@inproceedings{CTT100590521, author = {Hiroshi Echizen-ya and Terumasa Ehara and Sayori Shimohata and Atsushi Fujii and Masao Utiyama and Mikio Yamamoto and Takehito Utsuro and Noriko Kando}, title = {Meta-Evaluation of Automatic Evaluation Methods for Machine Translation using Patent Translation Data in NTCIR-7}, booktitle = {MT Summit XII 3rd Workshop on Patent Translation}, year = 2009, } @misc{CTT100592015, author = {江原 暉将 and 越前谷 博 and 下畑 さより and 藤井 敦 and 内山 将夫 and 山本 幹雄 and 宇津呂 武仁 and 神門 典子}, title = {機械翻訳精度の各種自動評価の比較}, year = 2009, }