@book{CTT100882241, author = {Takashi Nakamura and Toru Watanabe and Akino Kuwagaki}, title = {Health Risk Assessment of a Floating Village Based on a Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Model}, publisher = {Springer Singapore}, year = 2022, } @book{CTT100868677, author = {Raj SHIVAKOTI Binaya and Sovannara UK and Sophanna Ly and Chihiro Yoshimura and Kong Chhuona and Kimleang khoeurn and Pham Ngoc BAO and Kaing and Eden Mariquit Andrews and Toru Watanabe}, title = {Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake (2022) A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action, Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action,}, publisher = {Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER)}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100911289, author = {Takashi Nakamura and Hideto Fujii and Toru Watanabe and Sarann Ly and Sambo Lun and Yoichi Fujihara and Keisuke Hoshikawa and Kazuhiko Miyanaga and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Waterborne Disease Risk Assessment and Mapping for a Floating Village by Combining 3D Hydraulic Simulation and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment}, journal = {Water}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100836016, author = {Elsamadony M. and Fujii M. and Takayuki Miura and Toru Watanabe}, title = {Possible transmission of viruses from contaminated human feces and sewage: Implications for SARS-CoV-2}, journal = {Science of the Total Environment}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100738718, author = {Ying Ping Lee and Manabu Fujii and Tetsuro Kikuchi and Masafumi Natsuike and H Ito and Toru Watanabe and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Importance of allochthonous and autochthonous dissolved organic matter in Fe(II) oxidation: A case study in Shizugawa Bay watershed, Japan}, journal = {Chemosphere}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100856684, author = {M Natsuike and T Kikuchi and YingPing Lee and H Ito and M Fujii and C Yoshimura and T Watanabe}, title = {Chemical speciation and bioavailability of iron in natural waters-linkage of forest, river and sea in view of dynamics of iron and organic matter.}, journal = {Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100868809, author = {Toru Watanabe and A. Kuwagaki and Kazuhiko Miyanaga and Chanthol Peng and Hideto FUJII and Sophanna Ly and S. Lun and Y Fujihara and K Hoshikawa and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Health Risk Assessment of a Floating Village Based on Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100808422, author = {A. Kuwagaki and Hideto FUJII and S Ly and S. Lun and S. Heng and Sokly Siev and Y Fujihara and K Hoshikawa and Peng Chen and YASUNORI TANJI and Kazuhiko Miyanaga and Toru Watanabe and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Escherichia coli Transport Simulation in the Tonle Sap Great Lake Using a Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Model Accelerated by GPGPU}, booktitle = {Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100808013, author = {K. Takemura and Hideto FUJII and S Ly and S. Lun and S. Heng and Sokly Siev and Y Fujihara and K Hoshikawa and C. Peng and YASUNORI TANJI and Kazuhiko Miyanaga and Toru Watanabe and Chihiro Yoshimura}, title = {Hydraulic Simulation of Escherichia coli Distribution in Chhnok Tru Floating Village, the Tonle Sap Great Lake}, booktitle = {Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100723550, author = {Chihiro Yoshimura and Hideto FUJII and HIROFUMI HINODE and YASUNORI TANJI and Toru Watanabe and Tetsuo KUYAMA and Seingheng Hul and Sarann LY and Chantha OEURNG and Fidero Kuok and Reasmey Tan and Paradis SOMETH and Sokneang In}, title = {Establishment of Environmental Conservation Platform of Tonle Sap Lake}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100697116, author = {Takayuki Sakuraba and Hiroaki Ito and Tetsuro Kikuchi and Manabu Fujii and Chihiro Yoshimura and Toru Watanabe}, title = {Relation of Land Cover to Elution Characteristics of Iron and Organic Matters from Soil}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, }