@article{CTT100885313, author = {Ho Hoang Huy and Julian Sasaki and Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang and Pham Nam Hai and Q. LE and B. YORK and C. Hwang and X. LIU and M. GRIBELYUK and X. XU and S. LE and M. HO and H. TAKANO}, title = {Large inverse spin Hall effect in BiSb topological insulator for 4 Tb/in2 magnetic recording technology}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100884262, author = {Ho Hoang Huy and J. SASAKI and N. H. D. KHANG and Pham NAM HAI and Q. LE and B. YORK and C. Hwang and X. LIU and M. GRIBELYUK and X. XU and S. LE and M. HO and H. TAKANO}, title = {Giant inverse spin Hall effect in BiSb topological insulator for 4 Tbpsi magnetic recording technology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, }