@article{CTT100567577, author = {Kentarou Chihara and Daisuke Hiratsuka and Jyunichi Tatami and Fumihiro Wakai and Katsutoshi Komeya}, title = {High-temperature compressive deformation of SiAlON polycrystals prepared without additives}, journal = {Key Engineering Materials}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100567571, author = {Kentarou Chihara and Daisuke Hiratsuka and Yutaka Shinoda and Takashi Akatsu and Fumihiro Wakai and Jyunichi Tatami and Katsutoshi Komeya}, title = {High-temperature compressive deformation of b-SiAlON polycrystals containing minimum amount of intergranular glass phase}, journal = {Materials Science & Engineering B}, year = 2008, }