@inproceedings{CTT100681234, author = {Ananda Kumara and Tsugihiro Shimura and K.K.L.Taranga Kumara}, title = {Key Issues for Successful Implementation of Short Foreign Study Programs relating to the Development of Global Human Resources in the Japanese Universities~ Lessons from a Case Study}, booktitle = {Book of Abstracts, Conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collaborative Research 2014}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100638726, author = {Tsuguhiro Shimura and Tom Hope}, title = {Effect of Short Visiting Program on Attitude ofUniversity Students to Longer International Exposure}, booktitle = {International Conference on Business and Industrial Research 2012, Conference Proceedings}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100567254, author = {T. Pipatpongsa and T. Moriizumi and T. Kitahara and T. Shimura and H. Kunieda and A. Nishihara}, title = {Educational drive of Tokyo Tech toward human resources development in Thailand}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100551945, author = {Tsugihiro SHIMURA and Thirapong PIPATPONGSA}, title = {Discussion on influence of Japanese investment and cooperation to Thai society by students from Thai, Japanese and other neighboring countries -JAYSES: Japan-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Study Visit; the official event to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Japan-Thailand diplomatic relations}, booktitle = {"Sciece and Society" Panel of the 10th International Conference on Thai Studies}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100550910, author = {Thirapong PIPATPONGSA and Tsugihiro SHIMURA}, title = {Effect of Japanese technologies to Thai industries by students' viewpoints}, booktitle = {the 2nd Thai-Japanese Student Exchange Meeting (TJSE2007)}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100653588, author = {紫村 次宏}, title = {多国間協力事業における「知の共有」に関する考察 ―「ASEAN工学系高等教育ネットワーク」プロジェクトの展開過程から―}, year = 2013, } @mastersthesis{CTT100653588, author = {紫村 次宏}, title = {多国間協力事業における「知の共有」に関する考察 ―「ASEAN工学系高等教育ネットワーク」プロジェクトの展開過程から―}, school = {日本福祉大学}, year = 2013, }