@article{CTT100783013, author = {H. Genda and T Sasaki and Y. Ueno and Tsuyoshi Iizuka and M. Ikoma}, title = {Ejection of iron-bearing giant-impact fragments and the dynamical and geochemical influence of the fragment re-accretion}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780302, author = {青山 慎之介 and 上野 雄一郎 and 小宮 剛 and Tsuyoshi Iizuka and 亀井 淳志 and M. Satish-Kumar}, title = {花崗岩の四種硫黄同位体から読み解く40億年前の全球的な微生物硫酸還元活動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, }