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Rao and Yong-Hua Li and Masato Tanaka}, title = {Reaction of 1-(Dimethylsilyl)-2-Silylbenzene with Platinum(0) Phosphine Complexes}, journal = {Organometallics}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100683769, author = {Masako Kato and Masato Tanaka and Nobu Kato and Takanobu Sanji}, title = {Helical Folding in a Helical Channel: Chiroptical Transcription of Helical Information through Chiral Wrapping}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100681328, author = {Makoto Tanabe and Ryohei Yumoto and Kohtaro Osakada and Takanobu Sanji and Masato Tanaka}, title = {Preparation and Properties of Perarylated 3,4-Disila-1,5-hexadienes. 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