@article{CTT100899993, author = {Menaka Revel and Xudong Zhou and Dai Yamazaki and Shinjiro Kanae}, title = {Assimilation of transformed water surface elevation to improve river discharge estimation in a continental-scale river}, journal = {Hydrology and Earth System Sciences}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100880460, author = {Natsumi Kitajima and Rie Seto and Dai Yamazaki and Xudong Zhou and Wenchao Ma and Shinjiro Kanae}, title = {Potential of a SAR Small-Satellite Constellation for Rapid Monitoring of Flood Extent}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100899792, author = {Yukiko Hirabayashi and Masahiro Tanoue and Orie Sasaki and Xudong Zhou and Dai Yamazaki}, title = {Global exposure to flooding from the new CMIP6 climate model projections}, journal = {}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100858457, author = {北島夏実 and 瀬戸里枝 and 山崎大 and Xudong ZHOU and Wenchao MA and 鼎信次郎}, title = {小型 SAR 衛星コンステレーションによる 河川氾濫域の高頻度観測の可能性}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100899939, author = {Revel Menaka and Zhou Xudong and Yamazaki Dai and Kanae Shinjiro}, title = {Ability of assimition of satellite altimetry to estimate river discharge}, booktitle = {水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100857671, author = {Natsumi Kitajima and Rie Seto and Dai Yamazaki and MA Wenchao and Shinjiro Kanae and Xudong Zhou}, title = {POSSIBILITY OF HIGH-FREQUENCY OBSERVATION OF INUNDATION AREA BY SMALL SAR SATELLITES CONSTELLATION}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }