@article{CTT100907488, author = {Victor Barradas and Yasuharu Koike and Nicolas Schweighofer}, title = {Theoretical limits on the speed of learning inverse models explain the rate of adaptation in arm reaching tasks}, journal = {Neural Networks}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100869093, author = {Woorim Cho and Victor Barradas and Nicolas Schweighofer and Yasuharu Koike}, title = {Design of an Isometric End-Point Force Control Task for Electromyography Normalization and Muscle Synergy Extraction From the Upper Limb Without Maximum Voluntary Contraction}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience-Motor Neuroscience}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100846826, author = {Hiroyuki Kambara and Atsushi Takagi and Haruka Shimizu and Toshihiro Kawase and Natsue Yoshimura and Nicolas Schweighofer and Yasuharu Koike}, title = {Computational reproductions of external force field adaption without assuming desired trajectories}, journal = {Neural Networks}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100830082, author = {Victor Barradas and Jason.J Kutch and Toshihiro Kawase and Yasuharu Koike and Nicolas Schweighofer}, title = {When 90% of the variance is not enough: residual EMG from muscle synergy extraction influences task performance}, journal = {N. J Neurophysiology}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100815396, author = {Yasuharu Koike and Toshihiro Kawase and Hiroyuki Kambara and Nicolas Schweighofer and Natsue Yoshimura}, title = {Muscle Synergy Analysis for Rehabilitaion}, journal = {Examines in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitaion}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100847528, author = {Cho Woorim and Nicolas Schweighofer and Barradas Victor and Yasuharu Koike}, title = {Design Isometric Force Rotating Task for EMG Normalization of Stroke Patients}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }