@book{CTT100758947, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則}, title = {刺激入力前・反応出力(第7章, p75-80)}, publisher = {北大路書房}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100882333, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contralateral effects of anticipated stimuli on brain activity measured by ERP and fMRI}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100843504, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Voice, rhythm, and beep stimuli differently affect the right hemisphere preponderance and components of stimulus-preceding negativity}, journal = {Biological Psychology}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100843506, author = {Nobukiyo Yoshida and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Akira Kunimatsu and Yusuke Inoue and Shigeru Kiryu and Yukinori Okada}, title = {Effects of negativity bias on amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex activity in short and long emotional stimulation paradigms}, journal = {NeuroReport}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100735774, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipation process of the human brain measured by stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN)}, journal = {Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100695489, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Takayuki Ishiwata and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Source analysis of stimulus-preceding negativity constrained by functional magnetic resonance imaging}, journal = {Biological Psychology}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100673444, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Junichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Facial, verbal, and symbolic stimuli differently affect the right hemisphere preponderance of stimulus-preceding negativity}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100632204, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Motor and nonmotor component of event-brain potential in preparation of motor response}, journal = {Journal of Behavioral and Brain Seicence}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100632201, author = {Cornelis H.M. Brunia and Steven A. Hackley and Geert J.M. van Boxtel and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami}, title = {Waiting to perceive: Reward or punishment?}, journal = {Clinical Neurophysiology}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100587110, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Yumiko Kuramoto and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The role of the right anterior insular cortex in the right hemisphere preponderance of stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): an fMRI study}, journal = {Neuroscience Letters}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100743687, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Kazufumi Omura and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Effects of monetary reward and punishment on stimulus-preceding negativity}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100528900, author = {Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Kazufumi Omura and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Activation of insular cortex and subcortical regions related to feedback stimuli in a time estimation task: An fMRI study}, journal = {Neuroscience Letters}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100556361, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Shiho Hiraku and Yasutsugu Aihara and Motonobu Ishii}, title = {Effects of reward and stimulus modality on stimulus-preceding negativity}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100743694, author = {Kazufumi Omura and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Manabu Minami and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Different mechanisms involved in interhemispheric transfer of visuomotor information}, journal = {Neuroreport}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100743704, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 井上優介 and 中山実 and 相原康二}, title = {情動価が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に及ぼす影響 -fMRI分析を用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100494981, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 吉川宏起 and 石井源信 and 相原康二}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に関連する研究(2)-dipole分析を用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100494982, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 吉川宏起 and 石井源信 and 相原康二}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に関連する研究(1)-fMRI分析を用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100495003, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 吉川宏起 and 石井源信 and 相原 康二}, title = {Feedback情報と「やる気」について―機能的磁気共鳴画像(fMRI)から見たFeedback情報による脳活動―}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第30回記念大会研究発表抄録}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100495015, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 石井源信}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位に対する刺激様式と報酬の効果}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100743703, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 平工志穂 and 石井源信}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位に対する刺激様式と報酬の影響-ダイポール分析による検討-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100924226, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Hajime Kageyama and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Saliency of Instructive Stimulus Affects the Activation of the Anterior Insula}, booktitle = {Poster Schedule for Website Final 2024}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100924227, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Hajime Kageyama and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Enhanced Activation in the Left Anterior Insula Induced by Reward Cues}, booktitle = {Poster Schedule for Website Final 2024}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100924229, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 影山 肇 and 吉田宜清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {報酬情報処理のタイミングを示す島皮質の右脳優位性の消失}, booktitle = {生理心理と精神生理学}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100924228, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 影山 肇 and 吉田宜清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {教示刺激の顕著性がもたらす前部島皮質の右脳優位}, booktitle = {生理心理と精神生理学}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100903948, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Differences in activation patterns of the anterior insula between switching and feedback stimuli with reward information}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903949, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anterior insula affects the right hemisphere preponderance of stimulus-preceding negativity: Correlation analysis}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903951, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The event-related potential correlated with the right-hemisphere dominance of the anterior insula}, booktitle = {Abstract Book}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903950, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Activation of the anterior insula evoked by switching and feedback stimuli}, booktitle = {Abstract Book}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903947, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 吉田宜清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {Switching刺激とFeedback刺激による前部島皮質の活動差}, booktitle = {生理心理と精神生理学}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903946, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宜清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {前部島皮質の右半球優位性と相関する刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)}, booktitle = {生理心理と精神生理学}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100884543, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宜清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {片側刺激予期が与える左右脳半球差への効果:脳波及びfMRIによる測定}, booktitle = {大会抄録集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100884561, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The unilateral feedback stimulus affects the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) and the anterior insula: ERP and fMRI studies}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100884546, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Different activation pattern between the left and right anterior insula evoked by switching stimuli with reward information}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100880663, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipatory attention to hemi-space affects the right hemisphere preponderance of stimulus-preceding negativity and the anterior insula: ERP and fMRI studies}, booktitle = {Poster Schedule for Website Final 2022}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100880664, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Dissociation of the left and right anterior insula in switching function}, booktitle = {Poster Schedule for Website Final 2022}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100880665, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宣清 and 赤井宏行 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {片側刺激による対側優位性が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)と前部島皮質に及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {合同大会2022プログラム}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100880666, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 吉田宣清 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {脳ネットワーク切り替え機能における左右前部島皮質の機能的差異}, booktitle = {合同大会2022プログラム}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100864923, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Stimulus modality and contents differently affect SPN cortical distributions and components}, booktitle = {sychophysiology}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864735, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akai and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Principal Component Analysis of Subtracted SPN before auditory stimuli}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864734, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The Two-component Structure of Cortical Slow Waves in Anticipation of Auditory Stimuli}, booktitle = {Abstract Listings}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864733, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Hemifield Auditory Stimulation and the Right Hemisphere Dominance of Stimulus-Preceding Negativity}, booktitle = {Abstract Listings}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100833535, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Information Flow of the Right Anterior Insula Revealed by fMRI-Constrained EEG Source Analysis}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833536, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Yoshimi Ohgami and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The Effect of Task Length on Functional Connectivity of the Amygdala in a Picture Viewing Task}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100834416, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 清水 俊行 and ギョルゲ ルチアン}, title = {脳波事象関連電位(P3)による監視行動の評価 -自動運転監視におけるドライバの脳活動指標開発に向けて-}, booktitle = {2020年自動車技術会秋季学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833544, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Yoshimi Ohgami and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Functional Connectivity of Amygdala in a Simple and Short Picture Viewing Task}, booktitle = {Abstract Listings}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833548, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Connectivity Dynamics of the Right Anterior Insula Revealed by EEG Source Analysis}, booktitle = {Abstract Listings}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833534, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 松原 聡 and 平山 喬弘 and 橋詰 英希 and 新井潤一郎 and 後藤尚志}, title = {顔面の赤みを利用した非接触脳活動センシング法の開発}, booktitle = {第38回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833530, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宜清 and 國松聡 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {音声刺激の予期は刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の前期成分を賦活させる}, booktitle = {第38回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100807011, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Connectivity dynamics between the right anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex during anticipation of interoceptive response}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100807010, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Activation in the amygdala in a simple and short picture viewing task for clinical application}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100807008, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue.}, title = {Activation in the amygdala in a simple and short picture viewing task}, booktitle = {Abstract Book}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100807009, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue.}, title = {Connectivity dynamics between the right anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex}, booktitle = {Abstract Book}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100807013, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 吉田宣清 and 國松 聡 and 桐生 茂 and 井上 優介}, title = {単純な視覚刺激呈示課題における扁桃体の賦活}, booktitle = {第37回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム・予稿集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100807012, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宣清 and 國松 聡 and 桐生 茂 and 井上 優介}, title = {右前部島皮質と前部帯状皮質における結合性の時間変化}, booktitle = {第37回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム・予稿集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100785389, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Neural substrates of early and late SPN before face, word and symbol stimuli}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100785388, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Different roles of left and right anterior insula in anticipation of behavioral information and reward information}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100785390, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Functional dissociation of left and right anterior insula in anticipation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100785391, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Akira Kunimatsu and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {fMRI constrained source analysis on stimulus-preceding negativity before face, word and symbol}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100768041, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 吉田宣清 and 國松 聡 and 桐生 茂 and 井上 優介}, title = {顕著性および行動適応に関する前部島皮質の機能的左右差}, booktitle = {第36回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム・予稿集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100768043, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宣清 and 國松 聡 and 桐生 茂 and 井上 優介}, title = {fMRI制限ソース分析によるSPN前期成分と後期成分の発生源の同定}, booktitle = {第36回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム・予稿集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100759945, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美}, title = {顔面皮膚温および顔面映像から脳活動を推定する ―非接触脳活動センシング技術の構築―}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758944, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Components of Stimulus-preceding negativity prior to voice, beep, and rhythmic sound}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758945, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contents of auditory stimulus affect brain regions involved in anticipation: An fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758960, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Hemispheric difference in anticipation process of voice, beep, and rhythmic sound,}, booktitle = {Posters for web}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758956, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipation process for voice is faster than anticipation process for rhythmic sound}, booktitle = {Posters for web}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100743677, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美}, title = {顔面皮膚温および顔面画像を用いた非接触脳活動センシング技術の構築}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100743675, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宣清 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {聴覚刺激による刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の前期成分と後期成分}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100735778, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美}, title = {「こうしろ」よりも「こうだった」の方が脳活動 を高める ―脳活動への教示情報とフィードバック情報の効果―}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第43回大会研究発表抄録集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100735777, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Stimulus-preceding negativity prior to voice, beep, and rhythmic sound}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100735776, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Nobukiyo Yoshida and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Activation in the right anterior insular cortex in anticipation of reward information}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712835, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipation and insular cortex: ERP and fMRI studies}, booktitle = {Symposium Program}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712816, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Emotion evokes anticipation: Event-related potential and fMRI studies}, booktitle = {Scientific Program Book, Invited Addresses IA27-03 Cognitive}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712811, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effect of modality of auditory stimulus on stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712801, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effect of reward information on right anterior insular cortex in anticipation of instruction}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712822, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {fMRIと事象関連電位から見た右前部島皮質の時間的活動}, booktitle = {第34回日本生理心理学会大会プログラム・予稿集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100712829, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉田宜清 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {音声・メロディ音・ビープ音の予期と関連する刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100704255, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美}, title = {過度な感情は注意システムの働きを阻害する –感情と脳注意システムの関係-}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第42回大会研究発表抄録集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100697421, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Neural substrates of early and late stimulus-preceding negativity: fMRI-constrained ERP source analysis (poster version)}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100697420, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Neural substrates of early and late stimulus-preceding negativity: fMRI-constrained ERP source analysis (symposium version)}, booktitle = {PPsychophysiology}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100697422, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effect of unilateral stimulus presentation on components of stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100695490, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Junichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipation process is faster for facial stimulus than for word and symbolic stimuli: fMRI con-strained source analysis on stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100695491, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Junichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Spatial components of stimulus-preceding negativity prior to unilateral stimulus presentation}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100695493, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {片側刺激呈示と関連する刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の空間成分}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100695492, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {顔刺激予期は記号刺激予期よりも早く処理される -fMRI制約付きダイポール分析-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100681362, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {fMRI constrained source analysis on stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100681360, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Physiological sources of stimulus-preceding negativity: source analysis using fMRI and ERP}, booktitle = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100681361, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Early and late components of stimulus-preceding negativity prior to face, word, and symbol stimuli}, booktitle = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100681363, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Components of stimulus-preceding negativity before face, word, and symbol Stimuli}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100681364, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Kazunobu Fukuhara and Kohei Shimamoto and Hirofumi Ida and Motonobu Ishii}, title = {Error evokes greater brain activity than success}, booktitle = {Program Book}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673452, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {顔・言語・記号刺激予期と関連する刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の成分}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673450, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Junichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {fMRI constrained source analysis on event-related potential in anticipation process}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673453, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {fMRIを用いた刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の電流双極子推定}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673445, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Junichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Components of event-related potential preceding face, word, and symbol stimuli}, booktitle = {Poster Listing Book}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100665108, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 福原和伸 and 島本好平 and 井田博史 and 石井源信}, title = {「失敗した手応え」は「成功した手応え」よりも大きな脳活動を生じさせる}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第40回大会研究発表抄録集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100665106, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Activity in the insular cortex involved in anticipation of positive and negative feedback stimuli}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100665107, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Network involving the right anterior insular cortex depends n the contents of anticipated visual stimuli}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100659723, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Brain activations in anticipatory attention prior to face, word, and symbol stimuli}, booktitle = {2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Abstract Book}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100659722, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effect of unilateral stimulus presentation on neural systems of anterior insular cortex}, booktitle = {2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Abstract Book}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100659749, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の右半球優位に対する顔・言語・記号刺激の影響}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100659748, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 新井潤一郎 and 桐生茂 and 井上優介}, title = {主観的情動と相関する右前部島皮質の活動}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100646997, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Neural systems of anterior insular cortex involved in anticipation of unilateral stimulus presentation}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100646977, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipatory attention prior to face, word, and symbolic stimuli: An fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100646999, author = {Yoshiyuki Tokuda and Yasunori Kotani and Kazunobu Fukuhara and Yoshimi Ohgami and Hirofumi Ida and Motonobu Ishii}, title = {Effect of graphic modality of human model on antcipatory behavior in tenns}, booktitle = {Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100641925, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Right anterior insular cortex modulates anticipatory attention network via anterior cingulate cortex}, booktitle = {The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology Final Program with Abstracts}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100659724, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Anticipatory Attention for Facial, Verbal, and Symbolic Feedback Stimuli: An ERP Study}, booktitle = {The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology Final Program with Abstracts}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100618882, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 高橋まどか and 福原和伸 and 島本好平 and 井田博史 and 石井源信}, title = {右前部島皮質がつなぐ注意と情動の脳内ネットワーク}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第37回大会研究発表抄録集2011}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100813060, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Itagaki, Shun and Arai, Jun-Ichiro and Kiryu, Shigeru and Inoue, Yusuke}, title = {STIMULUS-PRECEDING NEGATIVITY (SPN) PRIOR TO FACIAL, VERBAL, AND SYMBOLIC FEEDBACK STIMULI}, booktitle = {PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100632207, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The right anterior insula activations irrespective of stimulus modality and laterality}, booktitle = {17th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100632206, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The Effect of Task Difficulty on Effective Connectivity of Right Anterior Insular Cortex, 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100632205, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Jun-ichiro Arai and Shigeru Kiryu and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effect of task difficulty on neural systems of right anterior insular cortex, Psychophysiology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100615726, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Effective connectivity of the right anterior insular cortex in anticipation of feedback stimulus}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100615727, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) prior to unilateral visual feedback stimulus: a combined EEG/fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100615728, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contribution of the right insula and the right frontal operculum to the EEG potential reflecting emotional anticipation}, booktitle = {Clinical Neurophysiology}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100609597, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Combined EEG and fMRI studies of stimulus preceding negativity prior to visual feedback stimuli}, booktitle = {16th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Abstract Book}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100609596, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Psycho-physiological interactions of the right anterior Insular cortex in anticipation of feedback}, booktitle = {16th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Abstract Book}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100607712, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 吉弘達矢 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)における島皮質と弁蓋の機能的差異}, booktitle = {第39回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会発表論文抄録集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100743691, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 吉弘達矢 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介}, title = {片側刺激の刺激先行陰性電位SPNへの影響:fMRIによる検討}, booktitle = {第39回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会発表論文抄録集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100607696, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The right hemisphere preponderance during expectation of feedback information as reward}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100618857, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Ohgami Yoshimi and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The right hemisphere preponderance during expectation of feedback information as reward, Symposium #2.2, Reward Expectation}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100618859, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contralateral effect of auditory and visual stimuli on the event-related potential: an fMRI study}, booktitle = {NeuroImage}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100626672, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yumiko Kuramoto and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The functional difference between the right insula and the right operculum preceding feedback stimuli about task performance}, booktitle = {NeuroImage}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100586709, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yumiko Kuramoto and Tsukamoto Testuji and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Yoshimi Ohgami and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of task difficulty on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): fMRI and ERP studies}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100608069, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {Perceptual and Emotional anticipation: EEG and fMRI studies using a time estimation task}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100586703, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contralateral effect of unilateral feedback stimulus on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): Insights from an fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100586711, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Junichiro Arai and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Activation of the insular cortex during anticipation of feedback stimuli about difficult timing performance}, booktitle = {NeuroImage}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100608070, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of reward and punishment on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): fMRI and ERP Studies}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100586706, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Tsukamoto Testuji and Junichiro Arai and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The contralateral effect of auditory and visual stimuli on the event-related potential}, booktitle = {NeuroImage}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100556399, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Testuji Tsukamoto and Junichiro Arai and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of task difficulty on the stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556405, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介}, title = {課題の難易度が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に及ぼす研究}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556404, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に対する片側刺激の影響}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556398, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tatsuya Yoshihiro and Testuji Tsukamoto and Yasutsugu Aihara and Junichiro Arai and Yusuke Inoue}, title = {The effect of stimulus properties on the stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100528911, author = {小谷泰則 and 高橋憲司 and 倉本裕美子 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介 and 石井源信}, title = {機能的磁気共鳴画像法(fMRI)から見たスキー滑走イメージ想起中の脳活動}, booktitle = {日本スポーツ心理学会第33回大会研究発表抄録集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100528910, author = {倉本裕美子 and 小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 中山実 and 井上優介}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)における刺激確率の影響}, booktitle = {臨床神経生理学}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100743696, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Minoru Nakayama and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of anticipation level on the stimulus-preceding negativity: an event-related fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100743695, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Testuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {Source coherence analysis: The effect of reward and stimulus modality on the stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100743668, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 中山実 and 井上優介}, title = {Event-related fMRIを用いた刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に関する研究}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100556406, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介 and 中山実}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に対する刺激様式の影響−コヒーレンス解析を用いて−}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100743700, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {The effect of personality traits on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): An ERP study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100743701, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Yusuke Inoue and Minoru Nakayama and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of personality traits on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): A fMRI study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100400404, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介 and 相原康二}, title = {予期には情動が必要だ -刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)と情動予期-}, booktitle = {日本心理学会第69回大会発表論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100556411, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 中山実 and 井上優介}, title = {性格特性が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に及ぼす影響 –fMRIを用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100556408, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介 and 中山実}, title = {性格特性と刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の関係について}, booktitle = {臨床神経生理学}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100556409, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 井上優介 and 中山実}, title = {fMRIからみた性格特性が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {臨床神経生理学}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100556410, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 井上優介 and 中山実}, title = {性格特性が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に及ぼす影響 –ERPを用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100743697, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Kazufumi Omura and Yusuke Inoue and Yasutsugu Aihara and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {The effect of reward and punishment on the stimulus-preceding negativity: an ERP study}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100743698, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Kazufumi Omura and Yusuke Inoue and Minoru Nakayama and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {The effect of reward and punishment on the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN): fMRI and ERP studies}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100501158, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 井上優介}, title = {fMRIデータを事象関連電位にどう使うか 日本心理学会ワークショップ 事象関連電位をどう使うか -若手研究者からの提言(1)-}, booktitle = {日本心理学会第68回大会発表論文集}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100743699, author = {Testuji Tsukamoto and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Kazufumi Omura and Kohki Yoshikawa and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging during Time Estimation Task with Feedback Stimuli}, booktitle = {12th Annual Meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100743662, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 塚元鉄二 and 大村一史 and 井上優介 and 相原康二 and 中山実}, title = {情動価が刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の発生源に及ぼす影響 -ダイポール分析を用いて-}, booktitle = {生理心理学と精神生理学}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100502781, author = {Kazufumi Omura and Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Koki Yoshikawa}, title = {Neural correlates of phoneme-to-grapheme conversion: An fMRI study on writing to dictation and repetition,}, booktitle = {Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Francisco}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100743488, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Kazufumi Omura and Koki Yoshikawa and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Functional MRI study of the stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN)}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100743478, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Tetsuji Tsukamoto and Koki Yoshikawa and Yasutsugu Aihara and Kazufumi Omura and Minoru Nakayama}, title = {The dipole modeling of the stimulus-preceding negativity based on fMRI results}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100743476, author = {大上淑美 and 小谷泰則 and 石井源信}, title = {刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に対する刺激様式と報酬の効果 -Spatiotemporal Dipole Modelによる検討-}, booktitle = {第32回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会発表論文抄録集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100743702, author = {Yasunori Kotani and Yoshimi Ohgami and Motonobu Ishii and Shiho Hiraku and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Effect of reward and stimulus modality on the spatiotemporal dipole model of the stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100743479, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami and Yasunori Kotani and Motonobu Ishii and Yasutsugu Aihara}, title = {Effect of reward and stimulus modality on the stimulus-preceding negativity}, booktitle = {Psychophysiology}, year = 2002, } @misc{CTT100595159, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami}, title = {Psychophysiological study on the functional significance of the stimulus-preceding negativity (刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の機能的意義に関する研究)}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100595938, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami}, title = {The effect of reward and stimulus modality on the stimulus-preceding negativity (刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に対する報酬と刺激様式の効果)}, year = 2002, } @misc{CTT100917011, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 天本 奈々子 and 宝来 淳史 and 清水 俊行}, title = {運転者注意度制御方法及び運転者注意度制御装置}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {特願2022-146025(2022/09/14), 特開2024-041301(2024/03/27)} } @misc{CTT100900336, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 武田 信明  and 趙 俊秀 }, title = {不穏およびせん妄センシング装置並びに不穏およびせん妄センシング方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2022/036588(2022/09/29), WO 2023/054643(2023/04/06)} } @misc{CTT100915110, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 劉 権鋒  and 宝来 淳史   and 清水 俊行 }, title = {注意状態推定方法、オペレータ支援方法及び注意状態推定装置}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {特願2022-126783(2022/08/09), 特開2024-024159(2024/02/22)} } @misc{CTT100900359, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 武田 信明 and 趙 俊秀}, title = {不穏およびせん妄センシング装置並びに不穏およびせん妄センシング方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2021-161947(2021/09/30), 特開2023-051344(2023/04/11)} } @misc{CTT100894457, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 劉 権鋒  and 宝来 淳史 and 清水 俊行 }, title = {没入度合い判定方法及び没入度合い判定装置}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2021-139855(2021/08/30), 特開2023-033905(2023/03/13)} } @misc{CTT100882397, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and ギョルゲ・ルチアン and 清水 俊行 and 松下 詩穂}, title = {ユーザ状態判定装置、ユーザ状態判定方法、プログラム、コンピュータ、および、ユーザ状態判定装置作成方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2022, month = {}, note = {特願2020-208799(2020/12/16), 特開2022-095462(2022/06/28)} } @misc{CTT100770021, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志  and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {評価装置、マーケット調査装置、及び学習評価装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2021, month = {}, note = {特願2017-210482(2017/10/31), 特開2018-033996(2018/03/08), 特許第6829363号(2021/01/26)} } @misc{CTT100761471, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {判定結果出力装置、判定結果提供装置、及び判定結果出力システム}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2017-157408(2017/08/17), 特開2017-221709(2017/12/21)} } @misc{CTT100759967, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {運転者状態判定装置及び運転者状態判定方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2017-157482(2017/08/17), 特開2017-200632(2017/11/09)} } @misc{CTT100759959, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {脳活動推定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2022, month = {}, note = {特願2017-150008(2017/08/02), 特開2017-209516(2017/11/30), 特許第7111450号(2022/07/25)} } @misc{CTT100789754, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 松原 聡  and 平山 喬弘 and 橋詰 英希 and 橋本 亜里奈}, title = {生理状態判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2020, month = {}, note = {特願2017-080917(2017/04/14), 特開2018-175507(2018/11/15), 特許第6749278号(2020/08/13)} } @misc{CTT100756301, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {判定結果出力装置、判定結果提供装置、及び判定結果出力システム}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2017-037063(2017/02/28), 特開2017-153963(2017/09/07)} } @misc{CTT100748974, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {感情判定装置}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2017-026676(2017/02/16), 特開2017-086992(2017/05/25)} } @misc{CTT100757717, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 }, title = {疲労状態判定装置及び疲労状態判定方法}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2019, month = {}, note = {特願2017-037149(2017/02/28), 特開2017-153964(2017/09/07), 特許第6463392号(2019/01/11)} } @misc{CTT100772055, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 戸松 太郎 and 松原 聡 and 平山 喬弘 and 橋詰 英希  and 後藤 尚志 and 新井 潤一郎 and 永島 秀樹 and 谷島 伸二 and 植木 賢  and 増田 紳哉}, title = {心因性疾患判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2021, month = {}, note = {特願2016-240739(2016/12/12), 特開2018-094031(2018/06/21), 特許第6842657号(2021/02/25)} } @misc{CTT100772058, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 戸松 太郎 and 新井 潤一郎  and 松原 聡  and 平山 喬弘  and 橋詰 英希  and 後藤 尚志  and 清水 英治  and 山崎 章  and 小谷 昌広  and 山口 耕介  and 井岸 正  and 植木 賢  and 増田 紳哉 }, title = {疼痛判定装置及び薬剤効果判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2021, month = {}, note = {特願2016-240738(2016/12/12), 特開2018-094030(2018/06/21), 特許第6886139号(2021/05/18)} } @misc{CTT100772062, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 戸松 太郎 and 兼子 幸一  and 横山 勝利   and 松村 博史  and 朴 盛弘 and 板倉 征史 and 大立 博昭  and 植木 賢   and 増田 紳哉   and 松原 聡    and 平山 喬弘   and 橋詰 英希   and 後藤 尚志  and 新井 潤一郎 }, title = {精神疾患判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2018, month = {}, note = {特願2016-240737(2016/12/12), 特開2018-094029(2018/06/21), 特許第6371366号(2018/07/20)} } @misc{CTT100772057, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 戸松 太郎 and 新井 潤一郎 and 松原 聡  and 平山 喬弘  and 橋詰 英希 and 後藤 尚志  and 植木 賢  and 上原 一剛  and 増田 紳哉 and 磯本 一  and 藤井 政至  and 河口 剛一郎 }, title = {不快判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2021, month = {}, note = {特願2016-240740(2016/12/12), 特開2018-094032(2018/06/21), 特許第6886140号(2021/05/18)} } @misc{CTT100746406, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {評価装置、マーケット調査装置、及び学習評価装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2016-203572(2016/10/17), 特開2017-074378(2017/04/20), 特許第6240289号(2017/11/10)} } @misc{CTT100757699, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎  and 後藤 尚志  and 岩亀 誠  and 日野 健一  and 平野 智也 and 平山 喬弘 }, title = {生理状態判定装置及び生理状態判定方法}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2019, month = {}, note = {特願2016-203927(2016/10/17), 特開2017-153938(2017/09/07), 特許第6503327号(2019/03/29)} } @misc{CTT100756300, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {運転者状態判定装置及び運転者状態判定方法}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2016-203571(2016/10/17), 特開2017-153936(2017/09/07), 特許第6196361号(2017/08/25)} } @misc{CTT100735114, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {脳活動推定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2019, month = {}, note = {特願2016-148339(2016/07/28), 特開2016-182504(2016/10/20), 特許第6473110号(2019/02/01)} } @misc{CTT100742145, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {脳活動推定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2016-116905(2016/06/13), 特開2017-000773(2017/01/05), 特許第6189486号(2017/08/10)} } @misc{CTT100742419, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {脳年齢提示装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2015-203358(2015/10/15), 特開2017-074215(2017/04/20), 特許第6093422号(2017/02/17)} } @misc{CTT100742420, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一  and 平野 智也}, title = {感情判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2015-203357(2015/10/15), 特開2017-074214(2017/04/20), 特許第6096857号(2017/02/24)} } @misc{CTT100746391, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {有用情報提示装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2015-203359(2015/10/15), 特開2017-074216(2017/04/20), 特許第6158887号(2017/06/16)} } @misc{CTT100746402, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎 and 後藤 尚志 and 岩亀 誠 and 日野 健一 and 平野 智也}, title = {皮膚状態推定装置およびその作動方法}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2015-203360(2015/10/15), 特開2017-074217(2017/04/20), 特許第6240134号(2017/11/10)} } @misc{CTT100710316, author = {小谷泰則 and 戸松 太郎 and 大上淑美 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {脳活動推定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2016, month = {}, note = {特願2014-177276(2014/09/01), 特開2016-049343(2016/04/11), 特許第5981506号(2016/08/05)} } @misc{CTT100632417, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美 and 朴 春成 and 新井 潤一郎}, title = {快適性判定装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2014, month = {}, note = {特願2010-031543(2010/02/16), 特開2011-167251(2011/09/01), 特許第5592664号(2014/08/08)} } @misc{CTT100573316, author = {小谷泰則 and 大上淑美}, title = {空気調和装置及び空気調和方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2008, month = {Sept.}, note = {特願2007-047859(2007/02/27), 特開2008-209077(2008/09/11)} } @misc{CTT100572971, author = {小谷泰則 and 石井源信 and 大上淑美 and 相原 康二 and 田中 英登 and 野本 茂樹 and 齋藤 武比斗}, title = {空気調和方法および空気調和装置}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2006, month = {Apr.}, note = {特願2004-298755(2004/10/13), 特開2006-112680(2006/04/27)} } @phdthesis{CTT100595159, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami}, title = {Psychophysiological study on the functional significance of the stimulus-preceding negativity (刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)の機能的意義に関する研究)}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2006, } @mastersthesis{CTT100595938, author = {Yoshimi Ohgami}, title = {The effect of reward and stimulus modality on the stimulus-preceding negativity (刺激先行陰性電位(SPN)に対する報酬と刺激様式の効果)}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2002, }