@article{CTT100632039, author = {鷲崎弘宜 and 坂本一憲 and 大杉直樹 and 権藤克彦 and 服部哲 and 久保淳人 and 小林隆志 and 大月美佳 and 丸山勝久 and 榊原彰}, title = {デザインパターンへの工学的取り組み}, journal = {コンピュータソフトウェア}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100799239, author = {Motoshi Saeki and Haruhiko Kaiya and Satoshi Hattori}, title = {Checking Regulatory Compliance of Business Processes and Information Systems}, booktitle = {Software Technologies (Revised Selected Papers of ICSOFT 2009), Communications in Computer and Information Science}, year = 2011, }