@article{CTT100465298, author = {難波英嗣 and 奥村学}, title = {要約の内的(intrinsic)な評価に関するいくつかの考察 -第2回NTCIRワークショップ自動要約タスク(TSC)を基に-}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100465300, author = {奥村学 and 難波英嗣}, title = {テキスト自動要約に関する最近の話題}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100570419, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Automatic extraction of citation information in Japanese patent applications}, journal = {International Journal on Digital Libraries}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100465301, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Some examinations of intrinsic methods for summary evaluation based on Text Summarization Challenge(TSC)}, journal = {Proceedings of International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2002}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100465297, author = {難波英嗣 and 神門典子 and 奥村学}, title = {論文間の参照情報を考慮した関連論文の組織化}, journal = {情報処理学会 論文誌}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100465303, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Producing more readable extracts by revising them}, journal = {The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100465302, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Noriko Kando and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Classification of research papers using citation links and citation types: towards automatic review article generation}, journal = {The American Society for Information Science/ the 11th SIC Classification Research Workshop}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100465307, author = {Manabu Okumura and Hajime Mochizuki and Hidetsugu Nanba}, title = {Query-biased summarization based on lexical chaining}, journal = {Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics 1999}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100465304, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Towards multi-paper summarization using reference information}, journal = {The 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100465299, author = {難波英嗣 and 奥村学}, title = {論文間の参照情報を考慮したサーベイ論文作成支援システムの開発}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 1999, } @inproceedings{CTT100570459, author = {釜屋英昭 and 難波英嗣 and 竹澤寿幸 and 奥村学}, title = {論文用語の特許用語への自動変換}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100570458, author = {平原一帆 and 難波英嗣 and 竹澤寿幸 and 奥村学 and 平尾努}, title = {原文からの抜粋度合を考慮した要約の自動評価法}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100508172, author = {安善奈津美 and 難波英嗣 and 相沢輝昭 and 奥村学}, title = {特許,論文データベースを統合した検索環境の構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100508173, author = {釜屋英昭 and 難波英嗣 and 奥村学}, title = {特許、論文間の引用関係を用いた論文用語の特許用語への変換}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100508164, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba and Manabu Okumura}, title = {An Automatic Method for Summary Evaluation Using Multiple Evaluation Results by a Manual Method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100483863, author = {吉田 誠 and 小林隆志 and 難波英嗣 and 奥村学 and 横田治夫}, title = {Research Mining:研究論文データベースからの研究のマクロな流れの抽出}, booktitle = {第 14 回電子情報通信学会データ工学ワークショップ(DEWS2003) 論文集,}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100594731, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba}, title = {論文間の参照情報の抽出と利用に関する研究}, year = 2001, } @phdthesis{CTT100594731, author = {Hidetsugu Nanba}, title = {論文間の参照情報の抽出と利用に関する研究}, school = {北陸先端科学技術大学院大学}, year = 2001, }