@article{CTT100747063, author = {Kazushige Kuroha and Mayuko Akamatsu and Lyudmila Dimitrova and Takehiko Ito and Yuki Kato and Katsuhiko Shirahige and Toshifumi Inada}, title = {Receptor for activated C kinase 1 stimulates nascent polypeptide-dependent translation arrest}, journal = {Embo Reports}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100616595, author = {黒羽 一誠 and Mayuko Akamatsu and Lyudmila Dimitrova and Yuki Kato and Katsuhiko Shirahige and Toshifumi Inada}, title = {Receptor for activated C kinase 1 stimulates nascent polypeptide-dependent translation arrest}, journal = {EMBO reports}, year = 2010, }