@article{CTT100830388, author = {Deepshikha Nair and Yuki Terazawa and Ben Sitler and Toru Takeuchi}, title = {Seismic response of long-span domes supported by multi-storey substructures}, journal = {Journal of IASS}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100831153, author = {Nair Deepshikha and Miho Fujishima and Yuki Terazawa and Yuya Mori and Toru Takeuchi}, title = {一般化応答スペクトル解析法に基づく大空間構造物の座屈拘束ブレース最適設計-その1 解析モデルとBRBの最適容量分布-}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100832269, author = {D.Nair and B.Sitler and Y.Terazawa and T.Takeuchi}, title = {Seismic Response Characteristics of long-span domes: Roof-substructure interaction}, booktitle = {2020 17WCEE Proceedings}, year = 2020, }