@article{CTT100803451, author = {A. Aiba and F. Demir and S. Kaneko and S. Fujii and T. Nishino and K. Tsukagoshi and A. Saffarzadeh and G. Kirczenow and M. Kiguchi}, title = {Controlling the thermoelectric effect by mechanical manipulation of the electron's quantum phase in atomic junctions}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100925621, author = {A. Aiba and S. Kaneko and M. Kiguchi and F. Demir and A. Saffarzadeh and G. Kirczenow}, title = {The observation of quantum interference at Au atomic junctions based on the measurements of electric conductance and thermoelectric effect}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100925603, author = {相場諒 and 金子哲 and 木口学 and F. Demir and A. Saffarzadeh and G. Kirczenow}, title = {電気伝導度、熱起電力計測に基づくAu原子接点における量子干渉効果の観測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100735093, author = {Y. Li and F. Demir and S. Kaneko and A. Saffarzadeh and G. Kirczenow and M. Kiguchi}, title = {Atomic structure and electron transport property of copper atomic junctions in the presence of water molecules}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }