@article{CTT100723496, author = {Clelia Laitem and Justyna Zaborowska and Michael Tellier and Yuki Yamaguchi and Seifuku Sou and Sylvain Egloff and Hiroshi Handa and Shona Murphy}, title = {CTCF regulates NELF, DSIF and P-TEFb recruitment during transcription}, journal = {Transcription}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100777357, author = {山口 雄輝 and 磯部智康 and 曹 青福 and 山本 淳一}, title = {転写伸長段階の制御メカニズム:新たな制御因子の探索}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100777067, author = {曹 青福 and 陳 業熹 and 半田 宏 and 山口 雄輝}, title = {新規転写伸長因子ヒトRtf1が関与する転写制御の分子機構}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100777059, author = {曹 青福 and 陳 業熹 and 半田 宏 and 山口 雄輝}, title = {転写伸長因子ヒトPaf1複合体が関与する転写制御の分子機構}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100708578, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100708621, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100708696, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, year = 2015, } @phdthesis{CTT100708578, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2015, } @phdthesis{CTT100708621, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2015, } @phdthesis{CTT100708696, author = {Seifuku Sou}, title = {Sutudy on Rtf1, an uncharacterized human protein that controls the elongation phase of RNA polymerase II transcription}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2015, }