@book{CTT100755142, author = {Masatoshi Kubouchi and Ken Tsuda and Hidemitsu Hojo}, title = {Thermal Shock Behavir and Evaluation of Epoxy Resins Toughned with Hard Particulates}, publisher = {Advances in Chemistry Series, Toughened Plastics II, Novel Approaches in Science and Engineering, ACS}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100559498, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田健 and 岡村孝司 and 北條英光}, title = {硫酸水溶液中でのポリアミドの腐食劣化に及ぼす分子量の影響}, journal = {材料の科学と工学}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100755138, author = {Shigeru ONO and Ken TSUDA and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Toshiaki NISHIYAMA and Hidemitsu HOJO}, title = {Degradation Behavior of Amine Cured Epoxy Resin and FRPin Acid Solutions}, booktitle = {Proc.10th Intern.Conf.Composite Mater.}, year = 1995, }