@article{CTT100880731, author = {Takehisa Yamakita and Fumiaki Sodeyama and Akira Iguchi and Yuko F. Kitano and Kosuke M. Teshima and Akifumi Shimura and Aki Nakabayashi and Satoshi Nagai and Takashi Nakamura and Hiroaki Aizawa and Nina Yasuda}, title = {Consideration of Genetic Structure in the Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas Criteria: A Review of Convention on Biological Diversity Regional Workshops and A Case Study of Coral Reef Conservation Planning}, journal = {Frontiers in Marine Science}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100819482, author = {Aki Nakabayashi and Takehisa Yamakita and Takashi Nakamura and Hiroaki Aizawa and Yuko F. Kitano and Akira Iguchi and Hiroya Yamano and Satoshi Nagai and Sylvain Agostini and Kosuke M. Teshima and Nina Yasuda}, title = {The potential role of temperate Japanese regions as refugia for the coral Acropora hyacinthus in the face of climate change}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822733, author = {安田仁奈 and 志村晶史 and 中林朗 and 山北剛久 and 中村隆志 and 相澤浩明 and 北野裕子 and 井口亮 and 山野博哉 and 長井敏 and Sylvain Agostini and 手島康介}, title = {北上してできたサンゴ集団の遺伝構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822734, author = {Akifumi Shimura and Hiroaki Aizawa and Takashi Nakamura and Takehisa Yamakita and Yuko F Kitano and Akira Iguchi and Hiroya Yamano and Nina Yasuda}, title = {Population Genetic Structure of Acropora solitaryensis and A. cf. glauca including the recently Colonized Northernmost}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100822739, author = {相澤浩明 and 中村 隆志 and 安田仁奈 and 山北剛久}, title = {低緯度~高緯度にわたる広域に適用可能なクシハダミドリイシの一斉産卵日予測のための有効積算水温の再検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100822741, author = {志村 晶史 and 相澤 浩明 and 中村 隆志 and 山北 剛久 and 北野 裕子 and 井口 亮 and 山野 博哉 and 安田 仁奈}, title = {温帯ミドリイシサンゴの集団遺伝解析~最新集団遺伝解析MIG-seqによるアプローチ~}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100822746, author = {相澤浩明 and 中村 隆志 and 安田 仁奈}, title = {海流モデルを用いたオニヒトデの島嶼間コネクティビティーの解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }