@inproceedings{CTT100626466, author = {三城健一 and 本多剛 and 高橋章浩 and 桑野二郎}, title = {トンネル周辺地盤の変形に及ぼすネイル補強とライニングの効果に関する基礎的研究}, booktitle = {土木学会第54回年次学術講演会講演概要集}, year = 1999, } @inproceedings{CTT100626464, author = {Tsuyoshi Honda and Kenichi Miki and A.Takahashi and JIRO KUWANO}, title = {Centrifuge study on the effects of nailing and lining on ground deformations caused by tunneling}, booktitle = {Poster Session Proceedings of the 11th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering}, year = 1999, } @inproceedings{CTT100626459, author = {JIRO KUWANO and A.Takahashi and Tsuyoshi Honda and Kenichi Miki}, title = {Centrifuge investigation on deformations around tunnels in nailed clay}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground}, year = 1999, }