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Hiroaki Mametsuka and Kazuhide Koike and Toyoaki Tanabe and Masaoki Furue and Osamu Ishitani?}, title = {Architecture of Supramolecular Metal Complexes for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction: Ruthenium-Rhenium Bi- and Tetranuclear Complexes}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100539950, author = {Hideaki Tsubaki and Shigeki Tohyama and Kazuhide Koike and Hideki Saitoh and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Effect of intramolecular pai-pai and CH-pai interactions between ligands on structure, electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of fac-[Re(bpy)(CO)3(PR3)]+ (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine; PR3 = trialkyl or tr}, journal = {Dalton Transaction}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100878013, author = {Debashis Ghosh and David C. Fabry and Daiki Saito and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Photochemical H2 Evolution Using a Ru–Rh Supramolecular Photocatalyst}, journal = {Energy & Fuels}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878015, author = {Debashis Ghosh and David C. Fabry and Daiki Saito and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Photochemical H2 Evolution Using a Ru–Rh Supramolecular Photocatalyst}, journal = {Energy & Fuels}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878018, author = {Hiroyuki Takeda and Yu Monma and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Highly Functional Dinuclear CuI-Complex Photosensitizers for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction}, journal = {ACS Catalysis}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878024, author = {Yuushi Shimoda and Kiyoshi Miyata and Masataka Funaki and Takumi Ehara and Tatsuki Morimoto and Shunsuke Nozawa and Shin-ichi Adachi and Osamu Ishitani and Ken Onda}, title = {Determining Excited-State Structures and Photophysical Properties in Phenylphosphine Rhenium(I) Diimine Biscarbonyl Complexes Using Time-Resolved Infrared and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878020, author = {Akinobu Nakada and Hiromu Kumagai and Marc Robert and Osamu Ishitani and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Molecule/Semiconductor Hybrid Materials for Visible-Light CO2 Reduction: Design Principles and Interfacial Engineering}, journal = {Accounts of Materials Research}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878026, author = {Yasuomi Yamazaki and Jana Rohacova and Kazuhide Koike and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Synthesis and Light-Harvesting Functions of Ring-Shaped Re(I) Trinuclear Complexes Connected with an Emissive Ru(II) Complex}, journal = {JACS Au}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878035, author = {Ryutaro Kamata and Hiromu Kumagai and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Masanobu Higashi and Ryu Abe and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Durable photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction with water oxidation using a visible-light driven molecular photocathode}, journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry A}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878042, author = {Kei Kamogawa and Yuushi Shimoda and Kiyoshi Miyata and Ken Onda and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Yusuke Tamaki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Mechanistic study of photocatalytic CO2 reduction using a Ru(ii)–Re(i) supramolecular photocatalyst}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878045, author = {Fazalurahman Kuttassery and Hiromu Kumagai and Ryutaro Kamata and Yusuke Ebato and Masanobu Higashi and Hajime Suzuki and Ryu Abe and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Supramolecular photocatalysts fixed on the inside of the polypyrrole layer in dye sensitized molecular photocathodes: application to photocatalytic CO2 reduction coupled with water oxidation}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100878031, author = {Mari Irikura and Yusuke Tamaki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Development of a panchromatic photosensitizer and its application to photocatalytic CO2 reduction}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100877972, author = {Daiki Saito and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Yusuke Tamaki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Photocatalysis of a Dinuclear Ru(II)–Re(I) Complex for CO2 Reduction on a Solid Surface}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877879, author = {Min Iljae and Tamaki Yusuke and Ishitani Osamu and Serizawa Takeshi and Ito Yoshihiro and Uzawa Takanori}, title = {Effective Suppression of O2 Quenching of Photo-Excited Ruthenium Complex Using RNA Aptamer}, journal = {Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877973, author = {Kyohei Ozawa and Yusuke Tamaki and Kei Kamogawa and Kazuhide Koike and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Factors determining formation efficiencies of one-electron-reduced species of redox photosensitizers}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877976, author = {David C. Fabry and Hiroki Koizumi and Debashis Ghosh and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Hiroyuki Takeda and Yusuke Tamaki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {A Ru(II)–Mn(I) Supramolecular Photocatalyst for CO2 Reduction}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877977, author = {Bing Ma and Gui Chen and Claire Fave and Lingjing Chen and Ryo Kuriki and Kazuhiko Maeda and Osamu Ishitani and Tai-Chu Lau and Julien Bonin and Marc Robert}, title = {Efficient Visible-Light-Driven CO2 Reduction by a Cobalt Molecular Catalyst Covalently Linked to Mesoporous Carbon Nitride}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847402, author = {Puntoriero and Fausto; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Metal complexes and inorganic materials for solar fuel production}, journal = {DALTON TRANSACTIONS}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847405, author = {Ma and Bing; Chen and Gui; Fave and Claire; Chen and Lingjing; Kuriki and Ryo; Maeda and Kazuhiko; Ishitani and Osamu; Lau and Tai-Chu; Bonin and Julien; Robert and Marc and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Efficient Visible-Light-Driven CO2 Reduction by a Cobalt Molecular Catalyst Covalently Linked to Mesoporous Carbon Nitride}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847408, author = {Umemoto and Akinari; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Saito and Daiki; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of a Novel Re(I)-Ru(II)-Re(I) Trinuclear Complex as an Effective Photocatalyst for CO2 Reduction}, journal = {BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847407, author = {Cancelliere and Ambra M. M.; Puntoriero and Fausto; Serroni and Scolastica; Campagna and Sebastiano; Tamaki and Yusuke; Saito and Daiki; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Efficient trinuclear Ru(ii)-Re(i) supramolecular photocatalysts for CO2 reduction based on a new tris-chelating bridging ligand built around a central aromatic ring}, journal = {CHEMICAL SCIENCE}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847406, author = {Matsubara and Yasuo; Kosaka and Tatsumi; Nagasawa and Akira; Yoshida and Yukino; Sakuma and Ryuji; Masano and Nana; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Theoretical Insight into the Importance of a Carbamoyl Group in the Hydride Transfer from a Ruthenium Complex to a Pyridinium}, journal = {CHEMISTRY LETTERS}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877981, author = {Fausto Puntoriero and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Metal complexes and inorganic materials for solar fuel production}, journal = {Dalton Transactions}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100877979, author = {OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Efficient trinuclear Ru(II)–Re(I) supramolecular photocatalysts for CO2 reduction based on a new tris-chelating bridging ligand built around a central aromatic ring}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847399, author = {Saito and Daiki; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalysis of a Dinuclear Ru(II)-Re(I) Complex for CO2 Reduction on a Solid Surface}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847400, author = {Ozawa and Kyohei; Tamaki and Yusuke; Kamogawa and Kei; Koike and Kazuhide; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Factors determining formation efficiencies of one-electron-reduced species of redox photosensitizers}, journal = {JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847401, author = {Shibata and Kengo; Kato and Kosaku; Tsounis and Constantine; Kanazawa and Tomoki; Lu and Daling; Nozawa and Shunsuke; Yamakata and Akira; Ishitani and Osamu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of Copolymerized Carbon Nitride Nanosheets from Urea and 2-Aminobenzonitrile for Enhanced Visible Light CO2 Reduction with a Ruthenium(II) Complex Catalyst}, journal = {SOLAR RRL}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847403, author = {Fabry and David C.; Koizumi and Hiroki; Ghosh and Debashis; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Takeda and Hiroyuki; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A Ru(II)-Mn(I) Supramolecular Photocatalyst for CO2 Reduction}, journal = {ORGANOMETALLICS}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847404, author = {Oshima and Takayoshi; Nishioka and Shunta; Kikuchi and Yuka; Hirai and Shota; Yanagisawa and Kei-ichi; Eguchi and Miharu; Miseki and Yugo; Yokoi and Toshiyuki; Yui and Tatsuto; Kimoto and Koji; Sayama and Kazuhiro; Ishitani and Osamu; Mallouk and Thomas E.; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {An Artificial Z-Scheme Constructed from Dye-Sensitized Metal Oxide Nanosheets for Visible Light-Driven Overall Water Splitting}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100847413, author = {Phuong Ngoc Nguyen; Watanabe and Hiroshi; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu; Kimura and Shin-ichi and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Relaxation dynamics of [Re(CO)(2)(bpy){P(OEt)(3)}(2)](PF6) in TEOA solvent measured by time-resolved attenuated total reflection terahertz spectroscopy}, journal = {SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847414, author = {Windle and Christopher D.; Kumagai and Hiromu; Higash and Masanobu; Brisse and Romain; Bold and Sebastian; Jousselme and Bruno; Chavarot-Kerlidou and Murielle; Maeda and Kazuhiko; Abe and Ryu; Ishitani and Osamu; Artero and Vincent and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Earth-Abundant Molecular Z-Scheme Photoelectrochemical Cell for Overall Water-Splitting}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847415, author = {Takeda and Hiroyuki; Monma and Yu; Sugiyama and Haruki; Uekusa and Hidehiro; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Development of Visible-Light Driven Cu(I) Complex Photosensitizers for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847416, author = {Tamaki and Yusuke; Tokuda and Kazuma; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Saito and Daiki; Ueda and Yutaro; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Ruthenium Picolinate Complex as a Redox Photosensitizer With Wide-Band Absorption}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847417, author = {Kuramochi and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {An Ir(III) Complex Photosensitizer With Strong Visible Light Absorption for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847418, author = {Koizumi and Hiroki; Chiba and Hiroyuki; Sugihara and Ayumi; Iwamura and Munetaka; Nozaki and Koichi; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {CO2 capture by Mn(i) and Re(i) complexes with a deprotonated triethanolamine ligand}, journal = {CHEMICAL SCIENCE}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847423, author = {Muraoka and Kanemichi; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Lu and Daling; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Ishitani and Osamu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A Visible-Light-Driven Z-Scheme CO2 Reduction System Using Ta3N5 and a Ru(II) Binuclear Complex}, journal = {BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847422, author = {Nakada and Akinobu; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Kawakami and Nozomi; Sahara and Go; Nishioka and Shunta; Kamata and Ryutaro; Kumagai and Hiromu; Ishitani and Osamu; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Solar Water Oxidation by a Visible-Light-Responsive Tantalum/Nitrogen-Codoped Rutile Titania Anode for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting and Carbon Dioxide Fixation}, journal = {CHEMPHOTOCHEM}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847420, author = {Kamata and Ryutaro; Kumagai and Hiromu; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Sahara and Go; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction Using a Ru(II)-Re(I) Supramolecular Photocatalyst Connected to a Vinyl Polymer on a NiO Electrode}, journal = {ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847419, author = {Kumagai and Hiromu; Nishikawa and Tetsuya; Koizumi and Hiroki; Yatsu and Taiki; Sahara and Go; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Electrocatalytic reduction of low concentration CO2}, journal = {CHEMICAL SCIENCE}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847421, author = {Ghosh and Debashis; Takeda and Hiroyuki; Fabry and David C.; Tamaki and Yusuke; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Supramolecular Photocatalyst with a Rh(III)-Complex Catalyst Unit for CO2 Reduction}, journal = {ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847410, author = {Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of an Emissive Spectacle-Shaped Hexanuclear Rhenium(I) Complex}, journal = {INORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847411, author = {Muraoka and Kanemichi; Vequizo and Junie Jhon M.; Kuriki and Ryo; Yamakata and Akira; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Lu and Daling; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Ishitani and Osamu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Oxygen-Doped Ta3N5 Nanoparticles for Enhanced Z-Scheme Carbon Dioxide Reduction with a Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex under Visible Light}, journal = {CHEMPHOTOCHEM}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847412, author = {Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Ohkubo and Kei; Saito and Daiki; Yatsu and Taiki; Tamaki and Yusuke; Tanaka and Sei'ichi; Koike and Kazuhide; Onda and Ken; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Kinetics and Mechanism of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Ru(II)-Re(I) Supramolecular CO2-Reduction Photocatalysts: Effects of Bridging Ligands}, journal = {INORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100847429, author = {Kuriki and Ryo; Ranasinghe and Chandana Sampath Kumara; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Yamakata and Akira; Ishitani and Osamu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Excited-State Dynamics of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst and Ultrafast Electron Injection to a Ru(II) Mononuclear Complex for Carbon Dioxide Reduction}, journal = {JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847438, author = {Nakada and Akinobu; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Selective Electrocatalysis of a Water-Soluble Rhenium(I) Complex for CO2 Reduction Using Water As an Electron Donor}, journal = {ACS CATALYSIS}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847437, author = {Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of Os(II)-Re(I)-Ru(II) hetero-trinuclear complexes and their photophysical properties and photocatalytic abilities}, journal = {CHEMICAL SCIENCE}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847436, author = {Koike and Kazuhide; Grills and David C.; Tamaki and Yusuke; Fujita and Etsuko; Okubo and Kei; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Saigo and Masaki; Mukuta and Tatsuhiko; Onda and Ken; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Investigation of excited state, reductive quenching, and intramolecular electron transfer of Ru(II)-Re(I) supramolecular photocatalysts for CO2 reduction using time-resolved IR measurements}, journal = {CHEMICAL SCIENCE}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847435, author = {Komoto and Yuuki; Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Tamaki and Yusuke; Iwane and Madoka; Nishino and Tomoaki; Ishitani and Osamu; Kiguchi and Manabu; Fujii and Shintaro and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Ruthenium Tris-bipyridine Single-Molecule Junctions with Multiple Joint Configurations}, journal = {CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847434, author = {Maeda and Kazuhiko; An and Daehyeon; Ranasinghe and Chandana Sampath Kumara; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Kuriki and Ryo; Kanazawa and Tomoki; Lu and Daling; Nozawa and Shunsuke; Yamakata and Akira; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Visible-light CO2 reduction over a ruthenium(ii)-complex/C3N4 hybrid photocatalyst: the promotional effect of silver species}, journal = {JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847433, author = {Kuriki and Ryo; Ichibha and Tom; Hongo and Kenta; Lu and Daling; Maezono and Ryo; Kageyama and Hiroshi; Ishitani and Osamu; Oka and Kengo; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A Stable, Narrow-Gap Oxyfluoride Photocatalyst for Visible-Light Hydrogen Evolution and Carbon Dioxide Reduction}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847432, author = {Cometto and Claudio; Kuriki and Ryo; Chen and Lingjing; Maeda and Kazuhiko; Lau and Tai-Chu; Ishitani and Osamu; Robert and Marc and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A Carbon Nitride/Fe Quaterpyridine Catalytic System for Photostimulated CO2-to-CO Conversion with Visible Light}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847431, author = {Oshima and Takayoshi; Ichibha and Tom; Qin and Ken Sinkou; Muraoka and Kanemichi; Vequizo and Junie Jhon M.; Hibino and Keisuke; Kuriki and Ryo; Yamashita and Shunsuke; Hongo and Kenta; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Fujii and Kotaro; Lu and Daling; Maezono and Ryo; Yamakata and Akira; Kato and Hideki; Kimoto and Koji; Yashima and Masatomo; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Kakihana and Masato; Ishitani and Osamu; Kageyama and Hiroshi; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Undoped Layered Perovskite Oxynitride Li2LaTa2O6N for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction with Visible Light}, journal = {ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847430, author = {Maeda and Kazuhiko; An and Daehyeon; Kuriki and Ryo; Lu and Daling; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Graphitic carbon nitride prepared from urea as a photocatalyst for visible-light carbon dioxide reduction with the aid of a mononuclear ruthenium(II) complex}, journal = {BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847428, author = {Messinger and Johannes; Ishitani and Osamu; Wang and Dunwei and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Artificial photosynthesis - from sunlight to fuels and valuable products for a sustainable future}, journal = {SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847427, author = {Nakada and Akinobu; Kuriki and Ryo; Sekizawa and Keita; Nishioka and Shunta; Vequizo and Junie Jhon M.; Uchiyama and Tomoki; Kawakami and Nozomi; Lu and Daling; Yamakata and Akira; Uchimoto and Yoshiharu; Ishitani and Osamu; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Effects of Interfacial Electron Transfer in Metal Complex-Semiconductor Hybrid Photocatalysts on Z-Scheme CO2 Reduction under Visible Light}, journal = {ACS CATALYSIS}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847426, author = {Tsounis and Constantine; Kuriki and Ryo; Shibata and Kengo; Vequizo and Junie Jhon M.; Lu and Daling; Yamakata and Akira; Ishitani and Osamu; Amal and Rose; Maeda and Kazuhiko and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Copolymerization Approach to Improving Ru(II)-Complex/C3N4 Hybrid Photocatalysts for Visible-Light CO2 Reduction}, journal = {ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847425, author = {Takeda and Hiroyuki; Kamiyama and Hiroko; Okamoto and Kouhei; Irimajiri and Mina; Mizutani and Toshihide; Koike and Kazuhide; Sekine and Akiko; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Highly Efficient and Robust Photocatalytic Systems for CO2 Reduction Consisting of a Cu(I) Photosensitizer and Mn(I) Catalysts}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100847424, author = {Yamazaki and Yasuomi; Rohacova and Jana; Ohtsu and Hiroyoshi; Kawano and Masaki; Ishitani and Osamu and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of Re(I) Rings Comprising Different Re(I) Units and Their Light-Harvesting Abilities}, journal = {INORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100791112, author = {Kuramochi, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Ishida, H.}, title = {Reaction mechanisms of catalytic photochemical CO2 reduction using Re(I) and Ru(II) complexes}, journal = {Coordination Chemistry Reviews}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100747160, author = {Go Sahara and Hiromu Kumagai and Kazuhiko Maeda and Nicolas Kaeffer and Vincent Artero and Masanobu Higashi and Ryu Abe and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photoelectrochemical Reduction of CO2 Coupled to Water Oxidation Using a Photocathode with a Ru(II)-Re(I) Complex Photocatalyst and a CoOx/TaON Photoanode}, journal = {}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100741751, author = {佐々木 俊輔 and 戸木田 雅利 and 石谷 治 and 杉田 佳之 and 小西玄一}, title = {A Smart Network Polymer with Bis(piperidyl)naphthalene Cross-linkers: Selective Fluorescence Quenching and Photodegradation in the Presence of Trichloromethyl–Containing Chloroalkanes}, journal = {Macromolecules}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100791965, author = {Ryo Kuriki and Muneaki Yamamoto and Kimitaka Higuchi and Yuta Yamamoto and Masato Akatsuka and Daling Lu and Shinya Yagi and Tomoko Yoshida and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Robust Binding between Carbon Nitride Nanosheets and a Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex Enabling Durable, Selective CO2 Reduction under Visible Light in Aqueous Solution}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie-International Edition}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100791954, author = {Akinobu Nakada and Shunta Nishioka and Junie Vequizo and Kanemichi Muraoka and Tomoki Kanazawa and Akira Yamakata and Shunsuke Nozawa and Hiromu Kumagai and Shin-ichi Adachi and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Solar-driven Z-scheme water splitting using tantalum/nitrogen co-doped rutile titania nanorod as an oxygen evolution photocatalyst}, journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry A}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100790930, author = {Mukuta, T. and Simpson, P.V. and Vaughan, J.G. and Skelton, B.W. and Stagni, S. and Massi, M. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Onda, K.}, title = {Photochemical Processes in a Rhenium(I) Tricarbonyl N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complex Studied by Time-Resolved Measurements}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100791038, author = {Yamazaki, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Selectivity control between Mizoroki-Heck and homo-coupling reactions for synthesising multinuclear metal complexes: unique addition effects of tertiary phosphines and O2}, journal = {Dalton Transactions}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100791215, author = {Morimoto, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Modulation of the Photophysical, Photochemical, and Electrochemical Properties of Re(I) Diimine Complexes by Interligand Interactions}, journal = {Accounts of Chemical Research}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100790907, author = {Iwase, A. and Kudo, A. and Numata, Y. and Ikegami, M. and Miyasaka, T. and Ichikawa, N. and Kato, M. and Hashimoto, H. and Inoue, H. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Tamiaki, H.}, title = {Solar Water Splitting Utilizing a SiC Photocathode, a BiVO4 Photoanode, and a Perovskite Solar Cell}, journal = {ChemSusChem}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100791106, author = {Tamaki, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Supramolecular photocatalysts constructed with a photosensitizer unit with two tridentate ligands for CO2 reduction}, journal = {Faraday Discussions}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100712149, author = {Kanemichi Muraoka and Hiromu Kumagai and Miharu Eguchi and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {A Z-scheme photocatalyst constructed with an yttrium-tantalum oxynitride and a binuclear Ru(II) complex for visible-light CO2 reduction}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712140, author = {Akinobu Nakada and Takuya Nakashima and Keita Sekizawa and Kazuhiko Maeda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Visible-light-driven CO2 reduction on a hybrid photocatalyst consisting of a Ru(II) binuclear complex and a Ag-loaded TaON in aqueous solutions}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712146, author = {Ryo Kuriki and Hironori Matsunaga and Takuya Nakashima and Keisuke Wada and Akira Yamakata and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Nature-Inspired, Highly Durable CO2 Reduction System Consisting of a Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex and an Organic Semiconductor Using Visible Light}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712141, author = {Ryo Kuriki and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Unique Solvent Effects on Visible-Light CO2 Reduction over Ruthenium(II)-Complex/Carbon Nitride Hybrid Photocatalysts}, journal = {Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712145, author = {Kazuhiko Maeda and Ryo Kuriki and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Nitride Modified with a Ruthenium(II) Complex Having Carboxylic- or Phosphonic Acid Anchoring Groups for Visible-light CO2 Reduction}, journal = {Chemistry Letters}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791005, author = {Kuramochi, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Iridium(III) 1-Phenylisoquinoline Complexes as a Photosensitizer for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction: A Mixed System with a Re(I) Catalyst and a Supramolecular Photocatalyst}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100722011, author = {Sei-ichi Tanaka and Yoshitaka Matsubara and Tsuyoshi Asatani and Tatsuki Morimoto and Osamu Ishitani and Ken. Onda}, title = {Structural deformation of a ring-shaped Re(I) diimine dinuclear complex in the excited state.}, journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100790850, author = {Hiroyuki Takeda and Ohashi, K. and Sekine, A. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Using Cu(I) Photosensitizers with a Fe(II) Catalyst}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791037, author = {Ohkubo, K. and Yamazaki, Y. and Nakashima, T. and Tamaki, Y. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalyses of Ru(II)–Re(I) binuclear complexes connected through two ethylene chains for CO2 reduction}, journal = {Journal of Catalysis}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791123, author = {Tamaki, Y. and Imori, D. and Morimoto, T. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {High catalytic abilities of binuclear rhenium(i) complexes in the photochemical reduction of CO2 with a ruthenium(II) photosensitiser}, journal = {Dalton Transactions}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791124, author = {Kumar, S. and Hisamatsu, Y. and Tamaki, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Aoki, S.}, title = {Design and Synthesis of Heteroleptic Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Containing Quinoline-Type Ligands that Exhibit Dual Phosphorescence}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791146, author = {Nakajima, T. and Tamaki, Y. and Ueno, K. and Kato, E. and Nishikawa, T. and Ohkubo, K. and Yamazaki, Y. and Morimoto, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic Reduction of Low Concentration of CO2 }, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791171, author = {Yamazaki, Y. and Umemoto, A. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photochemical Hydrogenation of π-Conjugated Bridging Ligands in Photofunctional Multinuclear Complexes}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791175, author = {Rohacova, J. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Rhenium(i) trinuclear rings as highly efficient redox photosensitizers for photocatalytic CO2 reduction}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100791207, author = {Saita, K. and Harabuchi, Y. and Taketsugu, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Maeda, S.}, title = {Theoretical study on mechanism of the photochemical ligand substitution of: Fac -[ReI(bpy)(CO)3 (PR3 )]+complex}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100712147, author = {Akinobu Nakada and Kazuhide and Kazuhiko Maeda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Highly efficient visible-light-driven CO2 reduction to CO using a Ru(II)-Re(I) supramolecular photocatalyst in an aqueous solution}, journal = {Green Chemistry}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712159, author = {Kazuhiko Maeda and Takayoshi Oshima and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Emission spectroscopy of a ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex adsorbed on calcium niobate lamellar solids and nanosheets}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712153, author = {Fumiaki Yoshitomi and Keita Sekizawa and Kazuhiko Maeda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Selective Formic Acid Production via CO2 Reduction with Visible Light Using a Hybrid of a Perovskite Tantalum Oxynitride and a Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex}, journal = {Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712154, author = {Go Sahara and Ryu Abe and Masanobu Higashi and Takeshi Morikawa and Kazuhiko Maeda and Yutaro Ueda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction using a Ru(II)-Re(I) multinuclear metal complex on a p-type semiconducting NiO electrode}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712156, author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Daling Lu and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Intercalation of Highly Dispersed Metal Nanoclusters into a Layered Metal Oxide for Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie-International Edition}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712158, author = {Kazuhiko Maeda and Go Sahara and Miharu Eguchi and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Hybrids of a Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complex and a Metal Oxide Nanosheet for Dye-Sensitized Hydrogen Evolution with Visible Light: Effects of the Energy Structure on Photocatalytic Activity}, journal = {ACS Catalysis}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100712152, author = {Ryo Kuriki and Keita Sekizawa and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Visible-Light-Driven CO2 Reduction with Carbon Nitride: Enhancing the Activity of Ruthenium Catalysts}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie-International Edition}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100791135, author = {Nakada, A. and Koike, K. and Nakashima, T. and Morimoto, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic CO2 reduction to formic acid using a Ru(II)-Re(I) supramolecular complex in an aqueous solution}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790989, author = {Koga, K. and Matsubara, Y. and Kosaka, T. and Koike, K. and Morimoto, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Hydride Reduction of NAD(P)+Model Compounds with a Ru(II)-Hydrido Complex}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100791068, author = {Tamaki, Y. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Highly efficient, selective, and durable photocatalytic system for CO2 reduction to formic acid}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790974, author = {Rohacova, J. and Sekine, A. and Kawano, T. and Tamari, S. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Trinuclear and Tetranuclear Re(I) Rings Connected with Phenylene, Vinylene, and Ethynylene Chains: Synthesis, Photophysics, and Redox Properties}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790844, author = {Ueda, Y. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Yui, T. and Koike, K. and Goto, Y. and Inagaki, S. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A visible-light harvesting system for CO2 reduction using a RuII-ReI photocatalyst adsorbed in mesoporous organosilica}, journal = {ChemSusChem}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790919, author = {Ohashi, K. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis and strong photooxidation power of a supramolecular hybrid comprising a polyoxometalate and Ru(II) polypyridyl complex with zinc(II)}, journal = {Faraday Discussions}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100791108, author = {Farnum, B.H. and Nakada, A. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Meyer, T.J.}, title = {Bias-Dependent Oxidative or Reductive Quenching of a Molecular Excited-State Assembly Bound to a Transparent Conductive Oxide}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790939, author = {Yamazaki, Y. and Morimoto, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Synthesis of novel photofunctional multinuclear complexes using a coupling reaction}, journal = {Dalton Transactions}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100791025, author = {Kato, E. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Koike, K. and Ohkubo, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Ru(II)-Re(I) binuclear photocatalysts connected by -CH2XCH2- (X = O, S, CH2) for CO2 reduction}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790998, author = {Sahara, G. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Efficient photocatalysts for CO2 reduction}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100675966, author = {Tohru Matsumura and Yasuhito Koyama and Satoshi Uchida and Morio Yonekawa and Tatsuto Yui and Osamu Ishitani and Toshikazu Takata}, title = {Fluorescent poly(boron enaminoketonate)s: synthesis via the direct modification of polyisoxazoles obtained from the click polymerization of a homoditopic nitrile N-oxide and diynes}, journal = {Polymer Journal}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100772337, author = {Maeda, Kazuhiko and Kazuhiko Maeda and Zhang, M. and Wang, X. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {The effect of the pore-wall structure of carbon nitride on photocatalytic CO2 reduction under visible light}, journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry a}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100790866, author = {Yui, T. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Ueda, Y. and Sekizawa, K. and Koike, K. and Inagaki, S. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Hybridization between periodic mesoporous organosilica and a Ru(II) polypyridyl complex with phosphonic acid anchor groups}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100791205, author = {Oshima, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Kazuhiko Maeda}, title = {Non-sacrificial water photo-oxidation activity of lamellar calcium niobate induced by exfoliation}, journal = {Advanced Materials Interfaces}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100791148, author = {Hiroyuki Takeda and Koizumi, H. and Okamoto, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic CO2 reduction using a Mn complex as a catalyst}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100791044, author = {Kitagawa, Y. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Ohashi, K. and Asatani, T. and Kosumi, D. and Hashimoto, H. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Tamiaki, H.}, title = {Photochemical reduction of CO2 with red light using synthetic chlorophyll-rhenium bipyridine dyad}, journal = {Chemistry Letters}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100791251, author = {Asatani, T. and Nakagawa, Y. and Funada, Y. and Sawa, S. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Morimoto, T. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Ring-shaped rhenium(I) multinuclear complexes: Improved synthesis and photoinduced multielectron accumulation}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100790918, author = {Yamamoto, Y. and Hiroyuki Takeda and Yui, T. and Ueda, Y. and Koike, K. and Inagaki, S. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Efficient light harvesting via sequential two-step energy accumulation using a Ru-Re5 multinuclear complex incorporated into periodic mesoporous organosilica}, journal = {Chemical Science}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100662317, author = {Tatsuki Morimoto and Takuya Nakajima and Shuhei Sawa and Ryoichi Nakanishi and Daisuke Imori and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {CO2 Capture by a Rhenium(I) Complex with the Aid of Triethanolamine}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100662316, author = {Yusuke Tamaki and Kazuhide Koike and Tatsuki Morimoto and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Red-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 using Os(II)–Re(I) Supramolecular Complexes}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100662315, author = {Tatsuki Morimoto and Chiaki Nishiura and Marina Tanaka and Jana Rohacova and Yuki Nakagawa and Yusuke Funada and Kazuhide Koike and Youhei Yamamoto and Sayaka Shishido and Tatsuhiro Kojima and Takuro Saeki and Tomoji Ozeki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Ring-Shaped Re(I) Multinuclear Complexes with Unique Photofunctional Properties}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100662314, author = {Yusuke Tamaki and Kazuhide Koike and Tatsuki Morimoto and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Substantial improvement in the efficiency and durability of a photocatalyst for carbon dioxide reduction using a benzoimidazole derivative as an electron donor}, journal = {Journal of Catalysis}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100662311, author = {Tatsuki Morimoto and Junji Tanabe and Kazuhiko Sakamoto and Kazuhide Koike and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Selective H2 and CO Production with Rhenium(I) Biscarbonyl Complexes as Photocatalyst}, journal = {Research on Chemical Intermediates}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791211, author = {Sato, S. and Morikawa, T. and Kajino, T. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A highly efficient mononuclear iridium complex photocatalyst for CO2 reduction under visible light}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie - International Edition}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791222, author = {Matsubara, Y. and Kosaka, T. and Koga, K. and Nagasawa, A. and Kobayashi, A. and Konno, H. and Creutz, C. and Sakamoto, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Formation of η2-coordinated dihydropyridine-ruthenium(II) complexes by hydride transfer from ruthenium(II) to pyridinium cations}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100772309, author = {Maeda, Kazuhiko and Kazuhiko Maeda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {A polymeric-semiconductor-metal-complex hybrid photocatalyst for visible-light CO2 reduction}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100772310, author = {Sekizawa, Keita and Kazuhiko Maeda and Domen, K. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Artificial Z-Scheme Constructed with a Supramolecular Metal Complex and Semiconductor for the Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100634936, author = {Tatsuki Morimoto and Megumi Ito and Kazuhide Koike and Tatsuhiro Kojima and Tomoji Ozeki and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Dual Emission from Rhenium(I) Complexes Induced by Inter-ligand Aromatic Interaction}, journal = {Chemistry -A European Journal}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100791228, author = {Tamaki, Y. and Morimoto, T. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic CO2 reduction with high turnover frequency and selectivity of formic acid formation using Ru(II) multinuclear complexes}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100634933, author = {Hiroyuki Takeda and Kazuhide Koike and Tatsuki Morimoto and Hiroki Inumaru and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Photochemistry and photocatalysis of rhenium(I) diimine complexes}, journal = {Advances in Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100634934, author = {Yusuke Tamaki and Katsuhiro Watanabe and Kazuhide Koike and Haruo Inoue and Tatsuki Morimoto and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Development of highly efficient supramolecular CO2 reduction photocatalysts with high turnover frequency and durability}, journal = {Faraday Discussions}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100790943, author = {Yui, T. and Tamaki, Y. and Sekizawa, K. and OSAMU 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title = {Enhanced Photocatalysis of Rhenium(I) Complex by Light-Harvesting Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica}, journal = {Inorganic Chemistry}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100790864, author = {Yamamoto, Y. and Tamaki, Y. and Yui, T. and Koike, K. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {New light-harvesting molecular systems constructed with a Ru(II) complex and a linear-shaped Re(I) oligomer}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100590402, author = {Kuniomi Kiyosawa and Naoki Shiraishi and Tetsuya Shimada and Dai Masui and Hiroshi Tachibana and Shinsuke Takagi and Osamu Ishitani and Donald A. 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Ishitani}, title = {Development of metal complexes which has a novel type of photocatalysis.}, journal = {Asahi Garasu Zaidan Josei Kenkyu Seika Hokoku [online computer file]}, year = 1999, } @inproceedings{CTT100877833, author = {Ryutaro Kamata and Hiromu Kumagai and Yasuomi Yamazaki and Masanobu Higashi and Ryu Abe and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Durable photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction with water oxidation using a visible-light driven molecular photocathode}, booktitle = {Journal of Materials Chemistry A}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100792384, author = {前田 和彦 and 和田 啓佑 and Chandana Sampath Kumara Ranasinghe and 栗木 亮 and 山方 啓 and 石谷 治}, title = {二酸化炭素還元に活性なRu(II)-Re(I)二核錯体/窒化炭素ナノシート複合光触媒に対するルチル型酸化チタンの修飾効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100792380, author = {Kazuhiko Maeda and Akinobu Nakada and Koki Ishimaki and Junie Jhon M. Vequizo and Akira Yamakata and Osamu Ishitani}, title = {Water Splitting and CO2 Fixation on Visible-Light-Responsive Rutile TiO2-based Photocatalysts}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100722004, author = {佐原 豪 and 石谷 治}, title = {4.人工光合成を目指したCO2還元光触媒の開発—金属錯体と半導体の融合—}, booktitle = {Electrochemistry}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100741440, author = {船木将孝 and 山崎康臣 and 森本樹 and 石谷治 and 田中誠一 and 腰原伸也 and 恩田健}, title = {時間分解赤外分光法によるReジイミンビスカルボニル錯体の光励起ダイナミクスの解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100741411, author = {Tatsuhiko Mukuta and Jamila G. Vaughan and Stefano Stagni and Massimiliano Massi and Kazuhide Koike and Osamu Ishitani and Shin-ya Koshihara and Ken Onda}, title = {Time-Resolved Study on Photochemistry of Rhenium(I) Tricarbonyl N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100741434, author = {船木将孝 and 山崎康臣 and 森本樹 and 石谷治 and 田中誠一 and 腰原伸也 and 恩田健}, title = {アリールホスフィン配位子を持つReジイミンビスカルボニル錯体の光励起ダイナミクス}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100712155, author = {Kazuhiko Maeda and Ryo Kuriki and Keita Sekizawa and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Metal-complex/semiconductor hybrids for carbon dioxide fixation}, booktitle = {Solar Hydrogen and Nanotechnology X}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100722003, author = {森本 樹 and 石谷 治}, title = {太陽の光を化学物質に蓄える : 人工光合成をめざして(<シリーズ>教科書から一歩進んだ身近な製品の化学-エネルギーと化学-)}, booktitle = {化学と教育}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100722005, author = {関澤 佳太 and 由井 樹人 and 石谷 治}, title = {二酸化炭素の資源化を目指した人工光合成系の開発}, booktitle = {光学}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100722006, author = {石谷 治}, title = {人工光合成に向けた試み-CO_2の光還元}, booktitle = {太陽エネルギー = Solar energy}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100722007, author = {石谷 治}, title = {1SL-08 遷移金属錯体を用いた人工光合成システム(1SL 光合成研究で何が明らかにされ、これから何をできるか?〜光合成研究の最先端とエネルギー創製研究の現状〜,日本生物物理学会第49回年会(2011年度))}, booktitle = {生物物理}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100722008, author = {竹田 浩之 and 石谷 治}, title = {金属錯体を光触媒として用いた二酸化炭素の高効率還元}, booktitle = {有機合成化学協会誌}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100722012, author = {森本 樹 and 石谷 治 and 森本樹}, title = {芳香環相互作用による金属錯体の光物性及び光触媒特性のコントロール}, booktitle = {光化学 = Photochemistry}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100722010, author = {佐藤 俊介 and 石谷 治}, title = {Ru-Re超分子錯体を光触媒とした高効率CO_2還元反応}, booktitle = {触媒 = Catalysts & Catalysis}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100722022, author = {Takashi Sanada and Osamu. Ishitani}, title = {Preparation of ruthenium-bipyridinedicarboxylic acid complex.}, booktitle = {Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho}, year = 1999, } @misc{CTT100792255, author = {栗木亮 and 熊谷啓 and 前田和彦 and 石谷治}, title = {金属錯体と半導体を複合化した光触媒および光電気化学セルによるCO2還元反応}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100791252, author = {Rohacova, J. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photofunctional multinuclear rhenium(i) diimine carbonyl complexes}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100790839, author = {Tamaki, Y. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Supramolecular Photocatalysts for the Reduction of CO2}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100791100, author = {Hiroyuki Takeda and Cometto, C. and OSAMU ISHITANI and Robert, M.}, title = {Electrons, Photons, Protons and Earth-Abundant Metal Complexes for Molecular Catalysis of CO2 Reduction}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100791089, author = {Sato, S. and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photochemical reactions of fac-rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complexes and their application for synthesis}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100790855, author = {Yamazaki, Y. and Hiroyuki Takeda and OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 using metal complexes}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100662312, author = {森本樹 and 石谷治}, title = {二酸化炭素を還元できる光触媒}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100593615, author = {由井樹人 and 石谷治}, title = {太陽光による二酸化炭素の資源化}, year = 2009, } @misc{CTT100594448, author = {OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Redox-photosensitized Reactions of an NAD+/NADH Model and Related Compounds by Ru(II) and Re(I) 2,2'-Bipyridine Complexes}, year = 1987, } @misc{CTT100916993, author = {石谷治 and 宮路雅彦 and 辻内 達也  and 田島 英彦  and 那須 勇作 }, title = {二酸化炭素吸収還元溶液、二酸化炭素吸収還元装置、及び二酸化炭素吸収還元方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2023/030430(2023/08/24), WO 2024/048405(2024/03/07)} } @misc{CTT100917010, author = {石谷治 and 宮路雅彦 and 辻内 達也  and 田島 英彦  and 那須 勇作 }, title = {二酸化炭素吸収還元溶液、二酸化炭素吸収還元装置、及び二酸化炭素吸収還元方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {特願2022-139349(2022/09/01), 特開2024-034835(2024/03/13)} } @misc{CTT100894448, author = {石谷治 and 宮路雅彦 and 辻内 達也 and 田島 英彦 and 田上 直人}, title = {二酸化炭素吸収還元溶液、二酸化炭素吸収還元装置、及び二酸化炭素吸収還元方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2022/030439(2022/08/09), WO 2023/026855(2023/03/02)} } @misc{CTT100894460, author = {石谷治 and 宮路雅彦 and 辻内 達也  and 田島 英彦 and 田上 直人}, title = {二酸化炭素吸収還元溶液、二酸化炭素吸収還元装置、及び二酸化炭素吸収還元方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2021-137715(2021/08/26), 特開2023-031928(2023/03/09)} } @phdthesis{CTT100594448, author = {OSAMU ISHITANI}, title = {Redox-photosensitized Reactions of an NAD+/NADH Model and Related Compounds by Ru(II) and Re(I) 2,2'-Bipyridine Complexes}, school = {大阪大学}, year = 1987, }