@inproceedings{CTT100631130, author = {Jaeho Ryu and Ryuzo Ohno}, title = {Portable VR System for Preparedness of Earthquake Disaster}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100563133, author = {Jaeho Ryu and Naoki Hashimoto and Yasuharu Koike and Makoto Sato}, title = {Distance Estimation with Various Field of Views & Navigation Interfaces in Real and in Virtual Space}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VSMM2004(10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia)}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100569866, author = {柳 在鎬 and 橋本直己 and 佐藤 誠}, title = {没入型ディスプレイにおける視覚誘導自己運動の分析}, booktitle = {VR心理学研究委員会 第2回研究会論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100400547, author = {masashi soeda and Ryuzo Ohno and Jaeho Ryu and NAOKI HASHIMOTO and Makoto Sato}, title = {The Effects of Architectural Treatments on Reducing Oppressed Feelings Caused by High-rise Buildings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the European Architectural Endoscopy Association}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100563131, author = {Jaeho Ryu and Naoki Hashimoto and Shoichi Hasegawa and Makoto Sato}, title = {Developing an Immersive Multi-Projection System with Hybrid Screen}, booktitle = {ICAT2002}, year = 2002, }