@article{CTT100556456, author = {H.Ito and K.Kazama and T.Kikutani}, title = {Effects of Process Conditions on Surface Replication and Higher-Order Structure Formation in Micromolding}, journal = {Macromol. Symp.}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556272, author = {Hiroshi Ito and kunihiko kazama and TAKESHI KIKUTANI}, title = {Effects of Process Conditions on Surface Replication and Higher-order Structure formation in micromolding}, journal = {Macromolecular Symposia}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100619927, author = {W. Takarada and J. L. Li and K. Kazama and X. M. Xie and T. Kikutani}, title = {Stability of the melt spinning process of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) with CO2 laser irradiation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of PPS 2010 Istanbul Regional Meeting}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100583089, author = {H.Ito and H. Suzuki and K. Kazama and T.Kikutani}, title = {Structure Development and Replication Properties of Micromolded Plastics Parts in Injection Compression Molding}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100556373, author = {伊藤浩志 and 風間邦彦 and 鞠谷}, title = {マイクロ射出成形におけるマイクロ成形体の転写性と構造形成}, booktitle = {成形加工シンポジア’07}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556352, author = {志熊治雄 and 久保直人 and 山本昌幸 and 風間邦彦 and 伊藤浩志 and 鞠谷雄士 and 大嶋 正裕}, title = {ガス含浸光学ポリマーの熱処理による転写性と構造発現への影響}, booktitle = {成形加工シンポジア’07}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556311, author = {志熊治雄 and 久保直人 and 山本昌幸 and 風間邦彦 and 伊藤浩志 and 鞠谷雄士 and 大嶋 正裕}, title = {ガス含浸ポリカーボネートの可塑化効果による転写性と構造発現への影響}, booktitle = {成形加工’07}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556292, author = {伊藤 and 風間 and 鞠谷}, title = {様々なマイクロ成形における高次構造形成}, booktitle = {成形加工’07}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556299, author = {更田誠 and 小林由佳 and 山田和志 and Y.W.Leong and 小滝 雅也 and 濱田 泰以 and 吉永 耕二 and 辛川弘行 and 伊藤 and 風間 and 鞠谷}, title = {DMA荷重法によるシリカ充填PMMA複合材料の物性}, booktitle = {成形加工’07}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556291, author = {Hiroshi Ito and kunihiko kazama and TAKESHI KIKUTANI}, title = {Surface properties and internal structure of micro/nano molded plastics for application to optical deveices}, booktitle = {The Polymer Processing Society 23rd Annual Meeting}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100462011, author = {wataru takarada and kunihiko kazama and Hiroshi Ito and T.Kikutani}, title = {High-speed Melt Spinning with Periodic Oscillation of Take-up Velocity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Polymer Processing Society 17th annualmeeting}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100462039, author = {wataru takarada and kunihiko kazama and Hiroshi Ito and T.Kikutani}, title = {High Speed Melt Spinning with Periodic Oscillation of Take-up Velocity}, booktitle = {CAE in Polymer Processing, Gordon Conference, Ventula, USA}, year = 2001, }