@article{CTT100917044, author = {Jaclyn Thompson and Casey Barr and Lydia Babcock-Adams and Lina Bird and Eugenio La Cava and Arkadiy Garber and Yuichi Hongoh and Mark Liu and Kenneth H. Nealson and Akihiro Okamoto and Daniel Repeta and Shino Suzuki and Clarissa Tacto and Michelle Tashjian and Nancy Merino}, title = {Insights into the physiological and genomic characterization of three bacterial isolates from a highly alkaline, terrestrial serpentinizing system}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100832276, author = {Merino N. and Kawai M. and Boyd E.S. and Colman D.R. and Shawn McGlynn and Nealson K. and Kurokawa K. and Hongoh Y.}, title = {Single-cell genomics of novel actinobacteria with the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway discovered in a serpentinizing system}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, year = 2020, }