@article{CTT100715620, author = {R. Yukawa and S. Yamamoto and K. Ozawa and M. Emori and M. Ogawa and Sh. Yamamoto and K. Fujikawa and R. Hobara and S. Kitagawa and Hiroshi Daimon and H. Sakama and I. Matsuda}, title = {Electron-hole recombination on ZnO(0001) single-crystal surface studied by time-resolved soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100715507, author = {KENICHI OZAWA and Masato Emori and Susumu Yamamoto and Ryu Yukawa and Shingo Yamamoto and Rei Hobara and Kazushi Fujikawa and Hiroshi Sakama and Iwao Matsuda}, title = {Electron-Hole Recombination Time at TiO2 Single-Crystal Surfaces: Influence of Surface Band Bending}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, year = 2014, }