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W. and Kawashima, T. and Kawashima, S. and Sasakura, Y. and Ishikawa, H. and Kawamura, H. and Kanehisa, M. and Nishikata, T. and Nishida, H.}, title = {Maternal genetic information stored in fertilized eggs of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.}, journal = {Biology of Ascidian}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100451645, author = {Makabe, K.W. and Nishida and H. 他25名}, title = {Large-scale cDNA analysis of the maternal genetic information in the egg of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, for the gene expression catalog during development.}, journal = {Development}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100451600, author = {Sebastien Darras and Hiroki Nishida}, title = {The BMP/CHORDIN antagonism controls sensory pigment cell specification and differentiation in the ascidian embryo.}, journal = {Dev. 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Origin of endodermal tissues of the juvenile}, journal = {Development, Genes and Evolution}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100424139, author = {Hiroki NISHIDA and Kazuhiro W. 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BATES and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Developmental roles of nuclear complex factors released during oocyte maturation in the ascidians Halocynthia roretzi and Boltenia villosa.}, journal = {Zoological Science}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100407205, author = {Gil Jung KIM and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Monoclonal antibodies against differentiating mesenchyme cells in larvae of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.}, journal = {Zoological Science}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100407199, author = {Sawako HORI and Takashi SAITOH and Midori MATUMOTO and Kazuhiro W. MAKABE and Hiroki NISHDA}, title = {A Notch homologue from Halocynthia roretzi is preferentially expressed in the central nervous system during ascidian embryogenesis}, journal = {Development, Genes and Evolution}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407201, author = {Toshio HIRANO and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Developmental fates of larval tissues after metamorphosis in ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. I. Origin of mesodermal tissues of the juvenile}, journal = {Developmental Biology}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407198, author = {HIROKI NISHIDA}, title = {Cell lineage and timing of fate restriction, determination and gene expression in ascidian embryos}, journal = {Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407197, author = {HIROKI NISHIDA}, title = {Cell-fate specification by localized cytoplasmic determinants and cell interactions in ascidian embryos}, journal = {International Review of Cytology}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407195, author = {Hiroki NISHIDA and Gaku KUMANO}, title = {Analysis of temporal expression of the endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase during development of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.}, journal = {Development Growth and Differentiation}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407194, author = {Satoshi KAWAMINAMI and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Induction of trunk laferal cells, the blood cell precursors, during ascidian embryogenesis}, journal = {Developmental Biology}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407200, author = {Yuki NAKATANI and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Ras is an essential component for notochord formation during ascidian embryogenesis}, journal = {Mechanisms of Development}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407186, author = {HIROKI NISHIDA}, title = {Vegetal Egg Cytoplasm Promotes Gastrulation and is Responsible for Specifiction of Vegetal Blastomeres in Embryos of the Ascidian Halocynthia Roretzi.}, journal = {Development}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100407185, author = {HIROKI NISHIDA}, title = {Determination at last Cell Cycle befre Fate Restriction}, journal = {Zoological Science}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100407193, author = {Atsuko YAMADA and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi}, journal = {Development, Genes and Evolution}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100407192, author = {Gaku KUMANO and Hideyoshi YOKOSAWA and Hiroki NISHIDA}, title = {Biochemical evidence for membrane-bound endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase in larvae of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.}, journal = {Eur. 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