@article{CTT100918434, author = {加藤絵万 and 佐々木秀郎 and 岩波光保 and 横田弘}, title = {港湾の施設の維持管理指針類の運用に係る課題}, journal = {インフラメンテナンス実践フォーラム}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100848718, author = {E. Kato and Y. Kawabata and T. Takahashi and Y. Izumida and E.Ooi and K. Kanemaru and K. Miyamaru and M. Iwanami and H. Yokota}, title = {Replaceable superstructure system in open-type wharf for reliable maintenance of port concrete structures}, journal = {Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020)}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100833766, author = {Y. Kawabata and E. Kato and H. Yokota and M. Iwanami}, title = {Net Present Value as an effective indicator leading to preventive maintenance of port mooring facilities}, journal = {Structure and Infrastructure Engineering}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100786164, author = {川端雄一郎 and 加藤絵万 and 岩波光保 and 横田弘}, title = {桟橋への新しい点検技術の適用に関する一考察~LCCとNPVの観点から~}, journal = {コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム論文報告集}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100765831, author = {高野向後 and 宮田正史 and 藤井敦 and 井山繁 and 加藤絵万 and 山路徹 and 岩波光保 and 横田弘}, title = {事例分析に基づく既存港湾施設の改良設計の現状と課題}, journal = {土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発)}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100692267, author = {Hajime Ito and Mitsuyasu Iwanami and Hiroshi Yokota and Ema Kato}, title = {Analytical study on shear capacity evaluation of RC beams with PVA short fiber}, journal = {Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100833827, author = {加藤絵万 and 田中豊 and 川端雄一郎 and 岩波光保 and 横田弘}, title = {桟橋RC 上部工のセンサモニタリングの試行~25 年経過報告~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100661390, author = {Hiroshi Yokota and Hidenori Hamada and Mitsuyasu Iwanami}, title = {Evaluation and prediction on performance degradation of marine concrete structures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies ( SCMT3),}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100741603, author = {加藤絵万 and 川端雄一郎 and 岩波光保 and 横田弘 and 山路徹 and 藤井敦 and 内藤英晴 and 北澤壮介 and 井上博士 and 柏原裕彦 and 末岡英二 and 吉田倫夫 and 山本修司 and 中野則夫 and 稲田勉}, title = {係留施設の変状連鎖と点検診断に関する一考察}, year = 2016, }