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Y. and Takahashi, Y. and Yoshimura, M. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Takano, K.}, title = {Protein crystallization with paper}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100745292, author = {Tominaga, Yusuke and Maruyama, Mihoko and Yoshimura, Masashi and Koizumi, Haruhiko and Tachibana, Masaru and Sugiyama, Shigeru and Adachi, Hiroaki and Tsukamoto, Katsuo and Matsumura, Hiroyoshi and Takano, Kazufumi and satoshi murakami and Inoue, Tsuyoshi and Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Y. and Mori, Yusuke}, title = {Promotion of protein crystal growth by actively switching crystal growth mode via femtosecond laser ablation}, journal = {Nature Photonics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100783652, author = {Maruyama, Mihoko and Hayashi, Yuki and Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Y. and Okada, Shino and Koizumi, Haruhiko and Tachibana, Masaru and Sugiyama, Shigeru and Adachi, Hiroaki and Matsumura, Hiroyoshi and Inoue, Tsuyoshi and Takano, Kazufumi and Murakami, Satoshi and Yoshimura, Masashi and Mori, Yusuke and satoshi murakami}, title = {A crystallization technique for obtaining large protein crystals with increased mechanical stability using agarose gel combined with a stirring technique}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100713039, author = {Matsuoka, M. and Kakinouchi, K. and Adachi, H. and Maruyama, M. and Sugiyama, S. and Nakabayashi, I. and Tsuchikura, H. and Kuwahara, A. and Sano, S. and Yoshikawa, H. 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Y. and Hasenaka, H. and Takahashi, Y. and Maruyama, M. and Sugiyama, S. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Influence of energy and wavelength on femtosecond laser-induced nucleation of protein}, journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713065, author = {Matsumura, H. and Kakiniuchi, K. and Nakamura, T. and Sugiyama, S. and Maruyama, M. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Growth of Protein Crystals by Syringe-Type Top-Seeded Solution Growth}, journal = {Crystal Growth & Design}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713141, author = {吉川, 洋史 and 村井, 良多 and 杉山, 成 and 安達, 宏昭 and 松村, 浩由 and 井上, 豪 and satoshi murakami and 高野, 和文 and 森, 勇介}, title = {フェムト秒レーザー誘起キャビテーションバブルによるタンパク質の結晶核発生(<特集>光で成長する結晶)}, journal = {日本結晶成長学会誌}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713068, author = {Matsumura, H. and Sugiyama, S. and Hirose, M. and Kakinouchi, K. and Maruyama, M. and Murai, R. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Inoue, T.}, title = {Approach for growth of high-quality and large protein crystals}, journal = {J Synchrotron Radiat}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713067, author = {Xiang, H. Y. and Niiyama, M. and Sugiyama, S. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Ishikawa, M. and Matsumura, H. and Katoh, E.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a helicase-like domain from a tomato mosaic virus replication protein}, journal = {Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology Communications}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713066, author = {Sugiyama, S. and Hirose, M. and Shimizu, N. and Niiyama, M. and Maruyama, M. and Sazaki, G. and Murai, R. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Effect of Evaporation on Protein Crystals Grown in Semi-Solid Agarose Hydrogel}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713063, author = {Iefuji, N. and Murai, R. and Maruyama, M. and Takahashi, Y. and Sugiyama, S. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Koga, Y. and Takano, K. and Kanaya, S.}, title = {Laser-induced nucleation in protein crystallization: Local increase in protein concentration induced by femtosecond laser irradiation}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100713137, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {結晶構造解析より明らかになった膜輸送体による薬剤の能動的排出機構}, journal = {膜}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713138, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {応用指向型研究についての紹介}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713139, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {原子構造から見たバクテリアの薬剤排出機構}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713140, author = {井上, 豪 and 松村, 浩由 and 安達, 宏昭 and 森, 勇介 and 高野, 和文 and satoshi murakami and 福西, 快文 and 中村, 春木 and 木下, 誉富 and 仲西, 功 and 奥野, 恭史 and 南方, 聖司 and 三上, 義明 and 佐久間, 俊広 and 北島, 正人 and 福岡, 良忠 and 高田, 俊和 and 坂田, 恒昭}, title = {創薬バリューチェインのインシリコ技術を活用した阻害剤開発の試み}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713069, author = {Nagashima, K. and Abe, M. and Morita, S. and Oyabu, N. and Kobayashi, K. and Yamada, H. and Ohta, M. and Kokawa, R. and Murai, R. and Matsumura, H. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Molecular resolution investigation of tetragonal lysozyme (110) face in liquid by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy}, journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713070, author = {Kakinouchi, K. and Nakamura, T. and Tamada, T. and Adachi, H. and Sugiyama, S. and Maruyama, M. and Takahashi, Y. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Kuroki, R. and Mori, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Growth of large protein crystals by a large-scale hanging-drop method}, journal = {Journal of Applied Crystallography}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713071, author = {Maruyama, Mihoko and Shimizu, Noriko and Sugiyama, Shigeru and Takahashi, Yoshinori and Adachi, Hiroaki and Takano, Kazufumi and satoshi murakami and Inoue, Tsuyoshi and Matsumura, Hiroyoshi and Mori, Yusuke}, title = {Estimated effects of silicone glue on protein crystal growth}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713072, author = {Murai, R. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Takahashi, Y. and Maruyama, M. and Sugiyama, S. and Sazaki, G. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Enhancement of femtosecond laser-induced nucleation of protein in a gel solution}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713073, author = {Yao, X. Q. and Kenzaki, H. and satoshi murakami and Takada, S.}, title = {Drug export and allosteric coupling in a multidrug transporter revealed by molecular simulations}, journal = {Nat Commun}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713074, author = {Shimizu, N. and Sugiyama, S. and Maruyama, M. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, M. and Tamada, T. and Hidaka, K. and Hayashi, Y. and Kimura, T. and Kiso, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Kuroki, R. and Mori, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Crystal Growth Procedure of HIV-1 Protease-Inhibitor KNI-272 Complex for Neutron Structural Analysis at 1.9 angstrom Resolution}, journal = {Crystal Growth & Design}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713075, author = {Nomura, Y. and Sugiyama, S. and Sakamoto, T. and Miyakawa, S. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Nakamura, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Conformational plasticity of RNA for target recognition as revealed by the 2.15 A crystal structure of a human IgG-aptamer complex}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713076, author = {Kishimoto-Okada, A. and satoshi murakami and Ito, Y. and Horii, N. and Furukawa, H. and Takagi, J. and Iwasaki, K.}, title = {Comparison of the envelope architecture of E. coli using two methods: CEMOVIS and cryo-electron tomography}, journal = {J Electron Microsc (Tokyo)}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100713079, author = {Shimizu, N. and Sugiyama, S. and Maruyama, M. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Matsumura, H. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Growth of Large Protein Crystals by Top-Seeded Solution Growth Together with the Floating and Solution-Stirring Technique}, journal = {Crystal Growth & Design}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713080, author = {Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Murai, R. and Sugiyama, S. and Sazaki, G. and Kitatani, T. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Takano, K. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Femtosecond laser-induced nucleation of protein in agarose gel}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713081, author = {Hasenaka, H. and Sugiyama, S. and Hirose, M. and Shimizu, N. and Kitatani, T. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Femtosecond laser processing of protein crystals grown in agarose gel}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713082, author = {Sugiyama, S. and Hasenaka, H. and Hirose, M. and Shimizu, N. and Kitatani, T. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Femtosecond Laser Processing of Agarose Gel Surrounding Protein Crystals for Development of an Automated Crystal Capturing System}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713083, author = {Inaba, K. and satoshi murakami and Nakagawa, A. and Iida, H. and Kinjo, M. and Ito, K. and Suzuki, M.}, title = {Dynamic nature of disulphide bond formation catalysts revealed by crystal structures of DsbB}, journal = {EMBO J}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713084, author = {Kitatani, T. and Adachi, H. and Sugiyama, S. and Matsumura, H. and Murai, R. and Takahashi, Y. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Takano, K.}, title = {A Manipulating Tool for Protein Microcrystals in Solution Using Adhesive Materials}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713077, author = {Sugiyama, S. and Tanabe, K. and Hirose, M. and Kitatani, T. and Hasenaka, H. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Inoue, T. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Protein Crystallization in Agarose Gel with High Strength: Developing an Automated System for Protein Crystallographic Processes}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713078, author = {Tanabe, K. and Hirose, M. and Murai, R. and Sugiyama, S. and Shimizu, N. and Maruyama, M. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Mizohata, E. and Inoue, T. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Promotion of Crystal Nucleation of Protein by Semi-Solid Agarose Gel}, journal = {Applied Physics Express}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100713094, author = {Matsumura, H. and Adachi, M. and Sugiyama, S. and Okada, S. and Yamakami, M. and Tamada, T. and Hidaka, K. and Hayashi, Y. and Kimura, T. and Kiso, Y. and Kitatani, T. and Maki, S. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Kuroki, R. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary neutron diffraction studies of HIV-1 protease cocrystallized with inhibitor KNI-272}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713093, author = {Mima, M. and Kawai, C. and Paku, K. and Tomoo, K. and Ishida, T. and Sugiyama, S. and Matsumura, H. and Kitatani, T. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Maki, S. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Kita, S. and Iwamoto, T.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Ca2+-free primary Ca2+-sensor of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713087, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {Multidrug efflux transporter, AcrB--the pumping mechanism}, journal = {Curr Opin Struct Biol}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713088, author = {Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Murai, R. and Maki, S. and Kitatani, T. and Sugiyama, S. and Sazaki, G. and Adachi, H. and Inoue, T. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Sasaki, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Laser energy dependence on femtosecond laser-induced nucleation of protein}, journal = {Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713089, author = {Woebking, B. and Velamakanni, S. and Federici, L. and Seeger, M. A. and satoshi murakami and van Veen, H. W.}, title = {Functional role of transmembrane helix 6 in drug binding and transport by the ABC transporter MsbA}, journal = {Biochemistry}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713091, author = {Murai, R. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Kawahara, H. and Maki, S. and Sugiyama, S. and Kitatani, T. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Sasaki, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Effect of solution flow produced by rotary shaker on protein crystallization}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713092, author = {Sugiyama, S. and Nomura, Y. and Sakamoto, T. and Kitatani, T. and Kobayashi, A. and Miyakawa, S. and Takahashi, Y. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Nakamura, Y. and Matsumura, H.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of an RNA aptamer in complex with the human IgG Fc fragment}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713096, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {[Molecular mechanism of multi-drug resistance]}, journal = {Nihon Rinsho}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713135, author = {井上, 豪 and 安達, 宏昭 and satoshi murakami and 高野, 和文 and 松村, 浩由 and 森, 勇介 and 福西, 快文 and 中村, 春木 and 木下, 誉富 and 仲西, 功 and 奥野, 恭史 and 南方, 聖司 and 下条, 真司 and 坂田, 恒昭}, title = {膜タンパク質の結晶化技術の新展開及び創薬バリューチェインの紹介(誌上シンポジウム)}, journal = {藥學雜誌}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713136, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {現代医学の焦点(302)多剤耐性の仕組み}, journal = {日本臨床}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713085, author = {Maki, S. and Murai, R. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Kitatani, T. and Nakata, S. and Kawahara, H. and Hasenaka, H. and Kobayashi, A. and Okada, S. and Sugiyama, S. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Sasaki, T. and Mori, Y.}, title = {Protein crystallization in a 100 nl solution with new stirring equipment}, journal = {J Synchrotron Radiat}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713086, author = {Kitatani, T. and Sugiyama, S. and Matsumura, H. and Adachi, H. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Maki, S. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Takano, K.}, title = {New technique of manipulating a protein crystal using adhesive material}, journal = {Applied Physics Express}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713090, author = {Kitatani, T. and Adachi, H. and Sugiyama, S. and Matsumura, H. and Murai, R. and Takahashi, Y. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Takano, K.}, title = {Evaluation and Improvement of a Technique to Manipulate Protein Crystals in Solution}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713095, author = {Inoue, T. and Adachi, H. and satoshi murakami and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and Mori, Y. and Fukunishi, Y. and Nakamura, H. and Kinoshita, T. and Nakanishi, I. and Okuno, Y. and Minakata, S. and Shimojo, S. and Sakata, T.}, title = {[New progress in crystallization technology of membrane protein and introduction of pharamaceutical innovation value chain]}, journal = {Yakugaku Zasshi}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100713133, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {多剤排出トランスポーターの結晶構造解析により明らかになった機能的回転メカニズム}, journal = {生物物理}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713097, author = {Kashii, M. and Hosokawa, Y. and Kitano, H. and Adachi, H. and Mori, Y. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Sugamoto, K. and Yoshikawa, H. and Sasaki, T. and Masuhara, H.}, title = {Femtosecond laser-induced cleaving of protein crystal in water solution}, journal = {Applied Surface Science}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713098, author = {Mori, Y. and Takano, K. and Adachi, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Matsumura, H. and Kashii, M. and Yoshikawa, H. Y. and Maki, S. and Kitatani, T. and Okada, S. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Development of protein crystallization and processing: Femtosecond laser, all solid-state 193 nm laser, and solution stirring techniques - art. no. 646008}, journal = {Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers VII}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713099, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {[Structure and reaction mechanism of multi-drug efflux transporter]}, journal = {Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713100, author = {satoshi murakami and Yamaguchi, A.}, title = {[Structural basis of xenobiotic recognition by a bacterial xenobiotic exporter]}, journal = {Seikagaku}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713134, author = {satoshi murakami}, title = {多剤排出トランスポーターの構造と機能--結晶構造から明らかになった機能的回転メカニズム}, journal = {蛋白質核酸酵素}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100713109, author = {Kashii, M. and Fujisawa, R. and Adachi, H. and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T. and Koga, Y. and Takano, K. and Kanaya, S. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Sugamoto, K. and Yoshikawa, H.}, title = {Application of femtosecond laser ablation for detaching grown protein crystals from glass capillary tube}, journal = {J Biosci Bioeng}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713101, author = {Adachi, H. and Niino, A. and Kinoshita, T. and Warizaya, M. and Maruki, R. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Solution-stirring method improves crystal quality of human triosephosphate isomerase}, journal = {J Biosci Bioeng}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713102, author = {Tsukazaki, T. and Mori, H. and Fukai, S. and Numata, T. and Perederina, A. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T. and Vassylyev, D. G. and Nureki, O. and Ito, K.}, title = {Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of SecDF, a translocon-associated membrane protein, from Thermus thermophilus}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713103, author = {Kakinouchi, K. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Koga, Y. and Takano, K. and Kanaya, S.}, title = {Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on protein crystallization}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713104, author = {Numata, T. and Ikeuchi, Y. and Fukai, S. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T. and Suzuki, T. and Nureki, O.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the tRNA thiolation enzyme MnmA from Escherichia coli complexed with tRNA(Glu)}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713105, author = {Krungkrai, S. R. and Tokuoka, K. and Kusakari, Y. and Inoue, T. and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and satoshi murakami and Mori, Y. and Kai, Y. and Krungkrai, J. and Horii, T.}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713106, author = {satoshi murakami and Nakashima, Ryosuke and Yamashita, Eiki and Matsumoto, Takashi and Yamaguchi, Akihito}, title = {Crystal structures of a multidrug transporter reveal a functionally rotating mechanism}, journal = {Nature}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713107, author = {Inaba, K. and satoshi murakami and Suzuki, M. and Nakagawa, A. and Yamashita, E. and Okada, K. and Ito, K.}, title = {Crystal structure of the DsbB-DsbA complex reveals a mechanism of disulfide bond generation}, journal = {Cell}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713108, author = {Murai, R. and Nakata, S. and Kashii, M. and Adachl, H. and Niino, A. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and satoshi murakami and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Cooling-rate screening system for determining protein crystal growth conditions}, journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100713116, author = {Kashii, M. and Kitano, H. and Hosokawa, Y. and Adachi, H. and Mori, Y. and Sasaki, T. and Masuhara, H. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and satoshi murakami and Sugamoto, K. and Yoshikawa, H.}, title = {Femtosecond laser processing of protein crystals in crystallization drop}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters & Express Letters}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100713118, author = {Tamura, N. and satoshi murakami and Oyama, Y. and Ishiguro, M. and Yamaguchi, A.}, title = {Direct interaction of multidrug efflux transporter AcrB and outer membrane channel TolC detected via site-directed disulfide cross-linking}, journal = {Biochemistry}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100713117, author = {satoshi murakami and Kashii, M. and Kitano, H. and Adachi, H. and Takano, K. and Matsumura, H. and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Doi, M. and Sugamoto, K. and Yoshikawa, H. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Effect of laser irradiation on enzyme activity}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100713115, author = {Kitano, H. and satoshi murakami and Adachi, H. and Matsumura, H. and Takano, K. and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Doi, M. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Processing of membrane protein crystal using ultraviolet laser irradiation}, journal = {J Biosci Bioeng}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100713114, author = {Kitano, H. and Matsumura, H. and Adachi, H. and satoshi murakami and Takano, K. and Inoue, T. and Mori, Y. and Doi, M. and Sasaki, T.}, title = {Protein cryocrystallography using laser-processed crystal}, 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Terwilliger and Herbert P. 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