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Rashedul Kabir and Kazuki Sada and Jian Ping Gong and Akihiko Konagaya and Akira Kakugo}, title = {Sensing surface mechanical deformation using active probes driven by motor proteins}, journal = {Nature Communications}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100733867, author = {◾Philippe Gaudreau and Ken Hayami and Y. Aoki and Hassan Safouhi and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Improvements to the cluster Newton method for underdetermined inverse problems}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100733862, author = {Greg Gutmann Daisuke Inoue and Akira Kakugo and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Real-Time 3D Microtubule Gliding Simulation Accelarated by GPU Computing}, journal = {Inter. J. of Automation and Computing (IJAC)}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100801469, author = {Ito, M. and Rashedul Kabir, A.M. and Islam, M.S. and Inoue, D. and Wada, S. and Sada, K. and Akihiko Konagaya and Kakugo, A.}, title = {Mechanical oscillation of dynamic microtubule rings}, journal = {RSC Advances}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100802325, author = {Maeda, Kazuya and Yoshida, Kenta and Sugiyama, Yuichi and Akihiko Konagaya and Kusuhara, Hiroyuki}, title = {PRECISE ESTIMATIONS OF THE INHIBITION CONSTANTS BY PBPK ANALYSES OF METABOLITES' PHARMACOKINETIC ALTERATIONS USING CLUSTER NEWTON METHOD}, journal = {DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100802314, author = {Toshimoto, Kota and Yoshida, Kenta and Yoshikado, Takashi and Maeda, Kazuya and Kusuhara, Hiroyuki and Akihiko Konagaya and Sugiyama, Yuichi}, title = {ESTABLISHING A VERSATILE ANALYSIS METHOD OF DRUG-DRUG INTERACTIONS WITH THE PHYSIOLOGICALLY-BASED PHARMACOKINETIC MODEL USING THE CLUSTER NEWTON METHOD}, journal = {DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100733865, author = {◾Daisuke Inoue and Bulbul Mahemoti and Arif Md. Rashedul Kabir and Tamann Ishrat Farhana and Kiyotaka Tokuraku and Kazuki Sada and Akihiko Konagaya and Akira Kakugo}, title = {Depletion force induced collective motion of microtubules driven by knesin}, journal = {Nanoscale}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100733866, author = {Yuexing Han and Akito Hara and Akinori Kuzuya and Rousuke Watanabe and Yuichi Ohya and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Automatic Recognition of DNA Pliers in Atomic Force Microscopy Images}, journal = {New Generation Computing}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100801294, author = {Han, Y. and Daisuke, I. and Kakugo, A. and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Tracking single microtubules by using B-spline curves and Hausdorff distance}, journal = {2014 4th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, IPTA 2014}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100802321, author = {Maeda, Kazuya and Yoshida, Kenta and Kusuhara, Hiroyuki and Akihiko Konagaya and Sugiyama, Yuichi}, title = {APPLICATION OF A NOVEL COMPUTATIONAL METHOD TO ESTIMATE FEASIBLE SOLUTION SPACES FOR DETERMINING MULTIPLE PARAMETERS IN PHYSIOLOGICALLY-BASED PHARMACOKINETIC (PBPK) MODEL}, journal = {DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100745511, author = {Yutaka Ueno and Shuntaro Ito and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Implementing a modeling software for animated protein-complex interactions using a physics simulation library}, journal = {J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100745521, author = {青木康憲 and 速水謙 and 小長谷明彦}, title = {劣決定逆問題に対するCluster Newton法とその薬物動態モデルへの応用}, journal = {応用数理}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100745520, author = {Masami Hagiya and Akihiko Konagaya and Satoshi Kobayashi and Satoshi Murata}, title = {Molecular Robots with Sensors and Intelligence}, journal = {Accounts of Chemical Research}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100745607, author = {Yasunori Aoki and Ken Hayami and Hans De Sterck and Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Cluster Newton Method for Sampling Multiple Solutions of Underdetermined Inverse Problems:Application to a Parameter Identification Problem in Pharmacokinetics}, journal = {SIAM J. 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Arzberger and A. Farazdel and A. Konagaya and L. Ang and S. Shimojo and R.L. Stevens:}, title = {“Life Sciences and Cyberinfrastructure: Dual and Interacting Revolutions that will Drive Future Science”,}, booktitle = {New Generation Computing,}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100747586, author = {Yoshikawa, S. and Satou, K. and Konagaya, A.}, title = {Drug Interaction Ontology (DIO) for Inferences of Possible Drug-Drug Interactions}, booktitle = {Medinfo}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100745610, author = {Han Y and Hara A and Kuzuya A and Watanabe R and Ohya Y and Konagaya A}, title = {Automatic Recognition of DNA Nanostructures on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Image: First Experience on DNA Pliers}, booktitle = {}, year = , } @misc{CTT100802114, author = {小長谷明彦}, title = {特集「AI創薬の可能性について」の企画にあたって}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100801056, author = {Akihiko Konagaya}, title = {Molecular Robotics and Controlling}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100802120, author = {小長谷明彦}, title = {21pm1-F2 分子アメーバ型ロボットの実現に向けて}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100745614, author = {Aoki Y and Hayami K and De Sterck Hans and Konagaya A}, title = {Cluster Newton Method for Sampling Multiple Solutions of an Underdetermined Inverse Problem: Parmeter Identificaiton for Pharmacokinetics}, year = 2011, } @misc{CTT100802028, author = {小長谷明彦}, title = {生命と情報通信-情報通信技術に生命機能を吹き込む-}, year = 2010, } @misc{CTT100801847, author = {佐藤 賢二 and 小長谷明彦 and Kenji Satou and Akihiko Konagaya and 金沢大学 and 東京工業大学 and Kanazawa University and Tokyo Institute of Technology}, title = {分子生物情報研究会(SIG-MBI)(<特集>研究会総覧)}, year = 2010, } @misc{CTT100828283, author = {小長谷明彦 and KALBUAJIBHARATA}, title = {癌特異的遺伝子制御ネットワークの生成方法、生成用プログラム及び生成用装置}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2018-174060(2018/09/18), 特開2020-046867(2020/03/26), 特許第7209334号(2023/01/12)} }