@article{CTT100659704, author = {黒岩一馬 and 大宅淳一 and 新大軌 and 盛岡実 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {普通ポルトランドセメントの水和反応に及ぼすCaO・2Al2O3添加の影響}, journal = {Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100652415, author = {黒岩一馬 and 大宅淳一 and 新大軌 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {OPC‐CaO・2Al2O3系の水和反応解析とヨウ素酸イオンの固定}, booktitle = {第67回セメント技術大会講演要旨集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100650888, author = {黒岩一馬 and 新大軌 and 大宅淳一 and 盛岡実 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {OPC-CaO・2Al2O3系によるAFm相の生成とヨウ素固定}, booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会 2013年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100643100, author = {Kazuma Kuroiwa and JUNICHI OHYA and Daiki Atarashi and Masahiro Miyauchi and Seishi Goto and ETSUO SAKAI}, title = {Synthesis of AFm Phase Containing IO3- in CaO・2Al2O3-Ca(OH)2-Ca(IO3)2-H2O System and Its Ion Immobilization Ability}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 13th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium for Young Scientists on the Construction Materials}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100635036, author = {白石 雅大 and 黒岩一馬 and 大宅淳一 and 盛岡実 and 新大軌 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {カルシウムアルミネート系化合物を用いたヨウ化物イオンの固定}, booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2012年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100635043, author = {黒岩一馬 and 依田侑也 and 大宅淳一 and 新大軌 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {Ca3Al2O6-CaSO4・2H2O-Ca(IO3)2系の水和}, booktitle = {セラミックス基礎科学討論会第50回記念大会}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643117, author = {Kazuma Kuroiwa and JUNICHI OHYA and Daiki Atarashi and ETSUO SAKAI}, title = {Hydrate Products of CaAl2O4-CaSO4・2H2O-Ca(IO3)2 system}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium for Young Scientists on the Construction Materials}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100601473, author = {黒岩一馬 and 依田侑也 and 大場陽子 and 大宅淳一 and 三五弘之 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {Ca3Al2O6-CaSO4・2H2O-Ca(IO3)2系の水和}, booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2010年会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, }