@book{CTT100747684, author = {Yu Ito}, title = {Chapter 6 Heat Transfer of Supercritical Fluid Flows and Compressible Flows}, publisher = {InTech open}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100817884, author = {Yu Ito and Yuhei Sato and Takao Nagasaki}, title = {Theoretical Analyses of the Number of Backflow Vortices on an Axial Pump or Compressor}, journal = {ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100788155, author = {Masayoshi Miura and TAKAO NAGASAKI and Yu Ito}, title = {Experimental study on heat transport induced by phase changes associated with liquid column oscillation in pulsating heat pipes}, journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100776714, author = {中西 仁 and 伊藤 優 and 長崎 孝夫}, title = {逆熱伝導解析による翼型熱交換器の伝熱性能評価}, journal = {日本ガスタービン学会誌}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100744637, author = {Masayoshi Miura and TAKAO NAGASAKI and Yu Ito}, title = {Experimental investigation of heat transport with oscillating liquid column in pulsating heat pipe using forced oscillation system}, journal = {International Journal of heat and Mass Transfer}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100696160, author = {Yu Ito and Atsuhiro Tsunoda and Yuto Kurishita and Satoshi Kitano and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Experimental Visualization of Cryogenic Backflow Vortex Cavitation with Thermodynamic Effects}, journal = {Journal of Propulsion and Power}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100696161, author = {Yu Ito and Atsuhiro Tsunoda and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Experimental comparison of backflow-vortex cavitation on pump inducer between cryogen and water}, journal = {Journal of Physics, Conference Series}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100696114, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する基礎的研究(有効熱伝導率の測定)}, journal = {日本機械学会論文集}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100672676, author = {Yu Ito and Naoya Inokura and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Conjugate Heat Transfer in Air-to-Refrigerant Airfoil Heat Exchangers}, journal = {ASME Journal of Heat Transfer}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100585093, author = {Yu Ito and Koichi SETO and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Periodical shedding of cloud cavitation from a single hydrofoil in high-speed cryogenic channel flow}, journal = {Journal of Thermal Science}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100585110, author = {伊藤優}, title = {厳密な気泡周りの伝熱と気泡振動を考慮した気泡径分布モデルに基づく極低温高速キャビテーション流のための計算モデルとその検証}, journal = {日本航空宇宙学会論文集}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100399198, author = {Yu Ito and Kazuya SAWASAKI and Naoki TANI and Takao NAGASAKI and Toshio Nagashima}, title = {A Blowdown Cryogenic Cavitation Tunnel and CFD Treatment for Flow Visualization around a Foil}, journal = {Journal of Thermal Science}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100397915, author = {Takao Nagasaki and Yu Ito and Tomotaka Ishikawa}, title = {Study on Heat Transport Mechanism in Pulsating Heat Pipes}, journal = {Thermal Science and Engineering}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100539954, author = {Yu Ito and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Numerical Analysis on Cavitation in a Cryogenic High-Speed Flow}, journal = {Thermal Science and Engineering}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100496263, author = {Yu Ito and Hideki WAKAMATSU and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Sub-cooled Cavitating Flow by Using Bubble Size Distribution}, journal = {Journal of Thermal Science}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100469091, author = {秋山 泰有 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {水・エタノール混合蒸気の滴状凝縮機構に関する研究}, journal = {Thermal Science and Engineering}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100537781, author = {Yu Ito and Toshio Nagashima}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Sub-cooled LN2 Nozzle Flow with Cavitation}, journal = {Internal Flows}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100612979, author = {伊藤優 and 長島 利夫}, title = {サブクール液体窒素のキャビテーション遷移を伴うノズル流れに関する数値シミュレーション}, journal = {航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100616824, author = {Kenji Amagai and Yu Ito and Masataka Arai}, title = {Diffusion Jet Flames in Low and high Gravity Fields}, journal = {Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100612975, author = {伊藤優 and 天谷賢児 and 新井雅隆}, title = {小重力場における液的の壁面蒸発(第2報,液滴運動の解析)}, journal = {Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100612974, author = {伊藤優 and 天谷 賢児 and 新井 雅隆}, title = {小重力場における液滴の壁面蒸発}, journal = {Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100817868, author = {増田 啓介 and 長崎 孝夫 and 伊藤 優}, title = {エタノール水溶液を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する研究}, booktitle = {第56回日本伝熱シンポジウム 講演論文集(USBメモリ)}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100788186, author = {伊藤優 and 鄭暁 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {気泡径分布を用いた極低温キャビテーションの数学モデル (ターボ機械への適用)}, booktitle = {日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100773656, author = {増子宏大 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {3次元自励振動ヒートパイプに関する実験的研究}, booktitle = {熱工学コンファレンス2018 講演論文集(USB)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100773655, author = {増田啓介 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {エタノール水溶液を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの液柱振動と熱輸送特性に関する研究}, booktitle = {熱工学コンファレンス2018 講演論文集(USB)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100775367, author = {伊藤優 and 鄭暁 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {レイリープレセット方程式と伝熱方程式を連成させた気泡径分布を用いた極低温キャビテーションの数学モデル(インデューサに発生するキャビテーションへの適用)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100775366, author = {佐藤悠平 and 伊藤 優 and 長崎 孝夫}, title = {インデューサに生じる逆流渦キャビテーションの渦の数}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100775363, author = {二ノ宮 竜成 and 伊藤 優 and 長崎 孝夫}, title = {翼型熱交換器で構築した軽量ICRエンジン搭載機の フューエルバーンの評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100775362, author = {Y Ito and X Zheng and T Nagasaki}, title = {Numerical simulation using the bubble size distribution model of cryogenic cavitation around an axial helical inducer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100774364, author = {Yu Ito and Takao Nagasaki and Hitoshi Nakanishi}, title = {HEAT TRANSFER VIA AN AIRFOIL HEAT EXCHANGER IN A FLOW WITH PERIODIC TEMPERATURE CHANGE}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100774365, author = {Yu Ito and Hitoshi Nakanishi and Takao Nagasaki}, title = {Thermal Conductivity Effect on Overall Heat Transfer of Airfoil Heat Exchanger}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100744664, author = {Masayoshi Miura and Takao Nagasaki and Yu Ito}, title = {Phase Change with Liquid Column Oscillation in Pulsating Heat Pipe: Experimental Study Using Forced Oscillation System}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768507, author = {中西仁 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {逆熱伝導解析による翼型熱交換器の伝熱性能評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100774366, author = {Y. Ito and H. Nakanishi and T. Nagasaki and K. Fukazawa}, title = {Heat transfer coefficient on air-contact surfaces of an airfoil heat exchanger}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100744653, author = {深尾総史 and 長崎孝夫 and 三浦正義 and 伊藤優}, title = {1ターン自励振動ヒートパイプにおける液柱振動と熱輸送特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100744650, author = {伊藤優 and 深澤光祐 and 中西仁 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {翼型熱交換器の伝熱に関する数値解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100744672, author = {Yu Ito and Kosuke Fukazawa and Hitoshi Nakanishi and Takao Nagasaki}, title = {GEOMETRIC EFFECT OF AIRFOIL HEAT EXCHANGER ON HEAT TRANSFER}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100744654, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプにおける液柱の往復振動に伴う熱輸送特性に関する研究(作動流体の影響)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100744659, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプにおける液柱の往復振動に伴い生ずる液膜厚さに関する研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100703809, author = {Yu Ito}, title = {Rough Weight Estimation for Intercooled and Recuperated Aviation Gas Turbine Using Airfoil Heat Exchangers}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100704211, author = {Masayoshi Miura and Takao Nagasaki and Yu Ito}, title = {Study on the Mechanism of Heat Transport in a Pulsating Heat Pipe by Using a Forced Oscillation System}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100703810, author = {Yu Ito and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Experimental Observationof Backflow-vortex Cavitationon a Rotating Inducer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100704212, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送機構に関する実験的研究(蒸気質量変化)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696166, author = {Yu Ito and Naoya Inokura and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Intercooled and Recuperated Jet Engine Using Airfoil Heat Exchangers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 22nd International Society for Air Breathing Engines}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696102, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する基礎的研究}, booktitle = {第52回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696159, author = {伊藤優 and 角田篤洋 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {インデューサに発生する逆流渦キャビテーションの可視化}, booktitle = {第55回航空原動機宇宙推進講演会論文集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696164, author = {Atsuhiro Tsunoda and Yu Ito and Naoki TANI and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Thermodynamic Effect on Backflow Vortex Cavitation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2015}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696165, author = {Yu Ito and Takayuki Goto and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Effect of Airflow on Heat Transfer of Air-to-Refrigerant Airfoil Heat Exchanger}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SciTech 2015}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696158, author = {角田篤洋 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {インデューサに発生するキャビテーションに及ぼす温度の影響}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム(第17回)論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696157, author = {村尾昌紀 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {発泡金属とメンブレンを用いたLiBr 水溶液への水蒸気吸収に関する研究}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2014講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696156, author = {後藤貴行 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {翼型熱交換器の伝熱性能に及ぼす空気流速の影響}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2014講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696154, author = {後藤貴行 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {翼型熱交換器の翼列における熱輸送媒体から空気への伝熱性能}, booktitle = {第27回翼列研究会論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696099, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動式ヒートパイプの熱輸送機構に関する実験的研究}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2014講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696152, author = {角田篤洋 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {インデューサに発生するキャビテーションの 高速度ビデオによる可視化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100696095, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する基礎的研究}, booktitle = {第51回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100672673, author = {猪倉直也 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {超臨界CO2を用いたジェットエンジン用翼型熱交換器の評価}, booktitle = {第26回翼列研究会論文集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100661833, author = {三浦正義 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {加振機構を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送機構に関する研究}, booktitle = {日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2013講演論文集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100672672, author = {伊藤優 and 角田篤洋 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {ロケットターボポンプインデューサの液体窒素キャビテーションの可視化}, booktitle = {可視化情報シンポジウム2013論文集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100659425, author = {長崎孝夫 and 加藤達哉 and 伊藤優}, title = {直線水平流路を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプに関する研究}, booktitle = {第50回 日本伝熱シンポジウム 講演論文集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100696124, author = {角田篤洋 and 伊藤優 and 谷直樹 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {インデューサに生じる水・液体窒素キャビテーションの可視化と熱力学的効果}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム(第16回)論文集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100672675, author = {伊藤優}, title = {極低温ポンプ最適化のための水と極低温キャビテーションの比較}, booktitle = {第25回翼列研究会講演集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100696123, author = {伊藤優}, title = {インデューサに発生する液体窒素・水キャビテーションの可視化}, booktitle = {ロケットエンジンモデリングラボラトリーシンポジウム2012講演論文集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100696163, author = {Yu Ito and Naoki Yamamoto and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Estimation of Heat Transfer Performance for Compressor Stators Heat Exchangers in a New Intercooled and Recuperated Aviation Gas-Turbine Engine}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100638556, author = {Yu Ito}, title = {Intercooled & recuperated jet engine and Visualization of cryogenic cavitation on a turbo-pump inducer for rocket engine}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100638550, author = {Yuto Kurishita and Yu Ito and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Test Facility for Cavitation Visualization of Turbo Pump Inducer in Liquid Nitrogen and Water}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2012}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100638553, author = {Yu Ito}, title = {Performance Prediction of an Intercooled and Recuperated Aero Gas Turbine Using Already Equipped Components as Heat Exchanger}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2012}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100638548, author = {伊藤優}, title = {既存部品を伝熱面とした中間冷却再生器付低燃費航空用ガスタービンの性能予測}, booktitle = {第24回 翼列研究会論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629641, author = {海老名季学 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {固体微粒子添加による自励振動ヒートパイプの性能向上(作動流体と設置姿勢の影響)}, booktitle = {日本機械学会2011年度年次大会 DVD-ROM論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629624, author = {Yu Ito and Hiroshi Yamauchi and Takao Nagasaki}, title = {Unsteady Cavitation around a Plano-Convex Hydrofoil with Flow visualization by Using Liquid Nitrogen and Water}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WIMRC 3rd International Cavitation Forum 2011}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100696162, author = {Yu Ito and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Suggestion of Intercooled and Recuperated Jet Engine Using Already Equipped Components as Heat Exchangers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100626771, author = {長崎孝夫 and 澤田義哉 and 北條怜明 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプにおける液柱振動機構に関する研究}, booktitle = {第48回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629622, author = {岩倉 淳之 and 伊藤優 and 長崎 孝夫}, title = {Level Set法を用いた核沸騰シミュレーション}, booktitle = {第51回航空原動機宇宙推進講演会論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629635, author = {北野智士 and 伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {液体窒素中の高速回転翼に生ずるキャビテーションの可視化}, booktitle = {第60回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100612964, author = {伊藤優 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {気泡径分布モデルを用いた高速極低温キャビテーション計算モデル}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100612966, author = {伊藤優 and 山内啓史 and 長崎孝夫}, title = {Plano-Convex翼周りキャビテーションの非定常挙動と熱力学的効果}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100612028, author = {海老名季学 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {固体微粒子添加による自励振動ヒートパイプの性能向上(粒子サイズと材質の影響)}, booktitle = {日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610166, author = {長崎孝夫 and 塚田悠太 and 伊藤優 and 佐々木直栄}, title = {水平管外を流下するLiBr水溶液への水蒸気吸収に及ぼす管形状と界面活性剤の影響}, booktitle = {第47回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610898, author = {Yu Ito and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Consideration of Intercooled and Recuperated Jet Engine Using Super-critical CO2}, booktitle = {Proceddings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2010}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100600675, author = {海老名季学 and 長崎孝夫 and 栗下悠斗 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送性能に及ぼす固体微粒子添加の影響}, booktitle = {日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2009講演論文集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100610896, author = {Yu Ito and Tsukasa Nagayama and TAKAO NAGASAKI}, title = {Cavitation Patterns on a Plano-Convex Hydrofoil in a High-Speed Cryogenic Cavitation Tunnel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cavitation}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100566124, author = {Takao Nagasaki and Toru Shimazaki and Yu Ito and Satoaki Hojo}, title = {Fundamental Study on Heat Transport in Pulsating Heat Pipe Using a Straight Rectangular Channel}, booktitle = {CD-ROM Proc. 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100560757, author = {嶋崎徹 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプの液柱振動に関する基礎的研究}, booktitle = {第45回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100560758, author = {福田俊大 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {不等断面自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性}, booktitle = {第45回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552807, author = {Yu Ito and Kazuhiro TOMITAKA and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {New bubble size distribution model for cryogenic high-speed cavitating flow}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2008}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552806, author = {Yu Ito and Tsukasa NAGAYAMA and Hiroshi YAMAUCHI and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {The channel wall confinement effect on periodic cryogenic cavitation from the plano-convex foil}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Asia Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2008}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552814, author = {外薗寿幸 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {固体粒子添加による自励振動ヒートパイプの性能向上}, booktitle = {日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2007講演論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100532396, author = {Yu Ito and Koichi SETO and Takao NAGASAKI and Toshio NAGASHIMA}, title = {The channel wall confinement effect on periodic cavitation departure from a foil surface in cryogens}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100554288, author = {Takao Nagasaki and Toshiyuki Hokazono and Yu Ito}, title = {Heat Transport Characteristics of a Pulsating Heat Pipe}, booktitle = {CD-ROM Proc. ASME-JSME 2007 Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100554289, author = {長崎孝夫 and 外園豊 and 伊藤優 and 和田哲典}, title = {水平円管外を流下するLiBr水溶液への水蒸気吸収促進}, booktitle = {第44回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100520697, author = {外薗寿幸 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプの壁温変動}, booktitle = {日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2006講演論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100520694, author = {伊藤優 and 谷 直樹 and 長崎孝夫 and 長島利夫}, title = {薄型翼周りに発生する低温キャビテーション流れに関する可視化実験と数値解析}, booktitle = {キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100554290, author = {長崎孝夫 and 外薗寿幸 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に及ぼす諸因子の影響}, booktitle = {第43回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100520692, author = {伊藤優 and 谷直樹 and 長崎孝夫 and 長島利夫}, title = {薄型翼周りの低温流体キャビテーション可視化実験と数値解析}, booktitle = {理論応用力学講演会講演論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100397925, author = {長崎孝夫 and 外薗寿幸 and 伊藤優}, title = {自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する数値解析}, booktitle = {日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2005講演論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100399197, author = {Yu Ito and Naoki TANI and Kazuya SAWASAKI and Takao NAGASAKI and Toshio NAGASHIMA}, title = {A Blowdown Cryogenic Cavitation Tunnel and CFD Treatmentfor Flow Visualization around a Foil}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (CD-ROM)}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100399196, author = {伊藤優 and 沢崎和也 and 長崎 孝夫 and 谷直樹}, title = {ブローダウン流路による翼周りの低温キャビテーション流の可視化}, booktitle = {日本流体力学会年会2005講演論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100397921, author = {長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優 and 石川智隆}, title = {自励振動式ヒートパイプの熱輸送機構に関する研究}, booktitle = {第42回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100397905, author = {Takao Nagasaki and Toshiyuki Sannoh and Yu Ito}, title = {Numerical Study on Interfacial Wave, and Heat and Mass Transfer in Counter-current Liquid Film and Turbulent Gas Flow}, booktitle = {CD-ROM Proc. of 6th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conf.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100504957, author = {長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {超小型ガスタービンのための再生熱交換器に関する研究}, booktitle = {第9回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100613238, author = {伊藤優 and 長崎 孝夫}, title = {高速低温流に発生するキャビテーションに関する数値解析}, booktitle = {日本伝熱学会講演論文集}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100539667, author = {Yu Ito and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flows on a Foil by Using Bubble Size Distribution Model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Asian Joint Conferences on Propulsion and Power 2004 (CD-ROM)}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100503318, author = {Yu Ito and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Computational Simulation of Subcooled Cryogenic Cavitating Flow around a Turbo-Pump Inducer Foil by Using Bubble Size Distribution Model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2004 (CD-ROM)}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100504950, author = {山王 敏幸 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {流下液膜・乱流対向気流における界面波と物質輸送に関する研究}, booktitle = {第17回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM)}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100491095, author = {Takao NAGASAKI and Rinzo TOKUE and Shoichi KASHIMA and Yu Ito}, title = {Conceptual Design of Recuperator for Ultramicro Gas Turbine}, booktitle = {Proc. International Gas Turbine Congress 2003 (CD-ROM)}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100539010, author = {Yu Ito and Hideki WAKAMATSU and Takao NAGASAKI}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Sub-cooled Cavitating Flow by Using Bubble Size Distribution}, booktitle = {Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows VI}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100539011, author = {Yu Ito and Takao NAGASAKI and Satoshi ADACHI}, title = {Numerical Analysis of Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer by a Single Bubble}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (CD-ROM)}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100491098, author = {長崎孝夫 and 藤田淳哉 and 伊藤優 and 石黒博}, title = {凍結手術における凝固過程の数値解析}, booktitle = {日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100491097, author = {長崎孝夫 and 奥山智巳 and 伊藤優}, title = {オフセットフィンによるLiBr水溶液への水蒸気吸収促進}, booktitle = {第40回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100491096, author = {加藤泰 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {不等断面ループ型ヒートパイプの研究(第2報 流路サイズの影響)}, booktitle = {第40回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100491092, author = {Takao Nagasaki and Hirokuni AKIYAMA and Hiroshi NAKAGAWA and Yu Ito}, title = {Characteristics of Flow and Heat-and-Mass Transfer in a Falling Liquid Film with Three-dimensional Interfacial Waves}, booktitle = {Proc. ASME 2002 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expositions (CD-ROM)}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100469100, author = {平戸祥一 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {超小型ガスタービンの伝熱解析}, booktitle = {日本機械学会第8回動力エネルギー技術シンポジウム}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100469103, author = {長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優 and 秋山泰有}, title = {流下液膜・対向気流における界面波動と物質輸送に関する数値解析}, booktitle = {日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100469092, author = {北島仁 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {不等断面ループ型ヒートパイプの研究}, booktitle = {第39回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100459877, author = {Hirokuni AKIYAMA and T.Nagasaki and Yu Ito}, title = {Numerical Analysis on the Dropwise Condensation of a Binary Vapor Mixture}, booktitle = {ASME HTD}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100457966, author = {秋山泰有 and 長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優}, title = {二成分混合蒸気の滴状凝縮に関する数値解析}, booktitle = {第38回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100457967, author = {長崎孝夫 and 伊藤優 and 前田晃生}, title = {核沸騰における気泡成長離脱の数値解析}, booktitle = {日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100537780, author = {伊藤優 and 谷直樹 and アクマンドールS. I. and 長島利夫}, title = {ラバールノズルを用いた低温微細気泡流れのCFD検証}, booktitle = {日本流体力学会年会2001講演論文集}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100537371, author = {伊藤優 and 長島利夫}, title = {サブクール液体窒素のキャビテーション遷移を伴なうノズル流れに関する数値シミュレーション}, booktitle = {航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2000論文集}, year = 2000, } @inproceedings{CTT100613274, author = {堀秀輔 and 伊藤優 and 山口和夫}, title = {極低温2次元ノズル流れ中のキャビテーション観察}, booktitle = {航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会講演集}, year = 2000, } @inproceedings{CTT100616823, author = {Masataka Arai and Kenji Amagai and Yu Ito}, title = {Stability of Diffusion Flame under Low and High Gravity Fields}, booktitle = {Second International Symposium on Scale Modeling}, year = 1997, } @misc{CTT100774361, author = {伊藤優}, title = {〔展望・解説〕航空用推進機の低燃費化技術の歴史と動向}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100774362, author = {伊藤優}, title = {研究だより:東京工業大学長崎研究室におけるガスタービン関連の研究}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100774363, author = {伊藤優}, title = {入口ガイドベーンを有する極低温流体用回転翼式ポンプの性能向上に関する研究}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100696175, author = {Yu Ito}, title = {Visualization of cavitation on rocket turbopump inducer in liquid nitrogen and water}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100696174, author = {谷直樹 and 伊藤優 and 津田 伸一 and 石川 勝利 and 姫野 武洋 and 河津 要 and 山西 伸宏}, title = {極低温キャビテーションモデリングの多面的研究と開発への応用に向けて}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100610905, author = {伊藤優}, title = {キャビテーション発生を許容した極低温流体用高効率ポンプ設計のための支援ソフトウェアの開発}, year = 2010, } @misc{CTT100480116, author = {伊藤優 and 谷直樹}, title = {内部流の実験および計算空気熱力学国際会議-第5回ISAIF-}, year = 2002, } @misc{CTT100612971, author = {伊藤優}, title = {サブクール極低温流体のキャビテーション遷移を伴うノズル流れに関する研究}, year = 2000, } @phdthesis{CTT100612971, author = {伊藤優}, title = {サブクール極低温流体のキャビテーション遷移を伴うノズル流れに関する研究}, school = {東京大学}, year = 2000, }