@article{CTT100835186, author = {A. Nagamine and K. Kashiki and F. Watanabe and J. Hirokawa}, title = {Performance Analysis and Hardware Verification of Feature Detection using Cyclostationarity in OFDM Signal}, journal = {IEICE Trans. Commun.}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100703515, author = {Fumio Watanabe and Masayoshi Ohashi and Hajime Nakamura and Hisato Iwai}, title = {Expectations on Software Defined Radio (SDR) in Standardization Fora on Future Mobile Communication Systems (Invited)}, journal = {IEICE Trans. Communication}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100703716, author = {Fumio Watanabe}, title = {IMT-2000 and Beyond IMT -Radio Technologies toward Future Mobile Communications (Invited)}, journal = {IEICE Transaction Communications}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100703720, author = {Toshinori Suzuki and Yoshio Takeuchi and Sumaru Niida and Fumio Watanabe}, title = {Field Test Performance and Analysis of a Base Station to Cancel Wideband CDMA Interference}, journal = {IEICE Transaction Communications}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100703726, author = {Akio Sasaki and Mitsuhiko Mizuno and S. Sampei and F. Watanabe and SASAOKA Hideichi and Masaharu HATA and Kouichi HONMA}, title = {Standardization Activities on FPLMTS Radio Transmission Technology in Japan (Invited)}, journal = {IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Commun. and Comp. Sciences}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100758694, author = {Akihide Nagamine and Kanshiro Kashiki and Fumio Watanabe and Jiro Hirokawa}, title = {Performance Analysis and Hardware Verification of Signal Detection Scheme Using Cyclic Prefix in OFDM}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758693, author = {長峰 諒英 and 樫木 勘四郎 and 渡邉 文夫 and 廣川 二郎}, title = {OFDM信号のCyclic Prefixを利用した特徴検出方式の特性解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100736888, author = {長峰諒英 and 樫木勘四郎 and 渡辺文夫 and 広川二郎}, title = {OFDM信号のCyclic Prefix(CP)を利用した特徴検出方式ー特徴検出器のハードウェア実装とその特性についてー}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100744158, author = {長峰諒英 and 樫木勘四郎 and 渡辺文夫 and 広川二郎}, title = {OFDM信号のCyclic Prefix(CP)を利用した特徴検出方式 ~ 特徴検出器のRF信号を用いた特性評価 ~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100703510, author = {渡邉文夫}, title = {数理計画法によるアンテナの指向性合成に関る研究}, year = , } @phdthesis{CTT100703510, author = {渡邉文夫}, title = {数理計画法によるアンテナの指向性合成に関る研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = , }