@inproceedings{CTT100880856, author = {渡邉敦 and 中村隆志 and 灘岡和夫 and 宮島利宏 and 茅根創}, title = {石西礁湖周辺海域における海洋酸性化の現状と炭酸系動態}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100615080, author = {TatsukiTokoro and Atsushi Watanabe and Hajime Kayanne and Kazuo Nadaoka and Hitoshi Tamura and Ken Nozaki and Ken Kato and Akira Negish}, title = {Measurement of air-water C02 transfer at four coastal sites using a chamber method}, booktitle = {Journal of Marine Systems}, year = 2007, }