@article{CTT100552244, author = {MIYUKI MITSUDA and Chihiro Watanabe}, title = {The Role of the Venture Leader Initiative in IPO Accomplishment: The Impact of Leader Characteristics on IPO Performance}, journal = {Journal of Services Research}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100552245, author = {MIYUKI MITSUDA and Chihiro Watanabe}, title = {Accerelated Interaction between Firms and Markets at ICT-based Venture Business: The Case of Mobile Phone Business in Japan}, journal = {Journal of Services Research}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552299, author = {満田深雪 and 渡辺千仭}, title = {科学リテラシとイノベーションをつなぐ科学体験の普及浸透の分析}, booktitle = {研究・技術計画学会第22回年次学術大会要旨集}, year = 2007, }