author = {蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎 and 小澤俊彦 and 河野雅弘},
title = {抗酸化の科学},
publisher = {化学同人},
year = 2019,
author = {蒲池利章 and 朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ポルフィリンを用いた光エネルギーの化学エネルギーへの変換},
publisher = {},
year = 2014,
author = {Noriyuki ASAKURA and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Optical Oxygen Sensor},
publisher = {},
year = 2009,
author = {朝倉則行 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {生物物理化学},
publisher = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {バイオプロセスハンドブック「バイオケミカルエンジニアリングの基礎から有用物質生産・環境調和技術まで」},
publisher = {エヌ・ティー・エス},
year = 2007,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {光増感剤を用いたがんの蛍光診断と光線力学治療},
publisher = {科学と工業},
year = 2006,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {光線力学治療用光増感剤の開発},
publisher = {ナノバイオエンジニアリング},
year = 2004,
author = {I. Okura et al. and ed. by D. Wohrle and A. D. Pomogailo},
title = {Metal complexes and metals in macromolecules -Synthesis, structure and properties-},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
year = 2003,
author = {大倉一郎(分担)(戸田不二緒編)},
title = {人工酵素と生体膜},
publisher = {CMC出版},
year = 2003,
author = {I. Okura et al. and ed. by H. S. Nalwa},
title = {Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology},
publisher = {American Scientific Publishers},
year = 2003,
author = {Masao Kaneko and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Photocatalysis Science and Technology},
publisher = {Kodansha Springer},
year = 2002,
author = {大倉一郎 and 北爪智哉 and 中村聡},
title = {生物工学基礎},
publisher = {講談社サイテンティフィク},
year = 2002,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {グリーンバイオテクノロジー(分担)},
publisher = {講談社サイエンティフィク},
year = 2002,
author = {M. Kaneko and I. Okura},
title = {Photocatalysis Science and Technology},
publisher = {Kodansha-Springer Co-Pub.},
year = 2001,
author = {ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Photosensitization of porphyrins and phthalocyanines},
publisher = {Kodansha Golden & Breach Science Publishers},
year = 2000,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {フタロシアニンー化学と機能ー(分担)},
publisher = {アイシーピー},
year = 1997,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {光エネルギー変換ー基礎と応用ー(分担)},
publisher = {アイシーピー},
year = 1997,
author = {大倉一郎 and 北爪智哉 and 中村聡},
title = {生物工学英語入門},
publisher = {講談社サイエンテフィック},
year = 1996,
author = {相澤益男 and 大倉一郎 and 宍戸昌彦 and 山田秀徳},
title = {生物物理化学},
publisher = {講談社サイエンテフィック},
year = 1995,
author = {ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Bio-physical Chemistry},
publisher = {Kodansha Scientific},
year = 1995,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {生物物理化学},
publisher = {講談社サイエンティフィック},
year = 1995,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {科学英語ー早く手軽にマスターするコツ(分担)},
publisher = {化学同人},
year = 1994,
author = {青野重利 and 大倉一郎},
title = {光がかかわる触媒化学ー光合成から環境化学までー(分担)},
publisher = {季刊化学総説},
year = 1994,
author = {大倉一郎 and 青野重利},
title = {生体触媒:第4版実験化学講座、11(反応と速度)(分担)},
publisher = {丸善},
year = 1993,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {プレゼンテーション入門:発表手段としてどれを選ぶか},
publisher = {化学},
year = 1993,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {化学ハンドブック(分担)},
publisher = {化学同人},
year = 1993,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {ポスター発表の工夫},
publisher = {化学工学},
year = 1993,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {生物工学実験書(分担)},
publisher = {培風館},
year = 1992,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {プレゼンテーション入門化学},
publisher = {},
year = 1991,
author = {森川陽 and 大倉一郎 and 高橋孝志},
title = {学会発表の上手な準備},
publisher = {講談社サイエンテフィック},
year = 1990,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {化学大辞典(分担)},
publisher = {東京化学同人},
year = 1989,
author = {戸田不二緒 and 相澤益男 and 梶内俊夫 and 大倉一郎 and 北爪智哉},
title = {生物工学基礎},
publisher = {講談社サイエンテフィック},
year = 1988,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {実用化学辞典(分担訳)},
publisher = {朝倉書店},
year = 1986,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {新版高分子辞典(分担)},
publisher = {朝倉書店 },
year = 1986,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {触媒と反応速度(分担)},
publisher = {触媒学会編、講談社サイエンテフィク},
year = 1985,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {触媒プロセス化学(共訳)},
publisher = {東京化学同人},
year = 1984,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {触媒化学(共著)},
publisher = {東京化学同人},
year = 1981,
author = {大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {太陽エネルギーの生物・化学的利用3},
publisher = {学会出版センター},
year = 1979,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {化学ハンドブック第6章(共著)},
publisher = {オーム社},
year = 1978,
author = {慶伊富長 and 大倉一郎},
title = {化学吸着と物理吸着},
publisher = {潤滑},
year = 1978,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {現代化学シリーズ49(共訳)},
publisher = {東京化学同人},
year = 1970,
author = {Akimitsu Miyaji and Masashi Suzuki and Toshihide Baba and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Hydrogen peroxide as an effector on the inactivation of particulate methane monooxygenase under aerobic condition},
journal = {Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic},
year = 2009,
author = {Noriyuki ASAKURA and Goto Ryohei and toshiaki kamachi and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Electron transfer from hydrophobic porphyrin to hydrophilic viologen via the photoexcited singlet electron transfer},
journal = {Chem. Let.},
year = 2009,
author = {Shin Iida and Noriyuki ASAKURA and Kenji Tabata and ICHIRO OKURA and Toshiaki kamachi},
title = {Incorporation of unnatural amino acid into cytochrome c3 and specific viologen binding to the unnatural amino acid},
journal = {ChemBioChem},
year = 2007,
author = {Shin Iida and Yuusuke Kawano and Noriyuki ASAKURA and Kenji Tabata and ICHIRO OKURA and toshiaki kamachi},
title = {N-Terminus methylation of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Miyazaki) F cytochrome c3},
journal = {Chemistry Letters},
year = 2007,
author = {Takashi Saito and Noriyuki ASAKURA and toshiaki kamachi and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Oxygen concentration imaging in a single living cell using phosphorescence lifetime of Pt-porphyrin},
journal = {Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines},
year = 2007,
author = {Noriyuki ASAKURA and Shin Iida and Kenji Tabata and ICHIRO OKURA and toshiaki kamachi},
title = {Role of positive charge of lysine residue on cytochrome c3 for electrostatic interaction with hydrogenase},
journal = {Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines},
year = 2007,
author = {Kazuya Ogawa and Hideki Hasegawa and Yusuke Inaba and Yoshiaki Kobuke and Hideyuki Inouye and Yoshihiko Kanemitsu and Eiji Kohno and Toru Hirano and Shun-ichiro Ogura and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Water-Soluble Bis(imidazolylporphyrin) Self-Assemblies with Large Two-Photon AbsorptionCross Sections as Potential Agents for Photodynamic Therapy},
journal = {Journal of Medicinal Chemistry},
year = 2006,
author = {Noriyuki Asakura Toshiaki Kamachi Ichiro Okura},
title = {Development of novel optical oxygen sensing system based on stationary T-T Absorption},
journal = {Measurement Science and Technology},
year = 2006,
author = {Noriyuki Asakura Toshiaki Kamachi Ichiro Okura},
title = {Motion of redox molecule in solution monitored by highly sensitive EQCM},
journal = {Technique Research on Chemical Intermediates},
year = 2006,
author = {Ihara, M. and Nishihara, H. and Yoon, K. S. and Lenz, O. and Friedrich, B. and Nakamoto, H. and Kojima, K. and Honma, D. and Kamachi, T. and Okura and I. (2006)},
title = {Light-driven hydrogen production by a hybrid complex of a [NiFe]-hydrogenase and the cyanobacterial photosystem I},
journal = {Photochem. Photobiol.},
year = 2006,
author = {Shun-ichiro Ogura and Kenji Tabata and Kaoru Fukushima and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Development of phthalocyanines for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines},
year = 2006,
author = {竹内力矢 and 竹口昌之 and 蓮実文彦 and 土屋達行 and 高橋勝幸 and 難波靖治 and 大倉一郎},
title = {胃がん患者糞便中に検出されたプロトポルフィリンIX様蛍光物質},
journal = {ポルフィリンズ},
year = 2006,
author = {Yasuaki Kabe and Masashi Ohmori and Kazuya Shinouchi and Yasunori Tsuboi and Satoshi Hirao and Motoki Azuma and Hajime Watanabe and Ichiro* Okura and Hiroshi Handa*},
title = {Porphyrin accumulation in mitochondria is mediated by 2-oxoglutarate carrier},
journal = {J. Biol. Chem},
year = 2006,
author = {Noriyuki Asakura and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Motion of redox molecule in solution monitored by highly sensitive EQCM},
journal = {Technique Research on Chemical Intermediates},
year = 2006,
author = {Masaki Ihara and Hitoshi Nakamoto and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura and Mizuo Maeda},
title = {Photoinduced Hydrogen Production by Direct Electron Transfer from Photsystem I Cross-linked with Cytochrome c3 to [NiFe]-Hydrogenase},
journal = {Photochem. Photobiol},
year = 2006,
author = {Ai Tamura and Masato Watanabe and Hikaru Saito and Hiroshi Nakagawa and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura and Tohihisa Ishikawa},
title = {Functional Validation of the Genetic Polymorphisms of Human ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter ABCG2: Identification of Alleles That Are Defective in Porphyrin Transport},
journal = {Mol Pharmacol},
year = 2006,
author = {Noriyuki Asakura and kara Mochizuki and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Development of novel optical oxygen sensing system based on stationary T-T absorption.},
journal = {Measurement Science and Technology},
year = 2006,
author = {Yasuaki Kabe and Masashi Ohmori and Kazuya Shinouchi and Yasunori Tsuboi and Satoshi Hirao and Motoki Azuma and Hajime Watanabe and Ichiro Okura and Hiroshi Handa},
title = {Porphyrin accumulation in mitochondria is mediated by 2-oxoglutarate carrier},
journal = {J. Biol. Chem.},
year = 2006,
author = {Atsuhiro Tokita and Ryohei Goto and Noriyuki Asakura and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer with hydrophobic porphyrin and amphipatic viologen in aqueous solution},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2005,
author = {Ichiro Okura},
title = {Optical Oxygen Sensors Using Porphyrins},
year = 2005,
author = {Kaori Takahashi and Shun-ichiro Ogura and Kenji Tabata and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Localization and photodynamic activity of poly-L-lysine-chlorin conjugate for tumor-bearing mouse},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2005,
author = {S. Hirohara and M. Obata and S. Ogata and C. Ohtsuki and S. Higashida and S. Ogura and I. Okura and M. Takenaka and H. Ono and Y. Sugai and Y. Mikata and M. Tanihara and S. Yano},
title = {Cellular uptake and photocytotoxicity of glycoconjugated chlorines in HeLa cells},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology},
year = 2005,
author = {Akihiro Kamiyama. Shin Iida and Noriyuki Asakura and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Kinetic measurement of ES complex formation between hydrogenase and cytochrome c3 by QCM},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2005,
author = {Akihiro Kamiyama and Shin Iida and Noriyuki Asakura and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Role of lysine residue of cytochrome c3 on ES complex formation},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2005,
author = {H. Negishi and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen sensing by phosphorescence intensity at stationary state of quenching},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2004,
author = {田畠健治 and 大倉一郎},
title = {タンパク質工学的手法による水酸化酵素の改変},
journal = {触媒技術の動向と展望},
year = 2004,
author = {T. Saito and S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Intracellular formation of zinc protporphyrin in mitochondria and its photodynamic effect},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2004,
author = {Y. Ito and K. Mittsuo and K. Asai and I. Okura and T. Saji},
title = {Electroless formation of pressure sensitive thin films of platinum porphyrin using surfactants with an azobenzene group},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 2004,
author = {T. Shiwaki and R. Goto and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of cytochrome c3 for photoinduced hydrogen evolution with four component system},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2004,
author = {R. Goto and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Application of hydorophobic porphyrin for photoinduced hydrogen evolution in water},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2004,
author = {S. Hirohara and M. Obata and At. Saito and S. Ogata and C. Ohtsuki and S. Higashida and S. Ogura and I. Okura and Y. Sugai and Y. Mikata and M. Tanihara and S. Yano},
title = {Cellular uptake and photocytotoxicity of glycoconjugated porphyrins in HeLa cells},
journal = {Photochemistry Photobiology},
year = 2004,
author = {S. Ogura and K. Yazaki and K. Yamaguchi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Localization of poly-L-lysine – photosensitizer conjugate in nucleus},
journal = {J. Controlled Release},
year = 2004,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Kamahi and I. Okura},
title = {Application of electrochemical quarts crystal microbalance technique to direct monitoring of cytochrome c3 function as the electron pool during intermolecular electron transfer},
journal = {Anal. Biochem.},
year = 2003,
author = {M. Yamamoto and T. Nagano and I. Okura and K. Arakane and Y. Urano and K. Matsumoto},
title = {Production of singlet oxygen on irradiation of a photodynamic therapy agent, zinc-coproporphyrin ?。, with low host toxicity},
journal = {BioMetals},
year = 2003,
author = {S. Iida and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {The role of lysine residue in cytochrome c3 on the intermolecular interaction with hydrogenase},
journal = {11th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {T. Kamachi and N. Asakura and I. Okura},
title = {Application of electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique on direct monitring of cytochrome c3 function as the electron pool during intermoleculer electron transfer},
journal = {11th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Utilization of optical oxygen sensor},
journal = {Foods Food Ingredients J. Jpn},
year = 2003,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = {航空機空力評価用高分子プローブセンサー},
journal = {高分子},
year = 2003,
author = {T. Kamachi and K. Mochizuki and N. Asakura and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on the stationary state quenching of triplet-triplet absorption},
journal = {XXIst International Conference on Photochemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {R. Goto and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using bisviologen-linked triphenylporphyrin},
journal = {XXIst International Conference on Photochemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {A. Miyaji and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {The enzyme catalyzing the methane hydroxylation in cytoplasmic membrane of Methylosinus trichoporium OB3b},
journal = {11th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {抗腫瘍抗体結合型光増感剤の開発},
journal = {化学工業},
year = 2003,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing materials: Chemisorption film of ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes attached to anionic polymer},
journal = {Sensors and Actuators B},
year = 2003,
author = {Akimitsu Miyaji and Jun Fujita and Takako Furuto and Masayuki Takeguchi and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Methanol and poly-ß-hydroxybutylate production from methane with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing Journal},
year = 2002,
author = {Noriyuki Asakura and Akimitsu Miyaji and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with lysine-linked viologen and hydrogenase},
journal = {Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines},
year = 2002,
author = {T. Koide and S. Ogura and I. Okura},
title = {Cellular accumulation of zinc protoporphyrin and its photodynamic effect},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2002,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen production with the system containing water-soluble viologen-linked porphyrins and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., B: Enzymic },
year = 2002,
author = {K. Asai and Y. Amao and Y. Iijima and I. Okura and H. Nishide},
title = {Novel pressure-sensitive paint cryogenic and unsteady wind-tunnel testing},
journal = {J. Thermophysics Heat Trans.},
year = 2002,
author = {畑中研一 and 粕谷マリアカルメリタ and 大倉一郎},
title = {二酸化炭素固定化は必要か?},
journal = {生産研究},
year = 2002,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Optical molecular thermometer based on the fluorescence of fullerene dispersed in poly(methyl methacrylate) film},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2002,
author = {N. K. Shrestha and S. Hadano and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Dinitrogen production from ammonia by Nitrosomonas europeaea},
journal = {Appl. Catal., A: General},
year = 2002,
author = {K. Mochizuki and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Development of oxygen sensing system by T-T absorption at stationary state of quenching},
journal = {Electrochem.},
year = 2002,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura and H. Shinohara and H. Nishide},
title = {An optical sensing material for trace analysis of oxygen. Metalloporphyrin dispersed in poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne)film},
journal = {Polymer J.},
year = 2002,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {新しい光増感剤の開発と癌の光線力学治療への応用},
journal = {未来材料},
year = 2002,
author = {Akimitsu Miyaji and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {Improvement of the purification method for retaining the activity of the particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {},
year = 2002,
author = {Noriyuki ASAKURA and Kara Mochizuki and toshiaki kamachi and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Development of oxygen sensing system by T-T absorption at stationary state of quenching},
journal = {Electrochemistry},
year = 2002,
author = {A. Miyaji and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Improvement of the purification method for retaining the activity of the particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Biotechnol. Lett.},
year = 2002,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura and T. Miyashita},
title = {Pyrene chemisorption film on an alumina plate as a optical oxygen-sensing material},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2001,
author = {A.Miyaji and J. Fujita and M. Takeguchi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Methanol production with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {The 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis},
year = 2001,
author = {太田俊也 and 村上博美 and 竹口昌之 and 蓮実文彦 and 桜井治久 and 大倉一郎},
title = {テトラフェニルポルフィリン-4-スルフォネート(TPPS)資化能を有するPseudomonas putida M-41株およびEuterobacter sp. HM-12株の諸性質と両株によるTPPVO 分解},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 2001,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Lysine-linked viologen for substrate of hydrogenase on hydrogen evolution},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A: Chem.},
year = 2001,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {The role of specific lysine in cytochrome c3 on the electron transfer with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A: Chem.},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. Amao and Y. Ishikawa and I. Okura and T. Miyashita},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing material: Terbium(III) complex adsorbed thin film},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. Amao and Y. Ishikawa and I. Okura},
title = {Green luminescent iridium(III) complex immobilized in fluoropolymer film as optical oxygen-sensing material},
journal = {Anal. Chim. Acta,},
year = 2001,
author = {A. Miyaji and J. Fujita and M. Takeguchi and T. Kamachi and I.Okura},
title = {Methanol and PHB production with Methylosinus trichosporiumOB3b},
journal = {International Symposium on Catalysis and Finechemicals},
year = 2001,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with cytochrome c3-viologen-rutheium(II) triad complex and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A:Chem.},
year = 2001,
author = {N. K. Shrestha and S. Hadano and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Conversion of ammonia to dinitrogen in wastewater by Nitrosomonas europaea},
journal = { Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 2001,
author = {M. Sakamoto and T. Kamachi and I. Okura and A. Ueno and H. Mihara},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with peptide dendrimer-multi Zu(II)-porphyrin, viologen and hydrogenase},
journal = {Biopolymers},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Yoshimi and Y. Ishikawa and I. Okura},
title = {Aluminum phthalocyanine immobilized in polymer film: Fluorescence quenching oxygen sensor},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2001,
author = { Y. Amao and T. Yoshimi and Y. Ishikawa and I. Okura},
title = {Metal-free porphyrin on solid support film as an optical oxygen-sensing device},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen sensing material: platinum octaethylporphyrin immobilized in a copolymer film of isobutyl methacrylate and tetrafluoropropylmethacrylate},
journal = {React. Funct. Polymers},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Platinum tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin immobilized in polytrifluoroethylmethacrylate film as a photostable optical oxygen detection material},
journal = {J. Fluorine Chem.},
year = 2001,
author = {S. Ogura and Y. Fujita and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of chlorin e6-monoclonal antibody conjugate and its effect for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {J. Porphyrin Phthalocyanine},
year = 2001,
author = {Noriyuki ASAKURA and Tomohiro Hiraishi and toshiaki kamachi and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with cytochrome c3-viologen-ruthenium(II) triad complex and hydrogenase},
journal = {Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical},
year = 2001,
author = {K. Mochizuki and N. Asakura and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing using triplet-triplet absorption of zinc porphyrin},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Horiuchi and K. Tabata and S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Comparison of photodynamic efficiency of endogenous protoporphyrin IX induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid and exogenous porphyrin IX},
journal = {5th Intern. Porphyrin-Heme Symp.},
year = 2000,
author = {S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of zinc phthalocyanine-monoclonal antibody conjugates and its selective accumulation for tumor},
journal = {5th Intern. Porphyrin-Heme Symp.},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Kamachi and M. Takgeguchi and A. Miyaji and I. Okura},
title = {Characterization of particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Intern. Biometal Symp.},
year = 2000,
author = {S. Ogura and Y. Fujita and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of chlorin e6-immunoconjugate and its photodynamic effect},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {A. Miyaji and T. Yamada and M. Takeguchi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Isolation and Characterization of copper-binding peptide from Methylosinus trichosporium Ob3b},
journal = {7th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 2000,
author = {A. Miyaji and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Purification of particulate methane monooxygenase with high activity from Methylosinus trichosporium Ob3b},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of lysine-linked viologen and photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing properties of tris(4,7’-diphenyl1,10’-phenanthroline)ruthenium(Ⅱ)-polyacrylic acid complex thin film},
journal = {Polymer Journal},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen sensing based on lifetime of photoexcited triplet state of platinum porphyrin - polystyrene film using time-resolved spectroscopy},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen sensing by phosphorescence quenching of palladium porphyrin self-assembled film on alumina plate},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Furuto and S. - K. Lee and Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen sensing system using triplet - triplet reflectance of zinc porphyrin immobilized in polymer membrane studies by laser flash photolysis},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {A novel optical oxygen sensing system based on triplet-triplet reluctance of fullerene C60-polystyrene film by time-resolved spectroscopy using diffuse reflectance laser flash photolysis},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 2000,
author = {K. Tabata and K. Fukushima and K. Oda and I. Okura},
title = {Selective aggregation of zinc phthalocyanines in the skin},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 2000,
author = {Y.Amao and T.Miyashita and I.Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on the luminescence change of metaleoporphyrins immobilized in styrene-pentafluorostyrene copolymer film},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 2000,
author = {Y.Amao and I.Okura and T.Miyashita},
title = {The noyltrifluoroacetonato 1,10 - phenanthroline europium (Ⅲ) complex immobilized in fluoropolymer film as optical oxygen},
journal = { Chem. Lett.},
year = 2000,
author = {N. K. Sherestha and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogen evolution from L -lactate and L - malate with the combination of lactate dehydrogenase or malate dehydrogenase and hydrogenase from A. eutrophus H16},
journal = {Reat. Kinet. Catal. Lett.},
year = 2000,
author = {M.Takeguchi and I.Okura},
title = {Role of iron and copper in particulate methane monooxygenase of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Catalysis Surveys from Japan},
year = 2000,
author = {N. K. Sherestha and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogen evolution from glucose with the combination of glucose dehydrogenase, ferredoxin NADP reductase and hydrogenase from A. eutrophus H16},
journal = { Reat. Kinet. Catal. Lett.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen detection based on luminescence change of metallo porphyrins immobilized in poly(isobutylmethacrylate-co-trifluoroethyl-methacrylate)film},
journal = {Anal. Chim. Acta.},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Kamachi and N. Asakura and I. Okura},
title = {Electron transfer between hydrogenase and cytochrome c3 from D. vulgaris (Miyazaki)},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {N.K. Shrestha and S. Hadano and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Conversion of ammonia to dinitrogen in wastewater with Nitrosomonas europaea},
journal = {Intern. Chem. Cong. Pacific Basin Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and Y. Tabuchi and Y. Yamashita and K. Kimura and I. Okura},
title = {Novel opticvsl oxygen sensor based on phosphorescence change of platinum porphyrin in fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether ketone)film},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Itoh and H. Asada and K.Tobita and Y. Kodera and A. Matsushita and M. Hiroto and H. Nishimura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura and Y. Inada},
title = {Hydrogen gas evolution and carbon dioxide fixation with visible light by chlorophyllin coupled with polyethylene glycol},
journal = {Bioconjugate Chem.},
year = 2000,
author = {N. Asakura and K. Miyakawa and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Absorption spectrum measurement with redox behavior of manganese porphyrin immobilized on ito electrode},
journal = {7th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and K. Miyakawa and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen sensing using palladium porphyrin with long alkyl chain self-assembled film},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 2000,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {電気化学的測定と吸収スペクトルとを組み合わせた電子移動反応の速度論的解析},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 2000,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {電子移動過程解析法},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 2000,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {電気化学的測定と吸収スペクトルとを組み合わせた電子移動反応の速度論的解析},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 2000,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {電子移動過程解析法},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Hiraishi and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {On the ruthenium(II) polypyridine labeled cytochrome c3},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A; Chem.},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with bisviologen-linked ruthenium(II) complexes and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A; Chem.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Fluorescence quenching oxygen sensor using an alunminum phthalocyanine-polystyrene film},
journal = {Anal. Chim. Acta},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Miyakawa and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen sensing device: A thin film of a palladium porphyrin with a long alkyl chain on an alumina plate},
journal = {J. Mater. Chem.},
year = 2000,
author = { K. Oda and S. Ogura and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of water-soluble fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine and its effect for photodynamic therapy,},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol., B: Biology},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Fullerene C60 immobilized in polymethylmethacrylate film as an optical temperature sensing material},
journal = {Analysis},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Platinum octhyl porphyrin immobilized in fluorinated polymer film as as oxygen sensing meteriral},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2000,
author = {S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of zinc phthalocyanine-monoclonal antibody conjugates and its selective accumulation for tumor},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 2000,
author = { Y. Amao and I. Okura and T. Miyashita},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on the luminescence quenching europium(III) complex immobilized in fluoropolymer film},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen sensing material: platinum porphyrin- fluoropolymer film},
journal = { Polym. Adv. Technol.},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {An oxygen sensing system based on phosphorescence quenching of metallo porphyrin thin film on alumina plates},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura and H. Shinohara and H. Nishide},
title = {Platinum porphyirn immobilized in poly(trimethylsilylpropyne) film as an optical sensor for trace analysis of oxygen},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 2000,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Kimura and I. Okura and T. Miyashita},
title = {Photoluminescent oxygen sensing using tris(acethyl-acetonato)1,10-phenanthroline terbium(III)complex doped on alumina film},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 2000,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {がんのレーザー治療ー光増感剤の開発ー},
journal = {バイオサイエンスとインダストリー},
year = 2000,
author = {M. Takeguchi and K. Fukui and H. Ohya and I. Okura},
title = {Electron spin-echo envelope modulation studies on copper site of particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {Toshiaki KAMACHI and Masayuki TAKEGUCHI and Akimitsu MIYAJI and Ichiro OKURA},
title = {Role of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {9th Intern. Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry},
year = 1999,
author = {K. Oda and K. Tabata and I. Okura},
title = {In vivo studies of water-soluble fluorinated zinc phthalocyanines},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {K.Tabata and S. Ogura and I. Okura},
title = {The photodynamic efficiency of endogenous protoporphyrin induced aminolevulinic acid},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {S. Ogura and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic therapy of zinc phthalocyanine-immunoconjugate},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {A. Miyaji and M. Takeguti and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of bovine serum albumin on the particulate methane monooxygenase},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Kamachi and M. Takeguchi and A. Miyagi and I. Okura},
title = {Role of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {Toshiaki KAMACHI and Masayuki TAKEGUCHI and Akimitu MIYAJI and Ichiro OKURA},
title = {Role of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {Toshiaki KAMACHI and Shigeru HASHIMOTO and Ichiro OKURA},
title = {Role of FMN in soluble hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha },
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp. },
year = 1999,
author = {T. Hiraishi and N. Asakura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with cytochrome c3-viologen linked ruthenium(II complex and hydrogenase},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Lysine-linked viologen for the substrate of hydrogenase on hydrogen evolution},
journal = {6th Intern. SPACC Symp.},
year = 1999,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = { 色素を用いて空気圧を測るー光学的酸素圧センサーとその利用ー},
journal = {現代化学},
year = 1999,
author = {大倉一郎 and 天尾豊},
title = { 表面酸素圧測定用光学センサーシステムの開発},
journal = {表面},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on triplet-triplet decay of platinum octaetylporphyrin-polystyrene film using time-resolved spectroscopy by laser flash photolysis},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen sensor based on luminescence lifetime of platinum octaetylporphyrin immobilized in polystyrene film},
journal = { Porphyrins},
year = 1999,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ITO電極表面に固定化したマンガンポルフィリン単分子層のCVと吸収スペクトルの同時測定},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1999,
author = {宮川聖子 and 朝倉則行 and 天尾豊 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ITO電極表面に固定化したマンガンポルフィリン単分子層の酸化還元挙動},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {High sensitive optical oxygen sensor using platinum porphyrin-fluoropolymer film},
journal = {Polymer Phys. Jpn.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on luminescence change of metalloporphyrin-polymer film},
journal = {Polymer Phys. Jpn.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {New oxygen sensor based on quenching of fluorescence of aluminum phthalocyanine-polystyrene film},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1999,
author = {N. Asakura and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation and characterization of neutral bisviologen-linked porphyrin for the application of hydrogen evolution stystems},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen sensing material: Platinum porphyrin-styrene-pentafluorostyrene copolymer film},
journal = {Anal. Commun.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Ito and H. Asada and K. Tobioka and Y. Kodera and A. Matsushima and M. Hiroto and H. Nishimura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura and Y. Inada},
title = {Hydrogen gas evolution and carbon dioxide fixation with visible light by chlorophyllin coupled with polyethylene glycol},
journal = {Bioconjugate Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Photophysical and photochemical properties of optical oxygen pressure sensor of platinum porphyrin-isobutylmethacrylate-trifluoroethylmethacrylate copolymer film},
journal = {Polymer J.},
year = 1999,
author = {F. Feng and M. Mitsuishi and T. Miyashita and I. Okura and K. Asai and Y. Amao},
title = {Preparation of polymer Langmuir-Brodgett films containing porphyrin chromophore},
journal = {Langmuir},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogen evolution using photoinduced electron transfer in water soluble bisviologen-linked cationic zinc porphyrin},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {M. Takeguchi and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of bovine serum albumin on particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Inoue and N. K. Shrestha and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution from glucose using Zn porphyrin as a photosensitizer},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1999,
author = {黒済真理 and 杉森大助 and 蓮実文彦 and 大倉一郎},
title = {糸状菌 C. polymorphaを用いた染色工場排水の清澄化},
journal = {繊維学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {M. Takeguchi and T. Yamada and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Redox behavior of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {BioMetals},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and T. Miyashita and I. Okura},
title = {Novel optical oxygen pressure sensing materials: Platinum porphyrin-styrene-trifluoroethylmethacrylate copolymer film},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen pressure sensing based on triplet-triplet quenching of fullerene-polystyrene film using laser flash photolysis: soccerballence C60 versus rugbyballence C70},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Furuto and M. Takeguchi and I. Okura},
title = {Semicontinuous methanol biosynthesis by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {M. Takeguchi and M. Ohashi and I. Okura},
title = {Role of iron in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {BioMetals},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Photoluminescent oxygen sensing using palladium tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin self-assembled membrance on alumina},
journal = {Anal. Commun.},
year = 1999,
author = {M. Takeguchi and K. Miyakawa and I. Okura},
title = {The role of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {A Novel optical oxygen sensing based on quenching of photoexcited triplet state of C70 in polystyrene film by oxygen using time-resolved spectroscopy},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {M. Takeguchi and K. Miyakawa and I. Okura},
title = {The role of copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {A Novel optical oxygen sensing based on quenching of photoexcited triplet state of C70 in polystyrene film by oxygen using time-resolved spectroscopy},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Inoue and S. N. Kumar and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogen evolution from glucose with the combination of glucose dehydrogenase and hydrogenase from A. eutrophus H16},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked ruthenium(II) complexes and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {High sensitive oxygen sensor based on quenching of triplet-triplet absorption of fullerene C60-polystyrene film},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1999,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = {色素を用いて空気圧を測るー光学的酸素圧センサーとその利用ー},
journal = {現代化学},
year = 1999,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = {表面酸素圧測定用光学センサーシステムの開発},
journal = {表面},
year = 1999,
author = {大倉一郎 and 小倉俊一郎},
title = {ポルフィリンの光化学とその応用},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1999,
author = {大倉一郎 and 小倉俊一郎},
title = {ポルフィリンの光化学とその応用},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1999,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase and water-soluble viologen-linked zinc porphyrins},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 1998,
author = {M. Takeguchi and K. Miyakawa and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and properties of particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Mikata and Y. Onochi and K. Tabata and S. Ogura and I. Okura and H. Ono and S. Yano},
title = {Sugar-dependent photocytotoxic property of tetra-and octa-glycoconjugated tetraphenylporphyrins},
journal = {Tetrahedron Lett.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Furuto and S. K. Lee and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Novel oxygen sensor based on quenching of triplet-triplet absorption of zinc tetraphenylporphyrin},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1998,
author = {S. K. Lee and S. Ogura and Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Oxygen monitoring in living cells by palladium tetracarboxyphenylporphyrin (PdTCPP)},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of copper (I) on hydrogenase activity from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Miyazaki)},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1998,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = {金属ポルフィリンを用いた光学的酸素センシング技術},
journal = {蛋白質・核酸・酵素},
year = 1998,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {生体関連触媒},
journal = {触媒},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation and characterization of water-soluble viologen-linked zinc porphyrin and bisviologen-linked zinc porphyrin},
journal = { Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1998,
author = {S. K. Lee and I. Okura},
title = {Photoluminescent determination of oxygen using metalloporphyrin-polymer sensing systems},
journal = {Spectrochim. Acta, Part A:},
year = 1998,
author = {鈴木雅美 and 蓮実文彦 and 下田昌弘 and 濱松一弘 and 内山明彦 and 大倉一郎},
title = {吸水性ポリマーと混合した酵母の呼吸作用を利用した衣類害虫の防除},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1998,
author = {山田亨 and 久保幹 and 蓮実文彦 and 岡島嘉一 and 大倉一郎},
title = {エチレン発生抑制剤のスクリーニングとこれを用いた切り花の鮮度保持},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Mikata and M. Yokoyama and S. Ogura and I. Okura and M. Kawasaki and M. Maeda and S. Yano},
title = {Effect of side chain location in (2-aminoethyl)-aminomethyl-2-phenylquinolines as antitumor agents},
journal = {Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.},
year = 1998,
author = {K. Fukushima and K. Tabata and I. Okura},
title = {Photochemical properties of water-soluble fluorinated zinc phthalocyanines and their photocytotoxicity against Hela cells},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 1998,
author = {D. Sugimori and R. Bnzawa and M. Kurozumi and I. Okura},
title = {Removal of disperse dyes by the fungus Cunninghamella polymorpha},
journal = {J. Biosci. Bioeng.},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing using palladium porphyrin self-assembled monolayeer},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Furuto and Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on T-T absorption of zinc porphyrin},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and M. Seto and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of new phthalocyanine-immunoconjugate and its effect for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {K. Fukushima and K. Tabata and I. Okura},
title = {Photochemical properties of water-soluble fluorinated zinc phthalocyanines and their photocytotoxicity against Hela cells},
journal = {J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines},
year = 1998,
author = {D. Sugimori and R. Bnzawa and M. Kurozumi and I. Okura},
title = {Removal of disperse dyes by the fungus Cunninghamella polymorpha},
journal = {J. Biosci. Bioeng.},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing using palladium porphyrin self-assembled monolayer},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Furuto and Y. Amao and K. Asai and I. Okura},
title = {Optical oxygen sensing based on T-T absorption of zinc porphyrin},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {S. Ogura and T. Kamachi and M. Seto and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation of new phthalocyanine-immunoconjugate and its effect for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Mikata and Y. Onchi and M. Shibata and T. Kakuchi and H. Ono and S. Ogura and I. Okura and S. Yano},
title = {Sythesis and phototoxic property of tera- and octa-glycoconjugated tetraphenylchlorins},
journal = {Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Ito and A. Ishii and Y. Kodera and A. Matushima and M. Hiroto and H. Nishimura and T. Tsuzuki and T. Kamachi and I. Okura and Y. Inada},
title = {Photostable chlorophyll a conjugated with poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-smectite catalyzes photoreduction and hydrogen gas evolution by visible light},
journal = {Bioconjugate Chem.},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Mikata and M. Yokoyama and K. Mogami and M. Kato and I. Okura and M. Chikira and S. Yano},
title = {Intercalator-linked cisplatin: Synthesis and antitumor activity of cis-dichloroplatinum (II) complexes connected to acridine and phenylquinolines by one methylene chain},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1998,
author = {F. Sakamoto and T. Sumiya and M. Fujita and T. Tada and X. S. Tan and E. Suzuki and I. Okura and Y. Fuji},
title = {T-Site selctive photocleavage of DNA by cationic Schiff base complex of manganese (III)},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation and characterization of bisviologen-linked ruthenium (II) complexes},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.},
year = 1998,
author = {Y. Amao and K. Yamane and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of the chain length in water soluble viologen linked zinc porphyrins on hydrogen evolved activity with hydrogenase},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1997,
author = {S. K. Lee and I. Okura},
title = {Photostable optical oxygen sensing material: Platinum tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin immobilized in polystyrene},
journal = {Anal. Comm.},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Mikata and K. Mogami and I. Okura and M. Chikira and S. Yano},
title = {Synthesis, characterization, interaction with DNA, and antitumor activity of cis-dichloroplatinum(II)complex linked to intercalators},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1997,
author = {D. Takasu and N. Tomioka and D.-L. Jiang and T. Aida and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Dendorimer porphyrins for biomimetic applications},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1997,
author = {M. Takeguchi and K. Miyakawa and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and properties of particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b },
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1997,
author = {S. K. Lee and I. Okura},
title = {Optical sensor for oxygen using a porphyrin-doped sol-gel glass},
journal = {Analyst},
year = 1997,
author = {T. Hiraishi and E. Kimura and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using cytochrome c3 as a mediator},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1997,
author = {S. K. Lee and I. Okura},
title = {Porphyrin-doped sol-gel glass as a probe for oxygen sensing},
journal = {Anal. Chim. Acta},
year = 1997,
author = {K. Tabata and K. Fukushima and F. Kagitani and I. Okura},
title = {Accumulation of protoporphyrin IX and zinc protoporphyrin IX during the cultivation of HeLa cells},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with water soluble bisviologen linked zinc porphyrin and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A :Chem.},
year = 1997,
author = {S. K. Lee and I. Okura},
title = {Photoluminescent oxygen sensing on a specific surface area using phosphorescence quenching of Pt-porphyrin},
journal = {Anal. Sci.},
year = 1997,
author = {K. Tabata and S. Ogura and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic efficiency of protoporphyrin IX: Comparison of endogenous protoporphyrin IX induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid and exogenous porphyrin IX},
journal = {Photochem. Photobiol.},
year = 1997,
author = {M. Takeguchi and T. Furuto and D. Sugimori and I. Okura},
title = {Optimization of methanol biosynthesis by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b: An approach to improve methanol accumulation},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Kamachi adn I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with water soluble viologen linked zinc porphyrins and hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Amao T. Hiraishi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using water soluble viologen-linked trisulfonato-phenylporphyrins (TPPSCn V) with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Hiraishi and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation and characterization of water soluble viologen-linked trisulfonatophenylporphyrin (TPPSCn V)},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1997,
author = {Y. Mikata and K. Mogami and M. Kato and I. Okura and S. Yano},
title = {Synthesis, characterization, interaction with DNA, and antitumor activity of a cis-dichloroplatinum(II) complex linked to an intercalator via one methylene chain},
journal = {Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.},
year = 1997,
author = {小倉俊一郎 and 田畠健治 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {HaLa細胞に対するプロトポルフィリンIXの光増感作用},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1997,
author = {T. Takeno and J. Hirota and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked zinc porphyrins in surfactant micelles},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1996,
author = {N. Fukuhara and T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Quenching of photoexcited triplet state of Zn-TPPS by hydrogenase-cytochrome c3 complex and the role of the complex in photoinduced hydrogen evolution system},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1996,
author = {堀内敬子 and 斎藤仁夫 and 大倉一郎},
title = {Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 由来のヒドロゲナーゼとグラナとを組み合わせた光水素発生反応},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1996,
author = {Y. Amao and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of water soluble viologen linked zinc porphyrins},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.},
year = 1996,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {メタン資化細菌によるメタンからメタノール生産},
journal = {地球環境},
year = 1996,
author = {福島郁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {光化学治療用の新しいポルフィリン類縁体},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1996,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {亜鉛スルホフタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療},
journal = {コスメトロジー},
year = 1996,
author = {S. Yano and N. Doi and M. Kato and I. Okura and T. Nagano and Y. Yamamoto and T. Tanase},
title = {Successful isolation and X-ray crystal structure of tris(N-L-rhamnosyl-2-aminoethyl) amine(sulfate) nickel(II) hydrate trimethanol solvate},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1996,
author = {青野重利 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ポルフィリン・ヘムの生命科学(分担)},
journal = {現代化学増刊 東京化学同人},
year = 1996,
author = {T. Hiraishi and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Kinetic studies of electron transfer on photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.},
year = 1996,
author = {Y. Seki and M. Takeguchi and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and properties of bilirubin oxidase from Penicillium janthinellum},
journal = {J. Biotechnol.},
year = 1996,
author = {F. Hasumi and C. Teshima and I. Okura},
title = {Synthesis of xylitol by reduction of xylulose with the combination of hydrogenase and xylulose reductase},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1996,
author = {天尾豊 and 大倉一郎},
title = {生体モデルポルフィリンの光電子移動過程},
journal = {表面},
year = 1996,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Effective photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase in surfactant micelles},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A: Chem.},
year = 1996,
author = {F. Hasumi and K. Fukuoka and S. Adachi and Y. Miyamoto and I. Okura},
title = {Synthesis of alanine and leucine by reductive amination of 2-oxoic acid with the combination of hydrogenase and dehydrogenase},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1996,
author = {Junji Hirota and Takayuki Michikawa and Atsushi Miyawaki and Teiichi Furuichi and Ichiro Okura and Katsuhiko Mikoshiba},
title = {Kinetics of calcium release by the immunoaffinity-purified inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor reconstituted into lipid vesicles},
journal = {Journal of Biological Chemistry},
year = 1995,
author = {下田昌弘 and 大倉一郎},
title = {メタン資化細菌の有効利用},
journal = {化学},
year = 1995,
author = {青野重利 and 大倉一郎},
title = {蛋白質中に含まれる遷移金属クラスターの構造と機能},
journal = {化学と工業},
year = 1995,
author = {岡島壽一 and 大倉一郎 and 蓮実文彦 and 久保幹},
title = {米糠を培地とした好気性高温菌株の検索とその発酵熱としての利用},
journal = {農芸化学会誌},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Kamachi and T. Hiraishi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase and cytochrome c3},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1995,
author = {S. Aono and S. Nemoto and A. Ohtaka and I. Okura},
title = {Photoredution of cytochrome c with zinc protoporphyrin reconstituted myoglobin},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {S. Aono and N. Fukuda and I. Okura},
title = {Thermostability and electron transfer activity of the ferredoxin from a thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Bacillus schlegelii},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {S. Aono and A. Ohtaka and I. Okura},
title = {The effect of chemical modification of zinc myoglobin on the photoinduced electron transfer with methylviologen},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {Y. Seki and M. Takeguchi and S. Murao and T. Shin and I. Okura},
title = {Abnormal effect of mercury ions on bilirubin oxidase activity},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {西坂剛 and 大倉一郎},
title = {腫瘍に含まれる蛍光化合物について},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Kamachi and S. Uno and T. Hiraishi and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of Hg(II) on hydrogenase activity from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Miyazaki)},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Nishisaka and T. Fukami and K. Tabata and D. Wohrle and I. Okura},
title = {Protoporphyrin and zinc protoporphyrin in the blood of tumor transplanted mice},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1995,
author = {M. Takeguchi and Y. Seki and S. Murao and T. Shin and I. Okura},
title = {On the molecular weight of bilirubin oxidase from Penicillium janthinellum},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {D. Sugimori and I. Okura},
title = {Comparison of methane hydroxylation activity with intact cells and cell-free extracts of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {D. Sugimori and R. Ando and I. Okura},
title = {Comparison of reactivity of alkane hydroxylation with intact cells and cell-free extracts of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1995,
author = {D. Sugimori and M. Takeguchi and I. Okura},
title = {Biocatalytic methanol production from methane with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b: An approach to improve methanol accumulation},
journal = {Biotechnol. Lett.},
year = 1995,
author = {J. Hirota and T. Michikawa and A. Miyawaki and M. Takahashi and K. Tanzawa and I. Okura and T. Furuichi and K. Mikoshiba},
title = {Adenophostin-medicated quantal calcium release in the purified and reconstituted inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1},
journal = {FEBS Lett.},
year = 1995,
author = {S. Aono and S. Nakamura and I. Okura},
title = {Biochemical and biophysical properties of the mutant B: Schlegelii ferredoxin prepared by the site-directed mutagenesis},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1995,
author = {J. Hirota and T. Michikawa and A. Miyawaki and T. Furuichi and I. Okura},
title = {Kinetics of calcium release by immunoaffinity-purified inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor in reconstituted lipid vesicles},
journal = {J. Biol. Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of cationic surfactant on photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal., A: Chem.},
year = 1995,
author = {F. Hasumi and Y. Miyamoto and I. Okura},
title = {Synthesis of glutamate by reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate with the combination of hydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1995,
author = {Y. Amao and I. Okura},
title = {High efficient photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase and water soluble zinc-porphyrin in CTAB micellar system},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1995,
author = {Junji Hirota and Takayuki Michikawa and Atsushi Miyawaki and Masaaki Takahashi and Kazuhiko Tanzawa and Ichiro Okura and Teiichi Furuichi and Katsuhiko Mikoshiba},
title = {Adenophostin-mediated quantal Ca2+ release in the purified and reconstituted inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1},
journal = {FEBS Letters},
year = 1995,
author = {Junji Hirota and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in bisviologen-linked porphyrin in acetonitrile},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1994,
author = {Junji Hirota and ICHIRO OKURA and toshiaki kamachi},
title = {Characterization of sulfonated zinc phthalocyanines as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {Lasers in the Life Sciences},
year = 1994,
author = {Junji Hirota and Tetsu Takeno and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Preparation and characterization of bisviologen-linked porphyrin and bisviologen-linked zinc porphyrin},
journal = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,},
year = 1994,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {酵素を用いる光水素発生反応},
journal = {化学工業},
year = 1994,
author = {J. Hirota and T. Takeno and I. Okura},
title = {Preparation and characterization of bisviologen-linked porphyrin and bisviologen-linked zinc porphyrin},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.},
year = 1994,
author = {Y. Seki and M. Shimoda and D. Sugimori and I. Okura},
title = {Epoxidation of allyl compounds with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b: Stereoselectivity of methane monooxygenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1994,
author = {S. Aono and S. Nakamura and R. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Cloning and exprssion of the gene encoding the 7Fe type ferredoxin from a thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Bacillus schlegelii},
journal = {Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Nishisaka and O. Ishibashi and I. Okura},
title = {Reaction mechanism of photodynamic therapy with zinc phthalocyanine},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1994,
author = {幾島賢治 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {サイクロデキストリンに柑橘エキス、メントール、ワサビエキスおよびアルコールを包接させた食品添加物の開発},
journal = {応用糖質科学},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Takeno and J. Hirota and T. Kamachi and I. Okura and Y. Sakuma and T. Nishisaka},
title = {Characteriation of sulfonated zinc phthalocyanines as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy},
journal = {Lasers Life Sci.},
year = 1994,
author = {D. Sugimori and I. Okura},
title = {Comparison of reactivity of alkene epoxidation with intact cells and cell-free extracts of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Kamachi and S. Uno and T. Hiraishi and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and properties of intact hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Miyazaki)},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.},
year = 1994,
author = {K. Ikushima and T. Sekiya and S. Oku and I. Yashiki and N. Kuwabara and K. Hara and H. Hashimoto and I. Okura},
title = {Recovery of bitumen from oil sands with cyclodextrin},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Takeno and T. Nishisaka and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic therapy by sulfonated zinc phthalocyanines},
journal = {J. Laser Med.},
year = 1994,
author = {幾島賢治 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {サイクロデキストリン包接化による悪臭物質の消臭効果},
journal = {応用糖質科学},
year = 1994,
author = {J. Hirota and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in bisviologen-linked porphyrin},
journal = {Porphyrins},
year = 1994,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {ポルフィリンを光増感剤とする光水素発生反応},
journal = {ポルフィリン},
year = 1993,
author = {K. Hamamatsu and F. Hasumi and J. Okajima and I. Okura},
title = {Biological heat generation by the cultivation of Alternaria alternata in rice bran},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1993,
author = {竹野哲 and 西坂剛 and 大倉一郎},
title = {亜鉛スルホフタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1993,
author = {幾島賢治 and 関谷忠良 and 奥重機 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {消臭機能を付加した汎用樹脂の開発},
journal = {澱粉科学},
year = 1993,
author = {岡村睦雄 and 丸山鋼志 and 若林茂 and 幾島賢治 and 大倉一郎},
title = {H-NMRによる包接複合体の徐放性・耐熱性の評価},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1993,
author = {幾島賢治 and 関谷忠良 and 奥重機 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {サイクロデキストリンに包接消臭剤および芳香剤の開発},
journal = {澱粉科学},
year = 1993,
author = {幾島賢治 and 関谷忠良 and 奥重機 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {シクロデキストリンに包接化による消臭剤開発},
journal = {繊維学会誌},
year = 1993,
author = {幾島賢治 and 関谷忠良 and 奥重機 and 屋敷幾雄 and 桑原宣洋 and 原耕三 and 橋本仁 and 大倉一郎},
title = {シクロデキストリンに包接した帯電防止剤を含む樹脂の開発},
journal = {日本エネルギー学会誌},
year = 1993,
author = {A. Heuermann and I. Okura and D. Wohrle},
title = {Photophysical abd photosensitizing properties of newly synthesized porphyrin- and phthalocyanine-derivatives},
journal = {Photodynamic Therapy and Biomedical Lasers},
year = 1993,
author = {M. Shimoda and Y. Seki and I. Okura},
title = {Oxidation of halogenated propanes with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1993,
author = {J. Hirota and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in bisviologen-linked porphyrin in acetonitrile},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem.},
year = 1993,
author = {S. Aono and T. Kamachi and I. Okura},
title = {Characterization and thermostability of a membrane-bound hydrogenase from a thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Bacillus schlegelii},
journal = {Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.},
year = 1993,
author = {西坂剛 and 円入寛子 and 竹野哲 and 大倉一郎},
title = {メチレンブルーを光増感剤とする光化学療法に関する研究},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1993,
author = {M. Shimoda and Y. Seki and I. Okura},
title = {Oxidation of allyl compounds with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1993,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {金属ポルフィリンの光増感作用},
journal = {ファルマシア},
year = 1993,
author = {下田昌弘 and 大倉一郎},
title = {メタン資化細菌を利用したメタンからメタノールの合成},
journal = {ファインケミカル},
year = 1993,
author = {Junji Hirota and ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in bisviologen-linked porphyrin in acetonitrile},
journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry},
year = 1993,
author = {T. Nishisaka and H. Nanasawa and Y. Sakuma and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic therapy by zinc phthalocyanine as tumor localizer},
journal = {J. Laser Med.},
year = 1992,
author = {S. Aono and H. Kurita and S. Uno and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and characterization of a 7Fe ferredoxin from a thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Bacillus schlegelii},
journal = {J. Biochem.},
year = 1992,
author = {F. Hasumi and T. Yamamoto and I. Okura},
title = {Splitting of water by irradiation of visible light with a grana-NADP-FNR-NAD-hydrogenase system},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1992,
author = {I. Okura and H. Hosono},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in viologen-linked zinc porphyrins in acetonitrile},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1992,
author = {N. Nakada and I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogenation of pyruvic acid by hydrogen with the combination of hydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1992,
author = {K. Yamada and M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {Purification and characterization of methanol dehydrogenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1992,
author = {M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {Further study on the reaction mechanism of propane hydroxylation with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1992,
author = {I. Okura and H. Hosono},
title = {Photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer in viologen-linked zinc porphyrins in dimethyl sulfoxide},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem.},
year = 1992,
author = {S. Aono and S. Nemoto and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer between zinc protoporphyrin reconstituted myoglobin and methylviologen},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1992,
author = {I.Okura},
title = {Production of methanol from methane using Methylosinus trichosporium},
journal = {New Technol. Jap.},
year = 1992,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {新しい食品工業分野},
journal = {FFIジャーナル},
year = 1992,
author = {T. Nishisaka and N. Sugiyama and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic therapy by porphyrin oligomer as tumor localizer},
journal = {Lasers Life Sci.},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Takeuchi and I. Okura},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and hydrogenation of dihydroxyacetone by hydrogen with the combination of hydrogenase and glycerol dehydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {T. Katakyama and M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {NDPDP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Kawamura and I. Okura},
title = {Highly active zinc tetraphenylporphyrintricarboxylic acid for photoredox reactions},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {D. Wohrle and M. Pailuras and I. Okura},
title = {Polymer-bound porphyrins and their precursors. Synthesis and photoredox properties of water-soluble polymers with covalently bonded zinc tetraphenylporphyrin},
journal = {Makromol. Chem.},
year = 1991,
author = {Y. Yamamoto and S. Noda and N. Nanai and I. Okura and Y. Inoue},
title = {H-NMR conformational study of viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1991,
author = {蓮実文彦 and 半田晴久 and 大倉一郎},
title = {アフィニチークロマトグラフィーと白金コロイド染色法を組み合わせたタンパク質の特異的高感度定量法},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {On the reaction mechanism of propane hydroxylation with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Shimoda and S. Nemoto and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of cyclopropane treatment of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b for lower alkane oxidation},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {S. Nemoto and M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of cyclopropane treatment of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b for n-butane hydroxylation},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {Selective inhibition of methanol dehydrogenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b by cyclopropanol},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1991,
author = {蓮実文彦 and 中戸川貢 and 日向正和 and 中田伸治 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水素ガスによるNAD還元と脱水素酵素とを組み合わせたギ酸およびクエン酸の生産},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1991,
author = {I. Okura and H. Hosono},
title = {Preparation and characterization of viologen-linked zinc porphyrins},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1991,
author = {大倉一郎 and 青野重利},
title = {ポルフィリンを光増感剤とする太陽エネルギーの化学エネルギーへの変換},
journal = {触媒},
year = 1991,
author = {佐久間洋一 and 西坂剛 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンの細胞への取り込みと排出},
journal = {医用電子と生体工学},
year = 1991,
author = {中田伸治 and 大倉一郎 and 蓮実文彦},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼを用いたNADH再生系によるオキサロ酢酸の還元},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1991,
author = {S. Aono and A. Ohtaka and S. Nemoto and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer between zinc-reconstituted myoglobin (Zn-Mb) and viologens, and Zn-Mb and Fe(III)-cyt. c},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1991,
author = {M. Ono and I. Okura},
title = {On the reaction mechanism of alkene epoxidation with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1990,
author = {M. Shimoda and I. Okura},
title = {Effect of cyclopropane treatment of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b for methane hydroxylation},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm.},
year = 1990,
author = {S. Noda and H. Hosono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer Intramolecular electron transfer in viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1990,
author = {I. Okura and K. Otsuka and N. Nakada and F. Hasumi},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and ketone hydrogenation by hydrogen with the combination of hydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase},
journal = {Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.},
year = 1990,
author = {S. Noda and H. Hosono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer in viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans.},
year = 1990,
author = {佐久間洋一 and 西坂剛 and 廣田順二 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療の研究?官能基の相違と光化学効果の検討?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1990,
author = {佐久間洋一 and 西坂剛 and 廣田順二 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療の研究?水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンの臓器集積性について?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1990,
author = {西坂剛 and 佐久間洋一 and 蒲池利章 and 廣田順二 and 大倉一郎},
title = {生体内感光色素の励起三重項状態の研究?測定システムの研究?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1990,
author = {蓮実文彦 and 中田伸治 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼと6ーホスホグルコネートデヒドロゲナーゼとの組み合わせによる6ーホスホグルコネートの生産},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1990,
author = {西坂剛 and 佐久間洋一 and 大倉一郎},
title = {感光色素の生体内励起三重項状態の研究},
journal = {医用電子と生体工学},
year = 1990,
author = {I. Okura and Y. Kinumi},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked zinc porphyrins},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1990,
author = {S. Noda and H. Hosono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer in viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.},
year = 1990,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {食品工業と生物工学},
journal = {食品工業33 },
year = 1990,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {生物工学への招待},
journal = {化学工学},
year = 1990,
author = {S. Noda and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer with Fe4S4(SC6F5)4},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1989,
author = {廣田順二 and 蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎 and 佐久間洋一 and 西坂剛},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療の研究?細胞への取り込みと排出?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1989,
author = {K. Otsuka and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and ketone hydrogenation by hydrogen with the combination of hydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1989,
author = {Y. Kinumi and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked anionic zinc porphyrins},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1989,
author = {大倉一郎 and 下田昌弘 and 根本周蔵},
title = {Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b による低級アルカンの酸化反応},
journal = {化学素材研究開発振興財団研究報告},
year = 1989,
author = {M. Shimoda M. Ono and I. Okura},
title = {Ethanol formation from ethane with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1989,
author = {Y. Yamamoto and S. Noda and N. Nanai and I. Okura and Y. Inoue},
title = {H-NMR conformational study of viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1989,
author = {F. Hasumi and T. Nishisaka and N. Sugiyama and I. Okura},
title = {Photochemical properties of porphyrin oligomer as tumor localizer},
journal = {MRS Adv. Material.},
year = 1989,
author = {Y. Sakuma and T. Nishisaka and F. Hasumi and I. Okura},
title = {Photodynamic therapy using water-soluble zinc phthalocyanine},
journal = {Jap. J. Elect. Biol. Eng.},
year = 1989,
author = {西坂剛 and 七沢洋 and 蓮見文彦 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療の研究?水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンの臓器集積性について?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1989,
author = {西坂剛 and 七沢洋 and 石橋修 and 蓮見文彦 and 大倉一郎},
title = {水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンを利用した光化学治療の研究?水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンの合成と精製?},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1989,
author = {S. Aono and M. Ono and I. Okura},
title = {Substrate specificity and stereoselectivity of epoxidation of alkenes with Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1989,
author = {I. Okura and Y. Kinumi and T. Nishisaka},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked water-soluble zinc porphyrins in a micellar system},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1989,
author = {蓮実文彦 and 高野正男 and 大倉一郎},
title = {白金コロイドを用いるタンパク質の高感度検出法},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1989,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼ},
journal = {OMニュース},
year = 1989,
author = {F. Hasumi and T. Nishisaka and N. Sugiyamsa and I. Okura},
title = {Study of a fluorescent substance conatained in the murine tumor C3H/MH134},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1988,
author = {D. Wohrle and J. Gitzel and G. Krawczyk and E. Tsuchida and I. Okura and T. Nishisaka},
title = {Synthesis, redox behavior, sensitizer activity and oxygen transfer of cobalt bound polymeric porphyrins},
journal = {J. Macromol. Sci. Chem.},
year = 1988,
author = {Y. Kinumi and I. Okura},
title = {Highly active water-soluble zinc porphyrins for photoredox reactions},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1988,
author = {I. Okura and Y. Kinumi and N. Kaji and S. Aono},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.},
year = 1988,
author = {S. Aono and N. Kaji and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with bifunctional porphyrins},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1988,
author = {S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Photochemical reduction of NADP to NADPH and hydrogenation of 2-butanone using 2,2'-bipyridinium salts as electron carriers},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1988,
author = {N. Sugiyama and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Unusual behavior of Zn-TPPS in photosensitization},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1988,
author = {北達哉 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ミセル存在下での Zn-TPPS ートリエタノールアミンービオロゲン系によるビオロゲンの光還元反応},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1988,
author = {梶成彦 and 大倉一郎},
title = {Zn-TPPS とビピリジニウム塩との錯体形成と光水素発生反応},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1988,
author = {K. Kitajima and S. Noda and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Electron transfer reaction between iron-sulfur cluster and methyl viologen},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1988,
author = {森川陽 and 大倉一郎},
title = {光化学反応機構研究のために},
journal = {化学と工業},
year = 1988,
author = {大倉一郎 and 青野重利},
title = {金属ポルフィリンを光増感剤とする光水素発生反応},
journal = {化学工業},
year = 1988,
author = {西坂剛 and 中田伸治 and 杉山昇 and 絹見雄一 and 大倉一郎 and 蓮見文彦},
title = {光化学治療における水溶性亜鉛フタロシアニンに関する研究},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1987,
author = {S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced reduction of NADP using bipyridinium salts as electron carriers},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1987,
author = {K. Otsuka and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and hydrogenation of ketones to alcohols with the combination of hydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1987,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono and T. Nishisaka},
title = {Photoredox properties of viologen-linked porphyrins},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1987,
author = {I. Okura and K. Kurabayashi and S. Aono},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and hydrogenation of ketones to alcohols with the combination of hydrogenase, ferredoxin-NADP reductase and alcohol dehydrogenase},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1987,
author = {I. Okura and K. Kurabayashi and S. Aono},
title = {Regeneration of NADH and ketone hydrogenation by hydrogen in the enzymatic system},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1987,
author = {西坂剛 and 大倉一郎 and 絹見雄一},
title = {光化学治療における感光色素?フタロシアニンに関する研究},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1987,
author = {西坂剛 and 大倉一郎 and 山田好秋},
title = {二波長励起化学治療システムの開発},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1987,
author = {西坂剛 and 大倉一郎 and 小林孝嘉 and 蓮見文彦},
title = {ヘマトポルヒィリン誘導体の励起3重項状態の研究},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1987,
author = {西坂剛 and 杉山昇 and 大倉一郎 and 桜井勝清 and 蓮見文彦},
title = {ヘマトポルヒィリンオリゴマーの光化学的性質},
journal = {日レーザー医},
year = 1987,
author = {S. Aono and T. Kita and I. Okura and A. Yamada},
title = {Photoreduction of viologens with NADPH as reversible electron donor},
journal = {Photochem. Photobiol.},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Application of hydrogenase for photoinduced hydrogen evolution},
journal = {Biochimie},
year = 1986,
author = {S. Aono and N. Kaji and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with a viologen-linked porphyrin},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm.},
year = 1986,
author = {N. Kaji and S. Aono and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked water-soluble zinc porphyrins},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono and N. Kaji},
title = {Depression of the complex formation between zinc tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonate(Zn-TPPS) and viologen by the addition of surfactant micelles},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono and T. Nishisaka},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with viologen-linked porphyrin in a micellar system},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono and N. Kaji},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution in micellar system},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura and H. Fujie and S. Aono and T. Kita and N. Kaji},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase using bipyridinium salts as electron carriers},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1986,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono and T. Kita},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution from water using bipyridinium salts as electron carriers},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono and N. Kaji},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution in a micellar system},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono and N. Kaji},
title = {Retardation of back electron transfer in photoredox processes by the addition of surfactant micelles},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1985,
author = {D. Wohrle and J. Gitzel and I. Okura and S. Aono},
title = {Photoredox properties of tetra-2,3-pyridinoporphyrazine},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans.II},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono},
title = {Determination of association constants by laser flash photolysis between Zn-TPPS and bipyridinium salts in photocatalytic hydrogen evolution},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono and N. Kaji},
title = {Depression of the complex formation between zinc tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonate(Zn-TPPS) and methylviologen by the addition of surfactant micelles},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1985,
author = {S. Aono and I. Okura and A. Yamada},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer between Zn(TPPS) and viologens},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Comparison of hydrogenase and colloidal platinum as photoinduced hydrogen evolution catalysts},
journal = {Molecular Biology of Hydrogenases},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Application of hydrogenase for photoinduced hydrogen evolution},
journal = {Molecular Biology of Hydrogenases},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and M. Kobayashi},
title = {Photoreduction of methylviologen with benzophenone and hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono and T. Kita and A. Yamada},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using bipyridinium salts as an electron carrier},
journal = {Inorg. Chem.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and M. Hoshino and A. Yamada},
title = {Application of laser flash photolysis to determine association constants between Zn-TPPS and viologens},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Hydrogenase and its application for photoinduced hydrogen evolution},
journal = {Coord. Chem. Rev.},
year = 1985,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {人工酵素・生体膜デザイン(分担)},
journal = {シーエムーシー},
year = 1985,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kaji and S. Aono and T. Kita},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using bipyridinium salts as electron carriers},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono},
title = {Photoinduced electron transfer from Zn-TPPS to viologens},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1984,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼを利用した太陽エネルギー変換},
journal = {高分子アニュアルレビュー},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and T. Kita},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution in the presence of NADPH as an electron donating agent},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1984,
author = {大倉一郎 and 青野重利},
title = {酵素および電子伝達体の構造と機能},
journal = {触媒},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {The complexation of zinc tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonate by viologen and its role in the photoredox processes},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Aono},
title = {Effect of flavins of hydrogenase activity},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = { Molecular design of artificial photosynthesis in organized assemblies (eds. T. Matsuo, J. Fendler).},
year = 1984,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and M. Yamada and T. Kita and S. Kusunoki},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution with sodium sulfide as an electron donor},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {Cmplexation of Zn-TPPS by methylviologen and its role in the photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {Inorg. Chem.},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and S. Kusunoki},
title = {Photoreduction of viologens and hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {Complexation of Zn-TPPS by ethylviologen and its role in photoredox processes},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura and T. Kita and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {An abnormal effect of FMN on hydrogenase activity},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1983,
author = {楠真 and 大倉一郎},
title = {各種アンモニウム塩を電子伝達体とするヒドロゲナーゼによる水素発生},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {Complexation of Zn-TPPS by methylviologen and its role in the photoinduced hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {Inorg. Chem.},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Physical chemistry of HPD},
journal = {ICMP Lett.},
year = 1983,
author = {難波征太郎 and 大倉一郎},
title = {白金コロイドの作り方と使い方},
journal = {表面},
year = 1983,
author = {I. Okura},
title = {Haematoporphyrin derivatives},
journal = {ICMP Lett.},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and S. Kusunoki},
title = {Photoreduction of viologens by visible light in the presence of electron donor and hydrogen evolution with hydrogenase},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and M. Takeuchi and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {Kinetics and mechanism of photoinduced methylviologen reduction with an organic dye and hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and M. Takeuchi},
title = {Photoinduced cleavage of water with tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium dication in alkaline solution or hematoporphyrin in alkaline solution},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and M. Takeuchi},
title = {Methylviologen reduction with cadmium(II)-meso-tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonic acid and hydrogen evolution of hydrogenase},
journal = {Nouv. J. Chim.},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and M. Takeuchi},
title = {Methylviologen reduction with manganese(II)-meso-tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonic acid and hydrogen evolution of hydrogenase},
journal = {Angew. Chem. Suppl.},
year = 1982,
author = {大倉一郎 and 楠真 and 青野重利},
title = {光水素発生用触媒としての生体高分子の利用},
journal = {高分子論文集},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and S. Aono and M. Takeuchi and S. Kusunoki},
title = {The photoreduction of viologen dyes with palladium meso-tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonate},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and M. Takeuchi and S. Kusunoki and S. Aono},
title = {Photoreduction of cytochrome c3 and hydrogen evolution with hydrogenae},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1982,
author = {八嶋建明 and 難波征太郎 and 大倉一郎 and 土肥義治 and 北島信正},
title = {触媒化学における最近の話題},
journal = {化学工場},
year = 1982,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼ活性点の構造},
journal = {化学の領域},
year = 1982,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and M. Takekuchi},
title = {Photochemical evolution of hydrogen in the sytem ; Methylviologen/Mn(II)-meso-teraphenylporphyrintrisulfonic acid/mercaptoethanol/hydrogenase},
journal = {Angew. Chem. Int. ed. Engl.},
year = 1982,
author = {J. Turkevich and R. S. Miner and Jr. and I. Okura },
title = {S. Namba and N. Zacharina Monodisperse colloidal platinum vs. catalase as catalysts for hydrogen peroxide decomposition},
journal = {Perspect. Catal.},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and S. Nakamura and M. Kobayashi},
title = {Bovine serum albumin coordinated iron-sulfur cluster as a hydrogenase model},
journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Kinetic studies of photoinduced methyl viologen reduction with ruthenium complexes and hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc., Faraday I},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and M. Takeuchi and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Kinetics and mechanism of photoinduced viologen reduction with zinc-meso-tetraphenylporphyrintrisulfonic acid and hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase},
journal = {Photochem. Photobiol.},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and M. Takeuchi},
title = {Photoinduced cleavage of water with tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium dication in alkaline solution},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki and N. Kim-Thuan and M. Kobayashi},
title = {Comparison of actvities for hydrogen evolution from water of hydrogenase and colloidal platinum},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm.},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and S. Kusunoki},
title = {Comparison of hydrogenase and colloidal platinum as photoinduced hydrogen evolution catalysts},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and N. Nakamura and S. Nakamura},
title = {Kinetics of methylviologen reduction by hydrogen catalyzed by hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris},
journal = {J. Inorg. Biochem.},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Enhancement of efficiency in solar energy utilization by mixed photosensitizers},
journal = {Inorg. Chim. Acta},
year = 1981,
author = {大倉一郎 and 北島信正},
title = {非ヘム鉄},
journal = {有合化},
year = 1981,
author = {I. Okura and S. Nakamura},
title = {Hydrogen evolution catalyzed by iron-sulfur albumin as a hydrognease model},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Kinetics and mechanism of methyl viologen reduction and hydrogen generation by visible light with haematoporphyrin catalyzed by hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc., Faraday I},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Splitting of water into hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide by light irradiation of anthraquinone derivatives},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Comparison of ruthenium complexes for photoinduced methylviologen reduction and hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1980,
author = {N. Kim-Thuan and I. Okura},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution from alcohols catalyzed by benzophenone and colloidal platinum},
journal = {J. Photochem.},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and M. Kobayashi and N. Kim-Thuan and S. Nakamura and K. Nakamura},
title = {Photoreduction of methyl viologen by triphenylamine and hydrogen generation with hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and M. Takeuchi and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Methyl viologen reduction with water soluble metallo-porphyrins by visible light irradaiation and hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase},
journal = {Chem. Lett.},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Hydrogen generation by visible light with ruthenium(II)carbonyltetraphenylporphyrin in aqueous micellar solution catalyzed by hydrogenase},
journal = {J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm.},
year = 1980,
author = {大倉一郎},
title = {エネルギーの化学},
journal = {化学と工業},
year = 1980,
author = {I. Okura and K. Nakamura and S. Nakamura},
title = {Studies on the iron-sulfur clusters in hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and T. Keii},
title = {Autoxidation of hydrazine with manganese(III)-hematoporphyrin},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and T. Keii},
title = {Reduction of methylene blue by hydrazine catalyzed by manganese(III)-hematoporphyrin},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan and T. Keii},
title = {On the kinetics and the mechanism of hydrogen peroxide decomposition with silica-supported metallo-porphyrins},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Hydrogen evolution from water by hydrogenase in the presence of reduced methyl viologen produced by irradiation with visible light},
journal = {J. Chem. Res.},
year = 1979,
author = {大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {太陽エネルギーの生物・化学的利用2},
journal = {学会出版センター},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Hydrogen generation by visible light with tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium dication},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and S. Nakamura and K. Nakamura},
title = {Effect of electron acceptors on hydrogenase activity},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and S. Nakamura and K. Nakamura},
title = {Artificial hydrogenase: Hydrogen evolution catalyzed by synthesized iron-sulfur protein},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Hydrogen generation by visible light with zinc(II) tetraphenylporphyrin in aqueous micellar solutions},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and S. Nakamura and N. Kim-Thuan and K. Nakamura},
title = {Kinetics and mechanism of methyl viologen reduction and hydrogen generation by visible light with tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium dication},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and K. Nakamura and S. Nakamura},
title = {Reconstitution of hydrogenase from its apoprotein},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and K. Nakamura and S. Nakamura},
title = {Further evidence for involvement of iron-sulfur clusters in hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and N. Kim-Thuan},
title = {Hydrogen evolution promoted by hydrogenase from reduced methyl viologen under irradiation by near-ultraviolet light},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1979,
author = {I. Okura and K. Nakamura and T. Keii},
title = {On the iron-sulfur cluster in hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1978,
author = {N. Takahashi and I. Okura and T. Keii},
title = {Comparison of 1-butene isomerization on silica-supported rhodium chloride catalyst with homogeneous rhodium complex catalyst},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1978,
author = {I. Okura and N. Takahashi and T. Keii},
title = {Effect of ethylene on butene isomerization with dichlorotetraethylene-dirhodium},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1978,
author = {N. Takahashi and I. Okura and T. Keii},
title = {Ethylene-propene co-dimerization with silica-supported rhodium chloride catalyst},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1977,
author = {N. Takahashi and I. Okura and T. Keii},
title = {Highly active silica-supported rhodium chloride catalyst for ethylene dimerization},
journal = {J. Mol. Catal.},
year = 1977,
author = {K. Aika and L. L. Ban and I. Okura and S. Namba and J. Turkevich},
title = {Chemisorption and catalytic activity of platinum catalysts},
journal = {J. Res. Inst. Catal.},
year = 1976,
author = {慶伊富長 and 高橋厚 and 大倉一郎 and 小島昭},
title = {TiCl3-Al(C2H5)3 系触媒によるプロピレン重合における水素添加効果},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1976,
author = {南部洋子 and 大倉一郎},
title = {(C5H5)2TiCl2-EtAlCl2 触媒によるエチレン重合の速度論的研究},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1976,
author = {N. Takahashi and I. Okura and T. Keii},
title = {Heterogenized rhodium chloride catalyst for ethylene dimerization},
journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
year = 1975,
author = {慶伊富長 and 小島昭 and 大倉一郎 and 高橋厚},
title = {数種のZiegler-Natta触媒による水素交換反応},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1975,
author = {大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {三塩化チタン表面のESR吸収},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1973,
author = {大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {ロジウム錯体触媒によるエチレンの二量化反応},
journal = {日化誌},
year = 1972,
author = {Y. Doi and I. Okura and T. Keii},
title = {Ziegler-Natta propylene polymerization in gas phase: Production of highly isotactic polymers},
journal = {Chem. Lett., },
year = 1972,
author = {大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {ESR によるチグラー・ナッタ触媒の研究},
journal = {工化},
year = 1970,
author = {I. Okura and K. Soga and A. Kojima and T. Keii},
title = {Abnormal effect of hydrogen on propylene polymerization with TiCl3-Al(C2H5)2Cl},
journal = {J. Polym. Sci., A-1},
year = 1969,
author = {土肥義治 and 大倉一郎 and 慶伊富長},
title = {ナッタ触媒によるプロピレン重合における酸素添加効果},
journal = {工化},
year = 1969,
author = {Hidehiro Ito and Tatsuya Iwasaki and Ichiro Okura and Toshiaki Kamachi},
title = {Photoinduced hydrogen evolution using [NiFe] hydrogenase with phospholipid liposomes system},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Hidehiro ITO and Mai MATSUZAKI and Fumiya MORI and Akimitsu MIYAJI and Kenji TABATA and Ichiro OKURA and Toshiaki KAMACHI},
title = {Oxidation reaction using light energy by the combination of chloroplast and oxidoreductases},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {伊藤栄紘 and 岩﨑達也 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {リポソーム再構成膜結合型ヒドロゲナーゼを用いた光水素発生},
booktitle = {},
year = 2014,
author = {伊藤栄紘 and 森史也 and 田畠健治 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {葉緑体とメタンモノオキシゲナーゼを利用した光駆動型メタン酸化反応},
booktitle = {},
year = 2014,
author = {Hidehiro Ito and Fumiya Mori and Kenji Tabata and Ichiro Okura and Toshiaki Kamachi},
title = {Methane hydroxylation using light energy by the combination of thylakoid and methane monooxygenase},
booktitle = {RSC Advances},
year = 2014,
author = {岩崎達也 and 伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {ヒドロゲナーゼを用いた光水素発生におけるリポソーム膜表面電荷の効果},
booktitle = {},
year = 2014,
author = {森 史也 and 伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {葉緑体の光合成明反応を利用したメタンモノオキシゲナーゼによるメタン酸化反応},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {岩崎達也 and 伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {疎水性ポルフィリンを用いた光水素発生におけるリポソーム表面電荷の効果},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {伊藤栄紘 and 原科建依 and 田畠健治 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {自殺基質を用いたMethylosinus trichosporium OB3b由来膜結合型メタンモノオキシゲナーゼ活性中心の検討},
booktitle = {酵素工学ニュース},
year = 2013,
author = {森史也 and 伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {葉緑体の光還元系を利用したメタンモノオキシゲナーゼによるプロピレンの酸化反応},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {Akira Yaba and Mai Inoue and Hidehiro Ito and Ichiro Okura and Toshiaki Kamachi},
title = {Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of Porphyrin-cored Lysine Dendrimer},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {リン脂質共存下でのヒドロゲナーゼを用いた光水素発生},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {リン脂質共存下でのヒドロゲナーゼを用いた光水素発生},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {Hidehiro Ito and Ichiro Okura and Toshiaki Kamachi},
title = {Effect of phospholipids on the photoinduced hydrogen evolution},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {八馬彬 and 井上舞 and 伊藤栄紘 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {ポルフィリンをコアとするリジンデンドリマーの合成と光学的性質},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {井上舞 and 伊藤栄紘 and 長谷川千夏 and 八島栄次 and 大倉一郎 and 蒲池利章},
title = {カチオン性側鎖を有するポリマーを用いたヒドロゲナーゼの固定化},
booktitle = {},
year = 2011,
author = {Akimitsu Miyaji and Toshiaki Kamachi and Ichiro Okura},
title = {The enzyme catalyzing the methane hydroxylation in cytoplasmic membrane of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b},
booktitle = {Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry},
year = 2003,
author = {朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {酵素ヒドロゲナーゼを用いた光水素発生反応},
year = 2011,
author = {朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {高感度EQCM法を利用したタンパク質間電子移動の測定},
year = 2009,
author = {朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {ポルフィリンと酵素ヒドロゲナーゼを利用した光水素発生反応},
year = 2009,
author = {朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {太陽光を利用して水素をつくる},
year = 2007,
author = {朝倉則行 and 大倉一郎},
title = {電子移動の秩序を守るタンパク質:},
year = 2007,
author = {ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {ESRによるZiegler-Natta触媒の研究},
year = 1973,
author = {大倉一郎 and 田畠健治 and 朝倉 則行 and 蒲池利章},
title = {メタン資化細菌を用いた圧力調整下におけるメタノールの製造方法},
howpublished = {公開特許},
year = 2009,
month = {},
note = {特願2007-259078(2007/10/02), 特開2009-082107(2009/04/23)}
author = {蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎 and 朝倉 則行},
title = {試料における酸素濃度及び/又は酸素分布を測定する方法},
howpublished = {公開特許},
year = 2007,
month = {},
note = {特願2007-024261(2007/02/02), 特開2007-232716(2007/09/13)}
author = {蒲池利章 and 大倉一郎 and 朝倉 則行 and 上山 智嗣},
title = {メルカプト基含有物質検知装置及び方法},
howpublished = {登録特許},
year = 2011,
month = {},
note = {特願2006-297635(2006/11/01), 特開2008-116240(2008/05/22), 特許第4869871号(2011/11/25)}
author = {ICHIRO OKURA},
title = {ESRによるZiegler-Natta触媒の研究},
school = {東京工業大学},
year = 1973,