@article{CTT100774211, author = {Roya Liu and KENICHI OZAWA and Naoya Terashima and Yuto Natsui and Baojie Feng and Suguru Ito and Wei-Chuan Chen and Cheng-Maw Cheng and Susumu Yamamoto and Hiroo Kato and Tai-Chang Chiang and Iwao Matsuda}, title = {Controlling the surface photovoltage on WSe2 by surface chemical modification}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100774213, author = {Kenichi Ozawa and Susumu Yamamoto and Ryu Yukawa and Ro-Ya Liu and Naoya Terashima and Yuto Natsui and Hiroo Kato and Kazuhiko Mase and Iwao Matsuda}, title = {Correlation between Photocalatytic Activity and Carrier Lifetime: Acetic Acid on Single-Crystal Surfaces of Anatase and Rutile TiO2}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100838383, author = {KENICHI OZAWA and Susumu Yamamoto and Marie D'angelo and Yuto Natsui and Naoya Terashima and Kazuhiko Mase and Iwao Matsuda}, title = {Enhanced Photoresponsivity of Fullerene in the Presence of Phthalocyanine: A Time-Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Phthalocyanine/C60/TiO2(110)}, booktitle = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, year = 2019, }