@article{CTT100820778, author = {Md. Harun Al Rashid and Arnolduslambertus Dipu and Yuta Nishikawa and Hitoshi Ogihara and Yuta Inami and Shunya Ohbuchi and ICHIRO YAMANAKA and Shinichi Nagamatsu and Daiki Kido and Kiyotaka Asakura}, title = {Active Phase Structure of the SiO2-supported Nickel Phosphide Catalysts for Non-Oxidative Coupling of Methane (NOCM) Reactions}, journal = {e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100818444, author = {Arnoldus Lambertus Dipu and Shunya Ohbuchi and Yuta Nishikawa and Shoji Iguchi and Hitoshi Ogihara and Ichiro Yamanaka}, title = {Direct Nonoxidative Conversion of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons over Silica-Supported Nickel Phosphide Catalyst}, journal = {ACS Catalysis}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100770524, author = {Arnoldus Lambertus Dipu and Shunya Ohbuchi and Yuta Nishikawa and Hitoshi Ogihara and Ichiro Yamanaka}, title = {Nickel Phosphide Catalyst for Direct Dehydrogenative Conversion of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100782929, author = {大淵俊弥 and 西川祐太 and Dipu Arnoldus Lambertus and 荻原仁志 and 山中一郎}, title = {シリカ担持Ni-P触媒によるメタンの脱水素多量化反応}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100711329, author = {西川祐太 and 荻原仁志 and 大淵俊弥 and 山中一郎}, title = {メタンの脱水素的多量化に有効な担持金属触媒の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }