@article{CTT100548585, author = {KEN-ICHI KONDO and K. Yubuta and T. Hongo and T. Atou and K.G. Nakamura and K. Kondo and M. Kikuchi}, title = {High-resolution electron microscopy of microstructure of MnF2 subjected to shock compression at 4.4 GPa}, journal = {Solid State Communications}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100545571, author = {A. K. SUBRAMANI and Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA and Tomoaki WATANABE and Masaru TADA and Masanori ABE and K. Kondo and Masahiro YOSHIMURA}, title = {Spin-sprayed Ferrite Films with Excellent Heat Resistance by Microstructure Control}, booktitle = {STAC-JTMC Abstracts}, year = 2007, }