と残留歪}, journal = {日本セラミック協会2000年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444730, author = {渡辺隆之 and 石川勝之 and 佐伯 淳 and 斉藤啓介 and 舟窪 浩}, title = {エピタキシャル成長Bi4Ti3O12薄膜のMOCVD合成と電気的特性評価(2)非c軸配向}, journal = {春季応用物理学会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444729, author = {渡辺隆之 and 佐伯 淳 and 斉藤啓介 and 舟窪 浩}, title = {エピタキシャル成長Bi4Ti3O12薄膜のMOCVD合成と電気的特性評価(1)c軸配向}, journal = {春季応用物理学会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444728, author = {石川勝之 and 佐伯 淳 and 斉藤啓介 and 水平 学 and 舟窪 浩}, title = {c軸配向エピタキシャルBi2VO5.5薄膜のMOCVD合成とその評価}, journal = {春季応用物理学会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444727, author = {石川勝之 and 舟窪 浩 and 東典行 and 佐伯 淳 and 水平 学 and 斉藤啓介}, title = {c軸配向Bi2WO6薄膜のMOCVD合成とその電気特性}, journal = {春季応用物理学会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444721, author = {Hiroshi UCHIDA and Atsushi SAIKI and Naoki WAKIYA and Kazuo SHINOZAKI and Nobuyasu MIZUTANI}, title = {Effect of the resideal stress induced by external stress application on dielectric properoties of epitaxial lead titanate film}, journal = {J.Ceram.Soc.Japan}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100431977, author = {舟窪浩 and 石川勝之 and 額賀紀全 and 斉藤啓介 and 佐伯淳 and 鈴木利昌 and 西湯二 and 藤本正之}, title = { エピタキシャル成長SrBi2Ta2O9薄膜のMOCVD合成とその電気的特性}, journal = {第38回セラミックス基礎科学討論会講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444726, author = {H.Funakubo and K.Ishikawa and N/Nukaga and K.Saito and A.Saiki and T.Suzuki and Y.Nishi and M.Fujimoto}, title = {エピタキシャル成長SrBi2Ta2O9薄膜のMOCVD合成とその電気的特性}, journal = {第38回セラミックス基礎科学討論会講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444725, author = {A.Endo and A.Iwasaki and N.Wakiya and A.Saiki and K.Shinozaki and N.Mizutani}, title = {Preparation and Properties of PbTiO3-PbZrO3 Thin Films by Pulsed MO-Source CVD Method}, journal = {Key Engineering Materials (Electroceramics in Japan III)}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444724, author = {C.-Hua Chen and N.Wakiya and A.Saiki and K.Shinozaki and N.Mizutani}, title = {Thickness and Roughness Analysis on YSZ/Si(001) Epitaxial Films with Ultra Thin SiO2 Interface by X-Ray Reflectivity}, journal = {Key Engineering Materials (Electroceramics in Japan III)}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100444723, author = {Hiroshi Uchida and Atsushi Saiki and Naoki Wakiya and Kazuo Shinozaki and Nobuyasu Mizutani}, title = {Effect of the Residual Stress Induced by External Stress Application on Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Lead Titanate Film}, journal = {J. 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Mater. Res.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100431925, author = {Hiroshi UCHIDA and Takanori KIGUCHI and Atsushi SAIKI and Naoki WAKIYA and Nobuo    ISHIZAWA and Kazuo SHINOZAKI and Nobuyasu MIZUTANI}, title = {Measurement technique for the evaluation of residual stress in epitaxial thin film by asymmetric x-ray diffraction}, journal = {J.Ceram.Soc.Japan,}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100431971, author = {舟窪 浩 and 石川勝之 and 額賀紀全 and 斉藤啓介 and 佐伯 淳}, title = {Sr-­Bi-­Ta-­Oエピタキシャル薄膜のMOCVD合成とその結晶構造}, journal = {第37回セラミックス基礎科学討論会講演要旨集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100431917, author = {K.Mukae and N.Mizutani and A.Saiki and X.Li and J.Nowotny and Z.Zhang and T.Bak and C.C.Sorrell}, title = {Effect of surface preparation of zirconia on its reactivity with oxygen}, journal = {J.Aust.Ceramic Soc.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100431915, author = {佐伯 淳 and 藤井義博 and 桜井 修 and 脇谷尚樹 and 篠崎和夫 and 水谷惟恭}, title = {超音波噴霧ICPフラッシュ蒸着法による異種組成ジルコニア薄膜の積層化}, journal = {J.Ceram.Soc.Japan}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100431916, author = {桜井 修 and 添田 将 and 佐伯 淳 and 篠崎和夫 and 水谷惟恭}, title = {半導性SrTiO3単結晶接合界面の微構造と酸化還元処理によるI-V特性の変化}, journal = {J. 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