@article{CTT100790357, author = {Takahiro UKIDA and Koichi SUZUMORI and Hiroyuki NABAE and Takefumi KANDA}, title = {Fabrication and Evaluation of Hydraulic Particle Excitation Valve Vibrated Perpendicularly to Direction of Flow Path}, journal = {JFPS International Journal of Fluid Power System}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100768200, author = {Hayato Osaki and Takefumi Kanda and Shoki Ofuji and Norihisa Seno and Koichi Suzumori and Takahiro Ukida and Hiroyuki Nabae}, title = {A Small Three-Way Valve Using Particle Excitation with Piezoelectric Transducers for Hydraulic Actuators}, journal = {Advanced Robotics}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100759318, author = {浮田貴宏 and 鈴森康一 and 難波江裕之 and 神田岳文}, title = {流路に直交方向の加振を利用した油圧微粒子励振型制御弁の試作と評価}, journal = {日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100759511, author = {Takahiro UKIDA and Koichi SUZUMORI and Hiroyuki NABAE and Takefumi KANDA and Shoki OFUJI}, title = {Hydraulic Control by Flow Control Valve Using Particle Excitation}, journal = {JFPS International Journal of Fluid Power System}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100750356, author = {Daisuke Hirooka and Tomomi Yamaguchi and Naomichi Furushiro and Koichi Suzumori and Takefumi Kanda}, title = {Particle-Excitation Flow-Control Valve using Piezo Vibration-Improvement for a High Flow Rate and Research on Controllability}, journal = {IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100734566, author = {浮田 貴宏 and 鈴森康一 and 難波江裕之 and 神田岳文 and 大藤翔輝}, title = {微粒子励振型流量制御弁による油圧制御}, journal = {日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100742059, author = {浮田貴宏 and 鈴森康一 and 難波江裕之 and 神田岳文}, title = {横方向たわみ振動を用いた油圧励振型制御弁の試作}, booktitle = {ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017講演論文集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100734567, author = {Takahiro Ukida and Koichi Suzumori and Hiroyuki Nabae and Takefumi Kanda}, title = {Piezoelectric Transducer Design for Particle Excitation Hydraulic Control Valve}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100724401, author = {神田岳文 and 大藤翔輝 and 尾﨑隼人 and 妹尾典久 and 鈴森康一 and 浮田貴宏 and 難波江裕之}, title = {圧電振動子駆動微粒子励振型制御弁による水圧アクチュエータの駆動}, booktitle = {第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 予稿集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708297, author = {浮田 貴宏 and 鈴森康一 and 難波江裕之 and 神田岳文 and 大藤翔輝}, title = {作動流体の粘性による微粒子励振制御弁の駆動特性への影響}, booktitle = {ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 予稿集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100705323, author = {浮田 貴宏 and 鈴森康一 and 難波江裕之 and 神田岳文 and 大藤 翔輝}, title = {微粒子励振型流量制御弁の水圧システムへの適用}, booktitle = {第28回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100699626, author = {Takahiro Ukida and Koichi Suzumori and Hiroyuki Nabae and Takefumi Kanda and Shoki Ofuji}, title = {A small water flow control valve using particle excitation by PZT vibrator}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics}, year = 2015, }