@article{CTT100565562, author = {MASABUMI MASUKO and Hiroyasu Sato and AKIHITO SUZUKI and Osamu Kurosawa}, title = {Prevention of oxidative degradation of ZnDTP by microcapsulation and verification of its antiwear performance}, journal = {Tribology International}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100543856, author = {佐藤広安 and 鈴木章仁 and 益子正文 and 黒澤 修}, title = {マイクロカプセル化による潤滑油添加剤の保護と摩擦面での潤滑性能発揮}, booktitle = {トライボロジー会議予稿集 佐賀 2007-9}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100560795, author = {Masabumi Masuko and Hiroyasu Sato and Akihito Suzuki}, title = {Prevention of Oxidative Degradation of Antiwear Additive by Microcapsulation; and Verification of Antiwear Performance}, booktitle = {Synopusis of 34th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology}, year = 2007, }