@article{CTT100569481, author = {G. Carja and Y. Kameshima and G. Ciobanu and H. Chiriac and K. Okada}, title = {New hybrid nanostructures based on oxacillin–hydrotalcite-like anionic clays and their textural properties}, journal = {Micron,}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100600720, author = {G. Carja and Y. Kameshima and G. Ciobanu and A. Nakajima}, title = {“Nanosized Iron or Titanium Oxides / Layered Double Hydroxides as Nanostructured Essembles”}, booktitle = {MC4.Mon.L3, XIV International Clay Conference Book of Abstracts,}, year = 2009, }