@article{CTT100718554, author = {Hiroyuki Nakamura and Hayato Koganei and Shoji Tachikawa and E. El-Zaria Mohamed}, title = {Synthesis of Oligo-closo-dodecaborates by Hüisgen Click Reaction as Encapsulated Agents for Preparation of High-Boron-Content Liposomes for Neutron Capture Therapy}, journal = {New J. Chem}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100845717, author = {H. Nakamura and N. Ueda and H. S. Ban and K. Maruyama and M. E. El-Zaria}, title = {Boron Lipid Liposomes: EPR Effect and Fluorescence Imaging}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, }