@article{CTT100592596, author = {T.Sasaki and Y.Yano and M.Nakajima and T.Kawamura and K.Horioka}, title = {Warm-dense-matter studies using pulse-power discharges in water}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100592593, author = {T.Sasaki and Y.Yano and M.Nakajima and T.Kawamura and K.Horioka}, title = {Evaluation of copper conductivity in warm dense state using exploding wire in water}, journal = {PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100560282, author = {K. Horioka and T. Kawamura and M. Nakajima and T. Sasaki and K. Kondo and Y. Yano and T. Ishii and M. Ogawa and Y. Oguri and J. Hasegawa and S. Kawata and T. Kikuchi and K. Takayama}, title = {High-energy-density physics researches based on heavy ion accelerator and pulse power devices}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100592864, author = {Y.Yano and T.Sasaki and M.Nakajima and T.Kawamura and K.Horioka}, title = {Evaluating Conductivity of Warm Dense Matter using Wire Discharges in Water}, booktitle = {RESEARCH REPORT NIFS-PROC Series}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100593416, author = {堀岡 一彦 and 中島 充夫 and 河村 徹 and 佐々木 徹 and 近藤 康太郎 and 八野 悠里}, title = {パルスパワー技術を用いた高エネルギー密度プラズマの生成}, booktitle = {パルスパワー研究会}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100604489, author = {堀岡一彦 and 中島充夫 and 河村徹 and 佐々木徹 and 近藤康太郎 and 八野悠里}, title = {パルスパワー技術を用いた高エネルギー密度プラズマの生成}, booktitle = {電気学会研究会資料}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100531174, author = {佐々木徹 and 八野悠里 and 中島充夫 and 河村 徹 and 堀岡一彦}, title = {水中細線放電法による Warm Dense Matter の評価-流体履歴を用いた状態方程式の半実験的計測-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, }