@book{CTT100703644, author = {榊原 清則 and 松本 陽一 and 辻本将晴}, title = {イノベーションの相互浸透モデル:企業は科学といかに関係するか}, publisher = {白桃書房}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100703643, author = {M.Tsujimoto and Y. Matsumoto and K.Sakakibara}, title = {Finding the ‘Boundary Mediators’:Network Analysis of the Joint R&D Project between Toyota and Panasonic}, journal = {Int. J. Technology Management}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100704100, author = {Tsujimoto, M. and Y. Kajikawa and Junich Tomita and Yoichi Matsumoto}, title = {Designing the Coherent Ecosystem: Review of the Ecosystem Concept in Strategic Management}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100814118, author = {松本陽一 and 富田純一 and 辻本将晴}, title = {太陽光発電産業事業への参入:固定価格買取制度が促した事業開拓とは}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100814119, author = {Matsumoto Yoichi and Sakakibara Kiyonori and Masaharu Tsujimoto}, title = {How do science and technology intersect in complex products? An analysis of LCD-related patents}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100795911, author = {榊原清則 and 辻本将晴 and 松本陽一}, title = {科学と産業の相互浸透によるイノベーションの新たなモデルの構築}, year = 2009, } @misc{CTT100795912, author = {榊原清則 and 辻本将晴 and 松本陽一}, title = {イノベーティブな企業・産業と科学との結びつき}, year = 2008, }