@inproceedings{CTT100467835, author = {TAKESHI ABEKAWA and Yutaka Yagi and TAKASHI SAWATANI and 戸次徳久 and Manabu Okumura and KIKUKO NISHINA and shigeki sugimoto}, title = {Development of Japanese Reading System of Multi-Lingual Environment Asunaro}, booktitle = {Castel/J 2002 Proceedings-The Third International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems For Teaching & Learning Japanese Computer Technology and Japanese Language Education}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100469059, author = {TAKASHI SAWATANI and KIKUKO NISHINA and KANJI AKAHORI}, title = {Development and Evaluation of Web-Concordancer for Jqpanese Language Learners}, booktitle = {Castel/J 2002 Proceedings-The Third International Conference On Computer Assisted Systems For Teaching & Learning/Japanese:Computer Technology and Japanese Language Education}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100465566, author = {仁科 喜久子 and 奥村 学 and 八木 豊 and 戸次 徳久 and 澤谷孝志 and 傅 亮 and 杉本 茂樹 and 阿辺川 武}, title = {構文表示と多言語インターフェースを備えた日本語読解学習支援システムの開発}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第8回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100498873, author = {澤谷 孝志 and 仁科喜久子 and 赤堀侃司}, title = {日本語学習者のためのWeb-Concordancerの開発}, booktitle = {日本教育工学会代17回大会講演論文集}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100465565, author = {仁科 喜久子 and 奥村学 and 八木豊 and 澤谷孝志 and 戸次徳久 and 杉本茂樹 and 傅 亮 and 阿辺川武}, title = {構文構造,多言語,例文の表紙および読み上げ音声を実装した日本語学習支援システム-「あすなろ」の開発}, booktitle = {特定領域研究(A) 「高等教育改革に資するマルチメデイアの高度利用に関する研究」}, year = 2001, }