author = {K. R. Kean and K. Nishio and K. Hirose and M. J. Vermeulen and H. Makii and R. Orlandi and K. Tsukada and A. N. Andreyev and I. Tsekhanovich and S. Chiba},
title = {Validation of the multinucleon transfer method for the determination of the fission barrier height},
journal = {Physical Review C},
year = 2019,
author = {Chikako Ishizuka and Mark D. Usang and Fedir A. Ivanyuk and Joachim A. Maruhn and Katsuhisa Nishio and Satoshi Chiba},
title = {Four-dimensional Langevin approach to low-energy nuclear fission of 236U},
journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsuhisa Nishio and Kentaro Hirose and Vermeulen Mark and Hiroyuki Makii and Riccardo Orlandi and Kazuaki Tsukada and Masato Asai and Atsushi Toyoshima and Tetsuya K. Sato and Yuichiro Nagame and Satoshi Chiba and Yoshihiro Aritomo and Shouya Tanaka and Tsutomu Ohtsuki and Igor Tsekhanovich and Costel M. Petrache and Andreyev Andrei},
title = {Study of fission using multi-nucleon transfer reactions},
journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences},
year = 2017,
author = {Kentaro Hirose and K. Nishio and Hiroyuki Makii and Ichiro Nishinaka and S. Ota and T. Nagayama and N. Tamura and S. Goto and A.N. Andreyev and M.J. Vermeulen and S. Gilespie and C. Barton and A. Kimura and H. Harada and S. Meigo and S. Chiba and T. Ohtsuki},
title = {Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced fission and capture cross sections for 241Am at neutron energies below},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A},
year = 2017,
author = {R.Léguillon and K. Nishio and K.Hirose and H.Makii and I.Nishinaka and R.Orlandi and K.Tsukada and J.Smallcombe and S.Chiba and Y.Aritomo and T.Ohtsuki and R.Tatsuzawa and N.Takaki and N.Tamura and S.Goto and I.Tsekhanovich and C.M.Petrache and A.N.Andreyev},
title = {Fission fragments mass distributions of nuclei populated by the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O + 232Th reaction},
journal = {Physics Letters B},
year = 2016,
author = {Satoshi Chiba and Katsuhisa Nishio and Yohihiro Aritomo and Hiroyuki Koura and Osamu Iwamoto and Hiroyuki Makii and Ichiro Nishinaka and Kentaro Hirose},
title = {A Comprehensive Approach to Determination of Nuclear Data of Unstable Nuclei},
journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences},
year = 2016,
author = {Yoshihiro Aritomo and Satoshi Chiba and Katsuhisa Nishio},
title = {Independent fission yields studied based on Langevin equation},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2015,
author = {H. Makii and S. Ota and T. Ishii and Y. Wakabayashi and K. Furutaka and K. Nishio and I. Nishinaka and S.Chiba and M. Igashira and A. Czeszumska},
title = {Development of a measurement system for the determination of (n, γ) cross-sections using multi-nucleon transfer reactions},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsuhisa Nishio and Kentaro Hirose and R. Léguillon and Hiroyuki Makii and Ichiro Nishinaka and Riccardo Orlandi and James Smallcombe and Kazuaki Tsukada and Satoshi Chiba and Tsutomu Ohtsuki and Ryotaro Tatsuzawa and Naoyuki Takaki},
title = {Fission Study of Actinide Nuclei Using Multi-nucleon Transfer Reactions},
journal = {Physics Procedia},
year = 2015,
author = {S. Chiba and K. Nishio and H. Makii and Y. Aritomo and I. Nishinaka and T. Ishii and K. Tsukada and M. Asai and K. Furutaka and S. Hashimoto and H. Koura and K. Ogata and T. Otsuki and T. Nagayama},
title = {Surrogate Reactions Research at JAEA/Tokyo Tech},
journal = {Nuclear Data Sheets},
year = 2014,
author = {Y. Aritomo and K. Hagino and K. Nishio and S. Chiba},
title = {Dynamical approach to heavy-ion induced fission using actinide target nuclei at energies around the Coulomb barrier},
journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},
year = 2012,
author = {Y. Aritomo and S. Chiba and K. Nishio},
title = {Dynamical model of surrogate reactions},
journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},
year = 2011,
author = {相澤 直人 and 足立 匡 and 有馬 孝尚 and 飯尾 雅実 and 飯沼 裕美 and 石川 喜久 and 石田 武和 and 井上 倫太郎 and 岩本 修 and 岩元 大樹 and 岩元 洋介 and 上野 恭裕 and 遠藤 仁 and 大友 季哉 and 大山 研司 and 岡村 崇弘 and 荻津 徹 and 奥山 大輔 and 鍵 裕之 and 梶本 亮⼀ and 金谷 利治 and 川北 至信 and 河村 成肇 and 神田 聡太郎 and 北口 雅暁 and 木村 宏之 and 金正 倫計 and 幸田 章宏 and 小松 一生 and 川崎 真介 and 佐々木 憲⼀ and 佐藤 ⼀彦 and 佐波 俊哉 and 執行 信寛 and 篠原 武尚 and 柴田 薫 and 下村 浩⼀郎 and 菅野 未知央 and 杉山 純 and 瀬尾 俊 and 瀬⼾ 秀紀 and 田中 陶冶 and 玉田 太郎 and 千葉 敏 and 寺田 典樹 and 鬼柳 善明 and 中沢 雄河 and 中島 多朗 and 永谷 幸則 and 中野 敬太 and 中本 建志 and 南部 雄亮 and 仁尾 真紀子 and 西尾 勝久 and 西村 昇⼀郎 and 野崎 洋 and 野尻 浩之 and 野村 大輔 and 羽賀 勝洋 and 萩原 雅人 and 林 好⼀ and 原田 正英 and 髭本 亘 and 藤⽥ 全基 and 牧村 俊助 and 益⽥ 隆嗣 and 松⽥ 洋樹 and 三島 賢二 and 三宅 康博 and 明午 伸⼀郎 and 八島 浩 and 山室 修 and 吉岡 瑞樹 and 吉田 誠 and 若井 栄⼀ and 和田 道治 and 渡辺 幸信},
title = {J-PARC物質・⽣命科学実験施設 第2ターゲットステーション 概念設計書 第 1.2 版},
year = 2020,
author = {西尾 勝久 and 千葉 敏},
title = {核データ研究の最前線~たゆまざる真値の追究、 そして新たなニーズへ応える為に~},
year = 2017,