@book{CTT100608397, author = {大即信明 and 長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀}, title = {平成22年版 コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説―付「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」―}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2010, } @book{CTT100608389, author = {大即信明 and 長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀}, title = {平成22年版 コンクリート技士 試験問題と解説―付「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」―}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2010, } @book{CTT100608827, author = {大即信明 and 長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀}, title = {平成21年版 コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説―付「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2009, } @book{CTT100608829, author = {大即信明 and 長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀}, title = {平成21年版 コンクリート技士 試験問題と解説―付「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {}, year = 2009, } @book{CTT100562036, author = {長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀 and 大即信明}, title = {コンクリート技士 試験問題と解説 一付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100562035, author = {長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀 and 大即信明}, title = {コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説 一付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100560822, author = {長瀧重義 and 友澤 史紀 and 大即信明}, title = {コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説 一付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100560823, author = {長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀 and 大即信明}, title = {コンクリート技士 試験問題と解説 一付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」}, publisher = {技報堂出版}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100611480, author = {小出貴夫 and 坂井悦郎 and 陣内浩 and 長瀧重義}, title = {シリカフュームを用いたモルタルの微量成分溶出}, journal = {セメント・コンクリート論文集}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100551182, author = {佃 有射 and 二羽淳一郎 and 横田 弘 and 長瀧 重義}, title = {水平載荷を受けるステンレス鉄筋をRC柱部材に関する実験的研究}, journal = {コンクリート工学年次論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100658592, author = {Mitsuyasu Iwanami and T Kamada and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI}, title = {Evaluation of Void Between Steel and Concrete by Infrared Thermographic Technique}, journal = {JOURNAL OF JSNDI}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100658660, author = {Mitsuyasu Iwanami and T Kamada and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI}, title = {AE Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Flexural Loading and Fundamental Investigation of Its Applicability to Evaluation of Deterioration}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS-JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100658664, author = {NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Shinichi Miyazato and T Shibata and MAKOTO HISADA and Shigeyoshi Nagataki}, title = {The Influence of W/C on Corrosion Mechanism Near Bending Crack}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS-JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100658675, author = {T Takeuchi and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI and N Tamugi}, title = {Fundamental Study on Chemical Structures of Organic Compounds on Set Retardation}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS-JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100658678, author = {T Takeuchi and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI and E Banshouya}, title = {An Experimental Study on Long Slump Retention of Concrete}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS-JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100658681, author = {Hiromi Fujiwara and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Hideki Endo}, title = {STUDY ON REDUCING UNIT POWDER CONTENT OF HIGH-FLUIDITY CONCRETE BY CONTROLLING POWDER PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION}, journal = {Concrete library international}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100658690, author = {T Takeuchi and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI and T Sakamoto}, title = {A Fundamental Study on the Control of Setting Time of Fresh Concrete}, journal = {JOURNAL-SOCIETY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE JAPAN}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100658685, author = {守分敦郎 and Shigeyoshi Nagataki and NOBUAKI OTSUKI and H Seki and T Fukute}, title = {A designing method of surface coatings for concrete jetties deteriorated by chloride attack}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS-JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100631685, author = {Shigeyoshi Nagataki and ETSUO SAKAI and tohru takeuchi}, title = {The Fluidity of Fly Ash-Cement Paste with Superplasticizer}, journal = {Cement and Concrete Research}, year = 1984, } @inproceedings{CTT100601457, author = {小出貴夫 and 坂井悦郎 and 陣内浩 and 長瀧重義}, title = {シリカフュームを用いたモルタルの微量成分溶出}, booktitle = {第63回セメント技術大会講演要旨}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100598541, author = {Yuui Tsukuda and Yoshio Shinoda and JUNICHIRO NIWA and Shigeyoshi Nagataki}, title = {An experimental study on chloride threshold value of stainless steel bar}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications}, year = 2009, } @misc{CTT100639496, author = {長瀧重義 and 友澤史紀 and 大即信明 and 網野貴彦 and 井上 健 and 内田 裕市 and 江口 清 and 枝広 英俊 and 高田 誠 and 棚野 博之 and 信田 佳延}, title = {平成24年版 コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100635238, author = {田中 敏嗣 and 長瀧重義 and 坂井悦郎 and 陣内 浩}, title = {粉末加圧成形試料を用いたシリカヒュームの蛍光X線分析方法に関する研究}, year = 2012, }