@article{CTT100810927, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Mari Kawaguchi and Tohru Yano and Sho Isoyama and Shigeki Yasumasu and Masataka Okabe}, title = {Translocation of promoter-conserved hatching enzyme genes with intron-loss provides a new insight in the role of retrocopy during teleostean evolution}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100810956, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Mari Kawaguchi and Tohru Yano and Kaori Sano and Masataka Okabe and Shigeki Yasumasu}, title = {Evolutionary Changes in the Developmental Origin of Hatching Gland Cells in Basal Ray-Finned Fishes.}, journal = {Zoological Science}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100838845, author = {長澤竜樹 and 安増茂樹 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆}, title = {脊椎動物孵化腺細胞の進化発生学的研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100838855, author = {大嶋 理香 and 辰巳徳史 and 姫岩翔子 and 長澤竜樹 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆}, title = {ゼブラフィッシュの内胚葉発現遺伝子地図から観る肺と鰾の相同性の検証}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100810982, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {真骨魚類レトロコピー遺伝子―十数億年続く分子進化の制約を打ち破る―}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100810984, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Mari Kawaguchi and Tohru Yano and Shigeki Yasumasu and Masataka Okabe}, title = {Unique molecular evolution in teleost hatching enzyme genes – is this a new role of retrotransposon for evolution? -}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100811010, author = {姫岩 翔子 and 辰巳 徳史 and 長澤竜樹 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆}, title = {条鰭類の鰾の起源の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100811013, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 礒山翔 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {真骨魚類孵化酵素遺伝子のイントロン消失メカニズム -ゲノム構造の進化的制約から解放された遺伝子の分子進化-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100811019, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 礒山翔 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {孵化酵素遺伝子のイントロン消失メカニズム:分子進化におけるレトロコピーの新たな役割の考察}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100811021, author = {姫岩翔子 and 辰巳徳史 and 長澤竜樹 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆}, title = {チョウザメの含気器官の組織学的分子生物学的解析と鰾の起源に関する考察}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100811023, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {真骨魚類の孵化酵素遺伝子はプロモーターと一緒にretrotranslocationを起こした}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100811024, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {真骨魚類の進化過程において孵化酵素遺伝子が頻繁に経験したretrotranslocationとintron-lossの関係}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100811027, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Mari Kawaguchi and Tohru Yano and Shigeki Yasumasu and Masataka Okabe}, title = {The intron-loss evolution by retrotranslocation in Teleost -using the hatching enzyme genes as a model-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100811025, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {真骨魚類の進化過程において孵化酵素遺伝子はintronを失いながら、頻繁にretrotranslocationを起こした}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100811028, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {孵化腺細胞はなぜ真骨魚類と両生類で発生学的起源が異なるのか?}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100811032, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Tohru Yano and Mari Kawaguchi and Shigeki Yasumasu and Masataka Okabe}, title = {The conserved enhancer of the hatching enzyme gene in ray-finned fish}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100811034, author = {長澤竜樹 and 矢野十織 and 川口眞理 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {ゼブラフィッシュ孵化酵素遺伝子のエンハンサー解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100811037, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆 and 安増茂樹}, title = {脊椎動物における孵化腺細胞由来細胞の発生進化学的解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100811038, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆 and 安増茂樹}, title = {孵化腺細胞は2種類の下位条鰭類の間で異なる胚葉から分化する}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100811039, author = {Tatsuki Nagasawa and Mari Kawaguchi and Tohru Yano and Masataka Okabe and Shigeki Yasumasu}, title = {Evolutional Change of developmental origin of hatching gland cells in basal ray-finned fishes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100811040, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 岡部正隆 and 安増茂樹}, title = {脊椎動物孵化腺細胞の発生進化学的解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100811049, author = {長澤竜樹 and 川口眞理 and 矢野十織 and 安増茂樹 and 岡部正隆}, title = {古代魚を用いた孵化腺細胞の発生進化学的解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, }