@book{CTT100601131, author = {安部武雄 and 材料・構造耐火性小委員会委員 and WG委員}, title = {構造材料の耐火性ガイドブック}, publisher = {日本建築学会}, year = 2009, } @book{CTT100592368, author = {鈴木弘之 and 今野和近 and 平山博巳 and 尾崎文宣 and 平島岳夫 and 原田和典 and 若松高志 and 安部武雄 and 池田憲一 and 大塚貴弘 and 岡部猛 and 近藤史朗 and 松戸正士 and 森田武}, title = {鋼構造耐火設計指針}, publisher = {日本建築学会}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100618757, author = {安部武雄 and 大塚貴弘 and 柴田秀爾 and マークス・クノブロッホ and マリオ・フォンタナ}, title = {十字形鋼短柱の高温時座屈挙動}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100591866, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {H形断面鋼柱の高温時の中心圧縮挙動}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100591864, author = {岡部 猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {H形断面鋼短柱の高温時の圧縮挙動に関する実験的研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100569492, author = {平島岳夫 and 安部武雄 and 上杉英樹}, title = {高温時における高力ボルト梁継手の曲げ変形性状}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100549242, author = {松戸正士 and 西田浩和 and 大塚貴弘 and 平島岳夫 and 安部武雄}, title = {高温加熱時における高強度コンクリートの力学的特性について 高強度コンクリートの耐火性に関する研究(その1)}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100544879, author = {平島岳夫 and 濱田直之 and 尾崎文宣 and 安部武雄 and 上杉英樹}, title = {高温時における高力ボルトの剪断変形性状に関する実験的研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100542398, author = {松戸正士 and 西田浩和 and 片寄哲務 and 安部武雄}, title = {高温加熱後の超高強度コンクリートの力学的性質に関する実験的研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100539970, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {一定荷重と強制部材角を受ける鋼柱の高温時の崩壊挙動}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100539847, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {建築構造用鋼材(SN490B)を用いた柱材の高温時の座屈強度}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100495496, author = {宮本圭一 and 安部武雄}, title = {高温度における高強度コンクリートの力学的特性に関する研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100444776, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {建築構造用耐火鋼(NSFR490A)を用いた柱材の高温時座屈強度}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100429747, author = {安部武雄 and 古村福次郎 and 金和中}, title = {ジンクリッチペイント塗装摩擦面を有する高力ボルト接合部のすべり耐力に及ぼす高温熱影響}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100426343, author = {安部武雄 and 古村福次郎 and 戸祭邦之 and 黒羽健嗣 and 小久保勲}, title = {高温度における高強度コンクリートの力学的特性に関する基礎的研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100475154, author = {篠原保二 and 安部武雄 and 古村福次郎}, title = {アコースティック・エミッションの波系を利用したコンクリートの軟化領域の推定法}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100475153, author = {Yasuji SHINOHARA and Takeo AVE and Fukujiro FURUMURA}, title = {コンクリートの引張強度に及ぼす曲げ変形の影響に関する一考察}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100475152, author = {Yoshifumi SAKUMOTO and Koitiro KEIRA and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Tests of Fire-resistant Bolts and Joints}, journal = {Amerian Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Structural Engineering}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100426548, author = {篠原保二 and 安部武雄 and 古村福次郎}, title = {ノッチ深さ、載荷速度、骨材寸法、水セメント比、載荷法、養生および材令がコンクリート曲げ試験体の引張軟化特性に及ぼす影響}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100444992, author = {作本好文 and 計良光一郎 and 古村福次郎 and 安部武雄}, title = {耐火鋼用高力ボルトの高温強度特性に関する実験的研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100475151, author = {古村福次郎 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 篠原保二}, title = {高温度におけるT形断面鋼柱のクリープ座屈}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1991, } @article{CTT100426410, author = {古村福次郎 and 右田健児 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 金和中}, title = {鋼梁ー柱部材の加熱時構面内弾塑性クリープ変形挙動に関する研究}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1989, } @article{CTT100475150, author = {古村福次郎 and 右田健児 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛}, title = {H形断面鋼柱部材の熱弾塑性クリープ三次元変形挙動解析}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100426409, author = {古村福次郎 and 右田健児 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 金和中}, title = {面内圧縮荷重を受ける単一鋼平板の熱弾塑性クリープ座屈挙動解析}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100426419, author = {Fukujiro FURUMURA and Chang-Hee OH and Takeo AVE and Wha-Jung KIM}, title = {Simple Formulation for Stress-strain Relation of Concrete at Elevated Temperature}, journal = {Architectural Institute of Japan, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100426408, author = {古村福次郎 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 金和中}, title = {火災温度域を考慮した鋼材の単軸応力ーひずみ関係式とその鋼構造骨組熱変形解析への適用}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100475149, author = {古村福次郎 and 右田健児 and 安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 金和中}, title = {塑性設計された鋼構造骨組の弾塑性クリープ熱変形挙動}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100475148, author = {Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE and Wha-Jung KIM}, title = {Creep Bucking of Steel Coumns at High Temperatures(Part II Creep Buckling Tests and Numerical Analysis)}, journal = {Architectural Institute of Japan, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100475147, author = {Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE and Wha-Jung KIM and Takeshi OKABE}, title = {Nonlinear Elasto-Plastic Creep Behavior of Structural Steel under Continuously Varying Stress and Temperature}, journal = {Architectural Institute of Japan, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100475146, author = {Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Effect of Step-wise Change of Temperature on Primary Creep of Structural Steel}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100426435, author = {Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Creep Bucking of Steel Coumns at High Temperatures(Part I Development of Creep Buckling Test Apparatus)}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100475144, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Primary Creep of Structural Steel(SM58Q)at High Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100475145, author = {小久保勲 and 田中淳夫 and 古村福次郎 and 安部武雄}, title = {高温度における高力ボルト材の力学的性質 その2 高温リラクセーション状性について}, journal = {日本建築学会論文報告集}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100426434, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE and Hideki UESUGI}, title = {Primary Creep Bending of Structural Steel at High Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100426433, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Further Studies of the Primary Creep of Structural Steel under Step-wise Change of Stress}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100475142, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Primary Creep of Structural Steel(SM50A)at High Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100475143, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Effect of Step-wise Change of Stress on Primary Creep of Structural Steel}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100426422, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE}, title = {Stress Relaxation of Structural Steel at High Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100426421, author = {Morihisa FUJIMOTO and Fukujiro FURUMURA and Takeo AVE and Yasuji SHINOHARA}, title = {Primary Creep of Structural Steel (SS41) at High Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 1980, } @inproceedings{CTT100615021, author = {Yuuki Kuroiwa and Takeo Ave and Takeshi Okabe}, title = {Compression Behavior of Cold-formed Steel Box Stub-columns at High Temperature}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Ninth Pacific Structural Steel Conference}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100569846, author = {柴田修爾 and 安部武雄 and 大塚貴弘}, title = {十字形鋼短柱の高温時の圧縮挙動に関する研究}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 (東北)A-2}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100592365, author = {安部武雄 and 岡部}, title = {冷間成形角形鋼管短柱の高温時の圧縮挙動に関する研究}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 (東北) A-2}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100592367, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄}, title = {冷間成形角形鋼管短柱の高温圧縮挙動の有限要素解析}, booktitle = {日本火災学会研究発表会概要集(平成21年度)}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100592366, author = {安部武雄 and 岡部猛 and 大塚貴弘}, title = {高温度における建築構造用鋼材の力学的特性(SN490B鋼材について)}, booktitle = {日本火災学会研究発表会概要集 (平成21年度)}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100540859, author = {李宇光 and 平島岳夫 and 安部武雄 and 上杉英樹 and 若松孝旺}, title = {区画火災を受ける高層架構の三次元解析手法 その2.立体空間における座標変換式の誘導}, booktitle = {日本建築学会 構造工学論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100539037, author = {Takeshi Okabe and Takeo Ave}, title = {Buckling Strength of Steel Columns with Induced Deformation at Increasingly Higher Temperatures}, booktitle = {Proc. of Designing Structures for Fire Conference}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100539038, author = {岡部猛 and 安部武雄 and 立川貴之}, title = {強制部材角を受ける鋼柱の高温時の座屈荷重}, booktitle = {日本建築学会構造工学論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100540281, author = {平島岳夫 and 北野貴之 and 王 雲峰 and 安部武雄 and 上杉英樹}, title = {3層4断型自走式プレハブ駐車場の実大火災実験 ―その2:1階で実施された車両火災実験に関する架構の熱応力変形解析―}, booktitle = {日本建築学会構造工学論文集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100538590, author = {Takeo HIRASHIMA and Y.WANG and Hideki UESUGI and Takayuki KITANO and Takeo.AVE}, title = {Large scale fire tests of a 4-story type car park (Part2:Analysis of the thermal stresses and deflections)}, booktitle = {7th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100541043, author = {Atsushi Chaen and Takexhi Okabe and Takeo Ave}, title = {The Effect of Time on the Buckling Characteristics of Steel Columns Subjected to High temperatures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Sixth Pacific Structural Steel Conference}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100541047, author = {Takayuki Kitano and Osami Sugawa and Hideaki Masuda and Takeo Ave and Hideki Uesugi}, title = {Large Scale Fire Tests of 4-Story Type Car Park (Part 1: The behavior of structural frame exporsed to the fire at the deepest part of the first floor)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Forth Asia-Oceania Synposium on Fire Science and Technology}, year = 2000, } @inproceedings{CTT100537353, author = {北野貴之 and 須川修身 and 増田秀昭 and 安部武雄 and 上杉英樹}, title = {3層4段型自走式プレハブ駐車場の実大火災実験 (その1:1段最深部火災を受ける架構骨組の挙動)}, booktitle = {日本建築学会構造工学論文集}, year = 2000, } @inproceedings{CTT100547712, author = {F. Furumura and T. Ave and Y. Shinohara and TAKEO ABE}, title = {MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE AT HIGH TEMPERATURES}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Weimar Workshop on High Performance Concrete}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100536680, author = {作本好文 and 古村福次郎 and 安部武雄}, title = {ステンレス鋼高力ボルトの高温強度特性}, booktitle = {日本建築学会構造工学論文集}, year = 1993, } @inproceedings{CTT100532888, author = {Fukujiro Furumura and Takeo Ave and Yasuji Shinohara and Wha-Jun Kim}, title = {PRIMARY CREEP OF CONCRETE UNDER STEP-WISE CHANGE OF STRESS}, booktitle = {WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT DER HOCHSCHULE FUR ARCHITEKTUR UND BAUESEN WEIMAR}, year = 1992, } @inproceedings{CTT100542267, author = {Takeshi OKABE and Fukujirou FURUMURA and Takeo AvE and Yasuji SHINOHARA}, title = {Elasto-Plastic Creep Three-Dimensional Analysis of Steel H-Columns Subjected to High Temperatures}, booktitle = {Fire Safety Science- Proceedings of the Third International Symposium}, year = 1991, } @inproceedings{CTT100537217, author = {古村福次郎 and 安部武雄 and 篠原保二}, title = {ノッチを有するコンクリート曲げ試験体の軟化挙動}, booktitle = {コンクリート工学年次論文報告集}, year = 1991, } @inproceedings{CTT100532887, author = {Fukujiro Furumura and Takeo Ave and Yasuji Shinohara and Wha-Jun Kim}, title = {Effect of Step-wise Change of Temperature on Primary Creep of Concrete}, booktitle = {WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT DER HOCHSCHULE FUR ARCHITEKTUR UND BAUESEN WEIMAR}, year = 1990, } @inproceedings{CTT100537216, author = {古村福次郎 and 安部武雄 and 篠原保二}, title = {ノッチ付きコンクリート曲げ試験体の最大耐力後の軟化挙動に関する実験的研究}, booktitle = {セメント・コンクリート論文集}, year = 1989, } @inproceedings{CTT100542266, author = {Kenji MIGITA and Takeshi OKABE and Fukujirou FURUMURA and Takeo AvE and Wha-Jung KIM}, title = {Elasto-Plastic Creep Thermal Deformation Behavior of Multi-Story Steel Frames Designed by the Plastic Method}, booktitle = {Fire Safety Science- Proceedings of the Second International Symposium}, year = 1988, } @misc{CTT100544880, author = {安部武雄}, title = {鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート建築物の火災事例(特集/耐火技術とコンクリート)}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100594408, author = {Takeo Ave}, title = {建築構造用鋼材および鋼柱の高温クリープ挙動に関する研究}, year = 1983, } @phdthesis{CTT100594408, author = {Takeo Ave}, title = {建築構造用鋼材および鋼柱の高温クリープ挙動に関する研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 1983, }